Praising Jesus that my hair held through the last radiation treatment yesterday! It served as a tremendous covering over the scalp and my ears never experienced burns as the Doctors said they would.
Today our sweet Drew and his dear friend Don Gates (we like to claim him as an adopted son), shaved their heads as they stand with us in faith-filled praying! Aren’t they handsome young men?! Even better, they are handsome from the inside out. They love to rub their stubble-tops and every time they do, they intend to praise our Almighty God for the work He is doing.

Don Gates and Drew Sauder put love in action! So thankful for you two, your love for me and your love for your Lord!
Psalm 91 is becoming especially powerful in prayer times as we ponder in amazement and in full confidence just how mighty our God is along with the refuge and protection He provides His children. Thanking all of you for continuing to pray with great expectation of His good and miraculous work. Encouraging you to pray through this Psalm for yourself and your family as well. This is Who our God is! Let’s proclaim it.
Praying like Daniel for God’s favor to rest upon me so that in the days ahead with Doctor’s appointments they will be able to see tangible evidence of His hand at work. Asking the Father to miraculously sustain and even allow me to gain weight and muscle tone, supernatural physical strength and baby-fresh flesh on the scans – better shape than I was in before this got started! He is the God who makes all things new!
“Daniel said to the overseer . . ., ‘Please test your servants . . . and let us be given some vegetables to eat and water to drink. Then let our appearance be observed in your presence, and the appearance of the youths who are eating the king’s choice food and deal with your servants according to what you see.’
So (the overseer) listened to them in this matter and tested them . . . and at the end . . . their appearance seemed better and they were fatter than all the youths who had been eating the king’s choice food.” Daniel 1:11-15
Hallelujah! What a Savior!
Yes Kristen, what a Savior we serve….and what an encouragement your updates are to me and the many who are continually praying for you and your family. This morning I thought of you as I read Psalm 9:10. ” Those who know Your Name will trust in You, for You, Lord have never forsaken those who seek You”. As we storm the gates of heaven, we are believing our mighty God for your total healing.
Sending love and prayers,
Pam Holbrook
Drew and Don DO look handsome, but you my dear, look BEAUTIFUL! With all you’ve already gone through and can still look like a MOVIE STAR…………well, it’s beyond me!
We can’t wait for all the new cells for you too!
Praying so much for you and your family.
Love and a zillion hugs,
Cassie and George
Love the picture! Your beautiful smile and those handsome boys bring joy to all our hearts. Continuing to pray for peaceful rest, renewed strength every day, and the miracle of God’s healing power pouring over you like rain.
Dave Hastings and the Eastside family are keeping you in our prayers.
“Blessed are those who persevere under trial, because when they have stood the test, they will receive the Crown of Life that God has promised to those who love Him”. James 1:12 (For Kristen, Ben, and Scott)…
In Jesus’ name.
Dear Kristen: It is so great that GOD is working miracles in your life. I have been praying everyday that the cancer will be gone and the sickness you experience and the headaches and earaches will disappear. In fact I am writing a p[rayer journal and you are one of the people I am especially praying for. Please keep the faith and know that GOD is with you and will never forsake you. Pkeep me posted on your progress. I know that you are soon going to be 100% cured and GOD will make you new and whole again and even better than before. MAY GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY ALWAYS AND FOREVER Love Patty
AH-DORABLE! Give me this picture! Love it! Such visible joy radiates from within! “The one who lives under the protection of the Most High dwells in the shadow of the Almighty…” the only place to reside! Love and prayers!
So happy to see this sweet picture! Praise God for all he has done and all he has yet to do! Praying daily and I hope you know just how much God has and is teaching me. Love to all the Sauders!
I do love that truth found in Daniel and seeing it repeat itself in you is a blessing. We continue to pray for you and your family. We feel helpless in the physical, as we don’t know what we can do, but we know that in the spiritual there is much we can do. Blessings to you, and yours. May He give you strength for this upcoming week.
Kristen, We are praying for your complete healing morning and night. One of my favorite verses is Ps. 116 1-2 NLT I love the Lord because he hears and answers my prayers. Because he bends down and listens, I will pray as long as I have breath!
Kristen…YOU ARE THE RADIATION! You radiate His glory, His provision, His mercy, His unfailing love…KEEP BASKING IN THAT LIGHT! You are beautiful…praying Psalm 91 with you…Deborah
Kristen and Kurt, Sarah and I have been praying for you and your family and following the blog for some time. You really hit a chord in mentioning your affection for Psalm 91. Kurt, you may remember our chance meeting at Cracker Barrel several years ago as you were meeting to plan the launch of the Oldham campus. I was going through a rough and dark time having suffered a nerve disorder in my right hand, a paralyzed vocal cord and my job had been eliminated – all within a 30 day period. It was during those dark days that I too discovered Psalm 91 and its message of rescue. I memorized verses 2 and 4 (in the NLT) because they are so comforting and I underscored every appearance of the word “will” in verses 11-16 because they are such bold promises to us.
Also regarding God’s promise to rescue, I also drew particular strength from 2 Cor 1:8-10 (NLT) because of the powerful way Paul describes being “crushed and overwhelmed beyond our ability to endure” and through this they learned to “not rely on themselves, but to rely only on God”. And in verse 10 Paul victoriously proclaims “…he did rescue us from mortal danger, and he will rescue us again. We have placed our confidence in him, and he will continue to rescue us”.
But I also had to come to grips with whether or not I trusted that He would do what he promises. Thanks to my wonderful wife, I became aware of a Chip Ingram blog that really spoke to me and the link is Finally, in regard to trust, faith & hope, I somehow found Rom 5: 18-22. Using Abraham as the example, Paul points out ”…that even when there was no reason for hope, …Abraham’s faith did not weaken and …he never wavered. In fact, his faith grew stronger …because he was fully convinced that God is able to do whatever he promises. Similar to the Daniel verses cited in today’s blog, here’s another example of God’s ability to “…do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine…”. (Eph 3:20)
I realize that our circumstances are vastly different, but I’m praying that you might find comfort and reassurance as I did. Kristen, Sarah and I will continue to lift up you and the whole Sauder family both personally and in our bible study groups.
Kristin: Your smile radiates the room with the love you have for the lord and life. You are a true testament of faith. Praying for your healing.
Peace and Healing,
The Burgers
Praise, God is our sustainer and lifter of our souls. Kristen, you look beautiful. What sweet boys. They love their Momma.
Continuing to pray in faith, Suzanne
Dear Kristen and the whole Sauder family,
Just want you to know that we pray for you A LOT! I feel like I carry you around with me in my heart as you come to mind so often. Our prayers for you are frequent and heartfelt. You inspire us with your courage and dependence on the Lord who we know is ever able. I wanted to share this scripture with you:
The Sovereign LORD is my strength! He makes me as surefooted as a deer, able to tread upon the heights. Habakkuk 3:19
Always praying, Jeni Mattingly and family
Psalm 91 is also a significant psalm for me. I prayed that Psalm over my son while he was in serving with the Army in Iraq – it is known as “the soldier’s psalm.” He was surrounded by danger but came home safely. You are also in battle with this terrible invader so I understand why it has become special to you. You look so beautiful and peaceful in the picture. May He continue to strengthen and provide all that you need on this road to healing.
Just listened to a Great song by Kim Walker Smith “Still Believe” prayed for you as I worshiped thru this song!
Kristen, you are so beautiful inside and out! You are just glowing with Christ. I also love Psalm 91 which was a great comfort to me when I was going through a trial. I will pray that Psalm for you and Kurt and your family today. Keep fighting the good fight physically and spiritually! You have an army of prayer supporters like me. Love ya!
You are beautiful inside and out. You are such an inspiration. Our family prays for you daily. Thank you for sharing your journey. Love in Christ.
I have been a Southeast member for 3 years. I listen and love your WFIA radio program! Your radio program has been such an inspiration to me and others in our walk with Jesus! I have been on my knees praying for your healing and recovery! I am one of those people who have been awakened in the middle of the night to pray for you and your family. I know God has awesome plans for your ministry!!! Get well soon! My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family constantly.
Steve Arnold
I have been so encouraged as I follow your blog and continue to pray for you and your whole family. Can you tell me a little more about how to fast? It is something I have never done and I am feeling His nudge as I looked up all the biblical references after Dave Stone mentioned it last week.
Thank you!
P.S. Your boys are awesome and you look really great!
Mary, I am SO encouraged for you to begin this part of your journey with the Lord and know that He will speak to you and through you in many new ways as you seek Him through fasting. Looking up the Scriptures is, of course, the best place to start. Just keep meditating there and asking the Lord questions as you go, waiting on Him for answers. One great resource is an article that was published in March 1998 in Christianity Today called Adventures in Fasting by Ben Patterson – Biblical, practical and powerful. You can also find this article in the DC:Thoroughly Equipped 101 workbook, just after week 6 in the retreat section. The Living Word carries this. Another amazing work on fasting is found in Spirit of the Disciplines by Dallas Willard. The Living Word should have that too, as will all other Christian Bookstores.
Mary, thank you so much for your faith, your tender heart to obey the Lord even with a spiritual discipline that requires sacrifice. And, thank you so much for praying for me. I can’t tell you how much that encourages me.
Much love, sister! Kristen
Kurt and Kristen,
WOW! My heart is sad at the news of your illness. I just heard recently from Todd Morr. My family and my students are praying for you guys. God is so good, all the time. You both have impacted my life and Kathryn’s life. Because of your tennis game …remember… our lives are blessed. Kurt, your impact in my life is part of what I teach and try to model to my students and my own kids. Love you guys.