Olivia reporting in! The Lord has been so good to us in directing our steps and in showing us so much grace. Thank you for praying!
We believe and are trusting that this alkaline diet, water and supplements have only helped the process of healing. Mom reminded me recently of Daniel when he asked the king’s official to allow him and his friends a 10 day test to see if they would be stronger while only eating vegetables and drinking water. “At the end of the ten days they looked healthier and better nourished than any of the young men who ate the royal food” (Check out Daniel 1:15). We have been praying that like Daniel, the Lord would miraculously use these veggies to strengthen Mom! So Mom is eating like Daniel and we are praying like Daniel! She hasn’t lost a single pound! As Ellie says, “Now that’s a miracle!” 🙂 Mom has been having more energy and strength than she had two weeks ago. We really rejoice in this!
The past week has been a long process of researching, sending paperwork and communicating with different cancer treatment centers around the country. Finally, the decision has been made to begin radiation on her brain here in Louisville tomorrow afternoon while waiting for the results of the biopsy in New York. Please continue to pray that we receive good news from New York and that the radiation treatments go well. Pray that Mom would not be fearful but would be “bold as a lion” (Proverbs 28:1). Also pray that our health insurance would accept other treatment centers if the Lord leads and directs outside of Louisville.
We believe that healing has already begun as a result of your prayers, the countless people who are also fasting, and the diet + supplements. God is working and has been so good. We are so blessed and He sends encouragement our way at just the right time. I have decided to take a semester off to help and be at home with the family. Thank you for praying as I made that decision.
The verse that we have been meditating on today is Romans 15:13 – “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”
Hi Olivia
Thanks for the update. We are so thankful for the encouragement and will be praying for your Mom as she starts treatment. We know God is with all of you, and He will fill her with a peace that passes understanding.
I prayed a lot last night for you and your decision about whether or not to return to college. Your decision is exactly what I hoped God would lead you to choose. Being away from your Mom and family during this time would have made it really hard to concentrate on your studies.
God is so good…and I know He will continue to hold all of you up as you journey through this trial together.
I love you…please give my love to all the others.
Always grateful for God’s Amazing Grace,
Mrs. Mc
Sweet Olivia! We all adore you! You must all be so blessed to have each other in this difficult time. Jim and I have not been able to sleep (not typical) and I truly sense The Lord is lining us up to be prayer warriors for you, your Mom and family. We are praying at every opportunity and asking friends & family to pray as well. We will continue to pray for your specific requests. We will be in constant prayer tomorrow as your mom starts her treatment. Your faith has inspired so many!
Take comfort in his peace…
Many of us are following God’s word…pray without ceasing….Know that we are with you in spirit and prayer…
Thanks Liv for sharing…praying for all of you..I have so many customers praying for you all too!! It’s neat to see the body of Christ all over the globe come together and pray!! Hugs ~ Joan
We are standing with you in faith and belief that God is able! Stay strong and courageous and do not be afraid. Many prayers and love to you and your family,
~The Killeens
Bless you all, dear Sauder family. I am praying diligently and often for the Lord’s guidance, peace and strength. My son had esophgeal cancer, Dr Kommer was his Dr He is in remission and we pray for each PET scan to show cancer free for 3 more years. I pray as you guide us in requests that our prayers are as warrios in battle for your healing. Our family depended on many who prayed as we took this journey begonnong 2009. God Bless. In Christ I pray, Carolyn Janes
Galatians 6:2 Bear one another’s budens and so fullfill the law of Christ.
I’m on Further Still Mailing and get your posts.
today was a day to fast and pray for Kristen, my Bible led me to Johan’s prayer 2:1-10…{I think of cancer as the great fish/ Kristen as Jonah}…the LORD provided a great fish to swallow Jonah (note:provided?)2:2 “in my distress I called to the Lord, and he answered me…2:5 “the engulfing waters threatened me, the deep surrounded me; seaweed was wrapped around my head” (radiation) 2:6b “but you brought my life up from the pit, O LORD my God” 2:9 “But I, with a song of thanksgiving, will sacrifice to you…”
2:10 and the LORD commanded the fish, and it released Jonah onto dry land (Kristen:radiant health)
We pray expectantly for our God to heal His good and faithful servant!
May the God of Creation find favor on the Sauder Family. God says we can ask, so I am asking for total healing of Kristen in Jesus Holy Name, and to Him be the Glory. I am praying for good news from New York and for all insurance issues to be cleared up. Thank you Lord for Kristen’s strength physically and spiritually. She is a woman after God’s Heart!
As I was driving into the center this morning the song from Fireproof by John Waller was playing “while I am waiting” and I thought of your family. We are all in this race with you and are continuously lifting you up to the Lord. We are believing victory in complete healing!!
Be Strengthened and Blessed today!!
Marilyn Colyer
Sauder Family,
Mike and I continue to pray for all of you. We will be praying for Kristen to have a day of peace and comfort that she will know only comes from Christ. Very thankful her diet is helping her stay strong.
love you all,
Mike and Kathy
Although we don’t know each other, we are a Blankenbaker campus family that is praying for you and your family in every way. I am sharing your blog posts with others–even co workers are being inspired by your faithful response and encouraging words from Scripture. Great decision for you, Olivia, to be with your family. May God direct every step.
Good morning dear Olivia and family! Lee and I are praying for freedom from fear and for complete confidence in our Ever Present Help in trouble for mom and family. Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith is doing a mighty work in you and through you blessing so many as you travel this road together unified through the Holy Spirit. Praising Him for our Rock and Refuge and praying for radiation to go well, insurance to be cooperative and for results from New York to be favorable. We love you so much and are reminded that God’s arm is not to short to give you heavenly hugs from us. What a comfort to know in Him all things hold together and we are witnessing that as we watch and pray for you.
Amen. Awesomeness in that scripture!
Romans 15:13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Philippians 4:4-9 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!…………And the God peace will be with you.
James 1:2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you now that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature
and complete, not lacking anything.
2 Thessalonians 3:16 Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you.
“Thank you Father, that Kristen has set the LORD always before her. Because You are at her right hand, she will not be shaken.” Psalm 16:8
Dear Kurt, Kristen and Family,
Melissa, Hannah, Joshua, Noah, Josiah and I (I am the guy who moved you all from Indiana to Louisville) pray for you all daily (multiple times). We are confident God will heal you and be with you through out your journey. When my brother was diagnosed with Cancer (RCC) it was the worst news we have every received in our family. The prognosis was not good, but through God’s strength, lots of prayer, strong relationship with family (friends too) and a change of diet my brother is doing great. It has now been over 5 years, going on 6 years this month. His journey brought him and the rest of the family closer to The Lord. I suffered a heart attack October 19th, 2012 (43 years old). On Tuesday, October 23rd (same day my Father passed away at 41 years old…..35 years ago), I had three stents inserted into my heart. I felt robbed at first. I was young, healthy, no history of heart problems on either side of my family and my cholesterol was at 170. Through my journey (which is still continuing) I grew closer to God and my family (thought I was already close, but I even grew closer). So please, hang in there, continue to draw closer to our Lord, family and friends for strength. We need you guys! You gave me my first taste of deer meat. You have been at just about every Wild-game Feed my family has attended. We love and care for you all, you are a part of our Church Family. If you need anything please do not hesitate to call or write. We will continue to pray for your Family daily. Take care.
We are praying for the Sauder family! Our prayers and love go out to you.
Praying, praying, praying for His favor! God Bless all of you!
Dear, Sauder’s! In times of pressing fear, this song has helped pull us together as one in Christ—the Rock that is Higher. After we have clapped our hands and stomped our feet, we find ourselves strengthened and much more at peace. It is not a well-known song, but we wanted to share the title with you should you care to listen to it on Youtube. “When I am Afraid” by Laura Hackett. Music always ministers to our spirits, especially Deb’s, taking us “further still”…where you want to see us go with the Lord. Warring for you with every spiritual weapon, The Neilan Family
It strikes me today “Further Still: Equipping the Christ Follower to Journey Further Still into the Presence of God”.
At 27 yrs old I was diagnosed with a rare cancer in the lining of my abdomen. The first day with my oncologist 5 yrs ago I was given the word “terminal”. The term “terminal” changed to “treatable” and even Further Still the term “treatable”changed to “remission”. Praise God!
By the grace of God I was healed and through my journey I experienced the presence of God in a way I cannot fully describe in words. The journey took me Further Still into the presence of God in a way that otherwise I might not have experienced.
I went through, surgeries, hospitalizations, chemotherapy, medications, pain, and side effects, but I wouldn’t trade it. I wouldn’t trade it because God worked miracles before my eyes. He answered prayer in a way I had not slowed down enough to see before. He spoke to me with a clarity I had not experienced before. I learned to appreciate the little things. I didn’t feel hindered to love on people or share my heart with them. I was able to truly put my life, and death, in His hands. I went Further Still into his presence.
My prayer is that you will continue to see the blessings in the journey and that the Lord with draw you Further Still into his presence. I pray that others will be drawn to Christ through your journey.
Continue to glorify Him through the journey. The “why me?” doesn’t matter. He knows. He’s got a plan and he’s the same God that you served the day before your diagnosis. The question is: Will you journey Further Still?
Love and Prayers,
Sarah (Kaufman) Longest
Dear Sweet Sauders………………..Love and prayers are following you daily, (correction………..MANY times daily), as we lift up your family to our gracious and merciful God. May you all have a beautiful night of restful and peaceful sleep tonight, and awake refreshed by the Promises, anointed by the Holy Spirit! Pink & Ken
Kristen, Kurt, Olivia and the rest of the family, just wanted you to know we are praying for you during these challenging days. I am reminded of Peter’s response to Jesus when he said in John 6:68 “Lord to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life”. Our lives are in the Lord’s hands! We are praying for peace, wisdom and strength for the days ahead. You are loved!
Kristen & Kurt:
Just happened to start reading from a New Life Application Bible this AM …. Randomly opened Bible to Ephesians … 1:11 states “furthermore, because we are united with Christ, we HAVE RECEIVED an inheritance from God, for he chose us in advance, and he makes EVERYTHING work out according to his plan”
The Study Application describes this verse by saying “God’s purpose is to offer salvation to the world, just as HE planned to do long ago. God is SOVEREIGN; HE is in charge. When your life seems chaotic, REST in TRUTH: Jesus is Lord, and God IS in control. God’s purpose to save you cannot be thwarted, no matter what evil Satan may bring.”
So much power in God’s Word. I immediately thought of you and Kurt when I read the very first chapter…. Then, I thought of Paul and how he physically took God’s word to the entire Roman Empire and surrounding areas.. Then, I thought about how many lives that YOU and KURT have touched in such a positive way …. Then, I Prayed to our Creator that you feel tangibly (from the Holy Spirit) all of the prayers from people each of you have touched that are being lifted up on your behalf!!!
In Christ,
Hello Sauder Family, Church just isn’t the same without you, we miss you greatly! Jared especially misses Pastor Kurt. Jared now has a girlfriend Kayla who is also 18 and they go to school together, Jared was really excited we were able to pick her up and bring her to church. He wanted to introduce her to Pastor Kurt, but I had to remind him that he would not be there. They both had a great time during praise and worship. We miss you all so much and continue to pray for you Kristen and the family. The new diet sounds perfect. I also agree with the Daniel Diet, I was just thinking of the same thing a couple of days ago. God Is So Good! I know you got this Kristen! Much Love and Prayers, The Nilli’s oxxoox
Kristen I want you to know you are in my prayers. I know how muchprayer works. I pray that the radiation goes as well for you as it has for me, other than make me tired it has been uneventful. I get the results Feb. 28th. Know I love you and Kurt and family. Marylyn
Dearest Sauder Family ! We are praying Dailey for Kristen, as well as your whole Family. Know others care & Love your Family. Praying for His Healing! — Jim, Carolyn. & Family
Kristen, Kurt and family,
Our prayers and love go out to all of you. We are all continually praying that God quickly heals such a strong and faithful servant.
God can do amazing things!
Scott, Jeannine, Zach and Sydney
Dear Sweet Sauders, We are sooo Blessed to have the opportunity to fast & pray on your behalf. THANK YOU for your cont’d. encouragement through your Blog. As we search the scriptures & ask the Holy Spiirit to show us what to pray for you guys today, a devo. that we read pointed us to Lamt. 3:22-23–B/c of the Lord’s great Love, we & the Sauders are not consumed for HIS compassions never fail! They are new every morning. GREAT is your faithfulness…AND don’t we KNOW it & BELIEVE it…Lotsa Love & Hugs, Always…Mike & Pat
Just know that MY family is praying for YOUR family! We love you so much!
It’s exciting to hear about the nutritional component of your treatment! I believe God made food to be our medicine. I have seen this to be so true in the healing journey I have been on. I take suppliments and regularly depend on them – I feel so much better with salad and magnesium. (Weird combo, I know! :)) Know you’re not alone in finding healing from such a source. Our family prays for you regularly – for strength and vitality. I pray that the learning process along the way to healing draws you intimately close to Jesus. For me the beauty of God’s healing is that it’s not just about my body, it was about my soul. God bless you on your journey Kristen! “Our God will fight for us. You need only be still.”
Praying, praying, praying in obedience & just as you would for any of us. Thank you for the updates on your blog . . . we rejoice at what HE is doing and will do in the future, because our confidence, ALONE, is in Jesus. You are loved, Pattie
Dear Sweet Kristen: I know withinn my heart that GOD is healing you right noq and that he has a plan for you and Kurt in the ministry. He is not finished with you and that he is teaching all of the fellow Christians how strong you are in faith and hope for a futre of eternal life. I pray that you will continue your faith in Christ and continue leading others to Christ through Jesus Christ and his grace. I will continue praying that you will heal each day and that you will never give up believing that Jesus is always with you and he will continue healing you in his will and in his timing. May God Bless you and your family and keep growing in Jesus and keep healing and being stronger each day. In Christ With Love Patty