Every so often I’ll get a report from a fellow God seeker letting me in on her tent of meeting experience with the Lord. Here’s one I couldn’t resist passing along.
I just wanted to share my “Tent of Meeting” with you. I had been praying about where I should set up my tent of meeting ever since we started this Bible Study. I thought maybe my bedroom, because it would be private, but it is already crowded and of course I sleep in there. So, then I thought maybe the living room, in a corner, that is near a window, but it is a high traffic area and it doesn’t get me away from the camp. Then I thought maybe the basement in a corner, but that is also a high traffic area. So, I was getting frustrated because I just couldn’t figure out where to set up my tent. I decided to pray about it and just wait on the Lord to show me, if He wanted me to have a special place designated for Him.
After a few days, it just hit me or should I say, God just hit me with a place to meet with Him…..the ATTIC!!! I went up there and looked around and thought if I move some things around, this just might work. So I started getting excited and worked all day on cleaning it up, getting a carpet remnant, an end table, my favorite chair, put curtains on the window and hung a picture. It turned out great and is such a nice place to meet with my Savior!
I have been consistently retreating to my tent for about a week and half now and I actually look forward to this special time with the Lord, when before it was a just a chore that I had to cross of my list. It has become a special place to truly listen and soak up my Father’s words and let them penetrate in my heart. Praise God!!
Enjoying being on this journey with you,
Have you set up your own private place to meet with your Lord? Spring is a tremendous time for new beginnings. Carve out your “tent,” seek Him with all your heart and He will be found by you!
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