Reading a book right now by Richard A. Burr called Praying Your Prodigal Home: Unleashing God’s Power to Set Your Loved Ones Free. It’s a wonderful complement to the Praying for Your Prodigal study of Luke 15. Mr. Burr writes from first-hand experience. He shares the story of his own prodigal son and his home-coming just before his home-going to heaven.
I know many of you, like me, are still praying for prodigals. The Father continues to encourage me regularly with stories from many of you who are seeing the fruit of your prayers and some of you who are even at that point in the journey where you are enjoying the sweet celebration of having your prodigal home. Thank you for telling and re-telling your stories! They need to be told.
One of the themes on the new radio program (which begins this coming Monday, April 16th!) will be where we see God working to bring prodigals home. We want to point to the Lord’s work and encourage others to hang in there, keep praying and trust Him fully to woo and win each prodigal’s heart.
I’m asking the Lord to raise up a mighty army of prayer warriors to form a foundation for Excellent Things every weekday afternoon from 3-4PM, and I’m asking the Holy Spirit to speak through the airwaves and transform our lives as we focus on God’s work around us and His great glory. Please help spread the word about this new program on AM 900 WFIA. If you are on Facebook or other social media please send a “shout out” to your own sphere of influence. And, if you are willing to pray regularly for Excellent Things, please let me know.
Tuesday and Wednesday, April 17-18, Brad Tyrer will be our guest as we point to God’s work through answered prayer. Brad was being prayed for for almost 20 years before he came to Christ. He had no idea his former college football teammates were interceding for him!. God was at work behind the scenes and today Brad is a servant of the Most High God because God works through answered prayer.
I want as many people as possible to hear Brad’s testimony. It is powerful and it will motivate us to keep on keeping on in prayer.
Don’t give up. Pray hard and expect God to work. Someday I want to be able to tell your story of God at work through answered prayer bringing your prodigal home!
Oh, Kristen…. the journey can be so very long and exhausting while praying for our prodigals, but I am so thankful we have you, your Bible study, other books, scriptures, encouragement from others and the prayers of the saints to keep us going!!
May we never give up…
May God answer our prayers “immeasurably more than all we could ask or imagine…” (Ephesians 3:20-21a)
Can’t wait to listen to your program tomorrow!!! 🙂