” . . . I will put you in the cleft of the rock and cover you there with My hand . . .” Ex. 33:22
FSM Top 3 Praises!
1- Praising God for the third reprinting of the God Seeker Bible study as it rolls off the presses today. God has been faithful to put this resource into the hands of His people without any advertising campaign or marketing expense.
2- Praising God for an opportunity to get away for a week this month to finish one writing assignment and begin a new one.
3- Praising God for the opportunity to partner with women’s ministry at the new Southeast Oldham Campus to train and equip leaders for a ministry of discipleship.
EXTRA PERSONAL PRAISE: Olivia has been accepted to study missions at Moody Bible Institute this fall!
FSM Top 3 Requests
1- Please pray for safety as Kristen travels and as she is away from her family February 10-18. Pray for Kurt and the kids at home and pray that the Lord will multiply her time enabling her to make the most of this writing opportunity.
2- Pray that churches/prison ministries/ etc. will be interested in using the God Seeker DVD curriculum and study. By faith, we have a large inventory now of both DVDs and workbooks. We are trusting the Lord to once again, put them where they need to be.
3- Please continue to pray for a healthy family/ministry balance as Kristen supports Kurt in his new role of Oldham Campus Pastor and continues to obey the Lord’s direction with FSM.
We’re standing firm in the cleft of the rock, thankful to be covered there by His hand! Thank you for standing with us. We wait and watch with you for the glory of the Lord to be revealed!
For Christ! The Further Still Team
Thanks Kristen for being so real! I will pray for this special week to be abundantly filled with God’s presence, His annointing, His peace and security for you and your family as you pursue serving Him and others through your writing. Also, Lee and I are continuing to lift to the Lord you, Kurt and the sweet dear children for protection and wisdom as you make daily decisions for our church family. God is before us, all is well.
In His love and mine…
Martha, your prayers mean so much! Thank you. Praying for you too, as you begin your women’s group. Can’t wait to hear how that goes. I sure will miss being at Oldham this weekend. I just loving worshiping there all together. It already feels like home.