Hi Folks, Just a reminder to get out there and vote. I wanted to share a blog post below that was published by Bob Russell in regards to our upcoming election. His words are spot on! Link directly to the blogpost: http://Vote YES on Amendment 2 – Bob Russell Or read the post below. Vote […]
Get out there and vote!
Derby Volunteer Opportunity through The Prisoner’s Hope Ministry
Your Time Is The Best Possible Gift! The Prisoners Hope is working at the Derby again this year. Team up with us in an exciting environment Great opportunity to work with friends and neighbors Volunteers Needed for: Set up Stocking Retail sales and FUN! This is a terrific fundraising opportunity for our […]
He is Risen!!
Dear Further Still Family, Former Notre Dame football coach Lou Holtz has a quote that I have modified a little bit for this Easter weekend. If you want to be happy for an hour, eat a steak or have a great meal. If you want to be happy for a day, go shopping or go […]
Rejoicing comes in the morning
Fall/Winter 2020 Newsletter
The Psalmist wrote, “His praise will always be on my lips.” (Psalm 34:1) In the midst of Covid, racial tensions and political backbiting, God is still on the throne and is completely sovereign. He is worthy of our praise, thanksgiving and worship. In this season of Thanksgiving–and moving towards Christmas and the end of […]
Details for the upcoming LIVE radio show with Bob Russell and the Spiritual Warfare Series–Part II
Friends, Below you find all the details ( or click this link https://furtherstillministries.org/2020/10/live-radio-show-with-bob-russell-next-week/) to be able to listen to our upcoming Solid Steps LIVE radio show with Bob Russell as our featured speaker. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Also, our Spiritual Warfare Series—Part II will start this coming Monday, October 26th. https://furtherstillministries.org/spiritual-warfare-series/ This is a new, different series […]
Live Radio Show with Bob Russell next week
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