I refuse to pay full price! Blame my momma. From way back in my single digits, on up-early Saturday mornings, wearing sweats and sporting a pony tail, mom indoctrinated me in the fine art of garage sale shopping. From her I first learned the thrill of the hunt.
The ability to scope, scan and score are among the many skills she passed down the line.
Scope- Driving slowly by a yard sale in progress in order to determine if the sale is worth wrestling for a parking place and actually getting out of the car. Basically you’re making the junk judgement call curb-side from the comfort of your own vehicle.
Scan- After parking strategically (so you won’t be blocked in for too long), the savvy shopper enters the fray and begins to scan the entire sale thereby isolating areas of best potential in order to beat out other aggressive hunters.
Score- Landing the big bargain equals a score. Often an undercurrent of unspoken competition persists between companion hunters each hoping to bag the best score of the day.
Since bargain hunting is in my blood, I immediately connected with Betty’s good fortune. A friend sent me a picture of Betty this week eagerly showing off her find from the neighborhood Good Will. Take a close look.
Can you read that, folks? Betty’s beautiful t-shirt reads Further Still Ministries!
Hey, I’ve seen Bob Russell’s and Beth Moore’s stuff at Half Price Books. When you think of it that way, at least we’re in good company!
Thanks, Betty. You’re a beauty and we love your bargain-hunting heart!
HAHA 🙂 This is funny….the picture wouldnt show up though. Is it just my computer?
Hey – that’s pretty good…the name is getting out there!
Hilarious! Remember the guy in the red truck? We had to map out the route the night before and get up exta early or he would scarf up the good stuff while we were parking. We’d round the corner, and Matt would say, “Oh no, Mom! The red truck!” Somehow, that old red truck had bargain radar…or maybe it was just trying to get there before the fleet-footed momma in the green Hornet with 4 expert scroungers!