Psalm 51:10 “Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me.”
Speaking for Gospel Baptist Church Women’s Retreat in Greensboro, NC was a huge privilege! Pastor Paul Luttrell and his wife Karen have ministered faithfully at Gospel for the past 30+ years. I owe a giant debt to these two. They began building into me when I was just 12 years old, modeling for me and training me to love the Lord my God with all my heart, soul, mind and strength! Pastor Paul first introduced me to inner-city mission work, the life and writings of Hudson Taylor and serving the Lord as part of a ministry team. He instilled in me a love for the Word of God that continues to grow to this very day. It’s always an honor to return to those roots and be reminded again of the gift they have been in my life and ministry.
How about you? Who are you pouring into? Know any 12 year-olds who could use a godly model to follow? Don’t ever underestimate the power of discipleship. Multiply your life into another and watch what God will do!
200 women and teens attended Wash Day: Come Clean at Gospel Baptist Church on October 9, 2010. Psalm 51 was our text and we were both challenged and encouraged to allow God to create for us a clean heart and renew a right spirit within us. Thank you for your prayers. I spoke to and prayed with several women who did business with the Lord that day and one young teen gave her life to Christ!

Pastor Paul Luttrell and Kristen

Looks like it was fun to go home for a visit – even if it was wash day. 🙂 So glad it was a fruitful trip. Your ministry is a blessing in my life and it’s always a treat to hear how God is working through your ministry for His glory.