Joshua 7:9c “. . . and what wilt Thou do for Thy great name?”
Top Three Praises:
1) God Seeker DVD is 99% complete! We’re almost ready to reproduce and distribute this new resource.
2) 2011 speaking schedule filling in as the Lord leads. On-line orders from the FSM website are generating speaking engagements in places we’ve never been before.
3) Growing team of monthly supporters
Top Three Prayer Requests:
1) Pray for continued favor with Life Way and open doors to put FSM resources on their shelves nationwide. We’re in negotiation with them now.
2) Pray for guidance as a national speakers’ bureau reviews FSM resources. Ask the Father to open doors of opportunity that He wants open and close those He wants to remain shut.
3) Pray that the God Seeker DVD will be well received and widely used for God’s glory and that we’ll have wisdom in knowing the most God-honoring ways to promote this tool.
At Further Still, we want to see God move in such a way that His great name is exalted above all! We are watching God work through your prayers. As a board, we meet monthly for prayer. It’s exciting – at one meeting, we were praying about a specific speaking engagement and the phone rang during the prayer time with the very answer we sought! Thank you for helping us ask as Joshua did, ” . . . and what wilt Thou do for Thy great name?”!
Kristen and the Further Still team
Love the new blog. This is so amazing and I am so excited to see how God will use it to encourage and bless people!
Love the look of the web site and the blog! Also the name Knee mail is an awesome name! I can’t wait to see the blog grow and read the wonderful comments from others for wisdom, encouragement and growth. God Bless!
Thanks for your encouragement. We’re hoping that this blog will become a terrific way for people to share what they see God doing in and around them as He works in our world! We look forward to a community of believers encouraging each other through this blog.
Blessings, Kristen