“The destruction of Moab has already begun. Her choice young soldiers are lying dead right now.” The King’s Decree – his full name, God-of-the-Angel-Armies. Jeremiah 48:15 Message
Thinking lots about God’s warring angelic host lately. I read the above verse on New Year’s Day and celebrated getting to know my God as the God-of-Angel-Armies. Since I don’t use the Message version very often, I’d never run into this specific description. How powerful! I recorded this name for God in my journal.
Today, I found a post on the blog by some dear friends who were praying last night. At the end of their prayer time a Chris Tomlin song they hadn’t heard before began playing. They sent me the link because it fits this journey so well. This song was new to me too. Can you guess the name? Whom Shall I Fear: God of the Angel Armies.
Here’s it is. Worship Him! He is mighty to save. He is the God of Angel Armies! He is our God!
I wanted to send hugs and greetings to you from Bosnia-Hercegovina. I am Jane Summay’s daughter-in-law, Beth. I had breast cancer two years ago and fear was THE thing God shook out of me through the experience. I am so encouraged by your blog! God is good and He has good things for you and your family. I know that sometimes what we think are good things are far different from God’s idea of good things and I am so glad that He knows.
We are missionaries here and are asking our fellow workers to be lifting you and your family before the LORD in prayer. We will all be fasting and praying especially on Mondays.
Thank you for sharing your heart through this experience. God is mighty to save!
Bless You, Dear Family! THANK YOU, Kristen, for your morning/daily encouragement! Your ministry is alive & well as you journey. “God-of-the-Angel Armies” has set us up for a morning of praise & worship & searching the Scriptures. We are lifting up The Sauder Family when we rise & when we lie down & many times in between. Your Blog is such a gift for us to keep connected & know specifically how to pray. Besides our prayers, we hope you feel our Hugs. Praising HIM for HIS Promises…Mike & Pat
Kristen, Praying daily for you and your family. That is our God he is Amazing…love that he gave you that scripture and song!!! He goes before you..God of the Angel Armies!! Stay strong and trust God you are going to beat this. God bless you….
Kristen, Kurt & kiddos,
It is a privilege to go to battle for you in prayer before our gracious and loving Father. He knows you by name and He hears your prayers. I am so thankful for the entire Sauder family and we (Greg & I) are praying with confidence that God has great and mighty acts that He will do in all of this. To God be the glory, great things He will do. You are lifted up!
Grace & peace,
Hi Kurt & Kristen!
I worked at Southeast with Kurt. My last day was December 14. Kind of taking a step of faith like you guys are. For that reason I’ve been out of the loop for a while.
I just found out this afternoon about this craziness Satan is throwing your way. Oh friends, I am praying, praying, praying! I KNOW that God has a plan to use your ministry in big ways through this. But! I am praying for healing!
If you need anything, let me know!
Love you, Sauder family!
Renee Reithel
praying with you and expecting God to reveal Himself in a mighty way…
if there’s anything you need please don’t hesitate to let us know!
the bramers
Thank you for sharing this link. WOW! How quickly it puts everything in perspective. Thank you.
Kristen, My husband, Jerry, knows Kurt and I have taken bible studies that you have taught. We also went on the marriage cruise that you and Kurt led (in 2004 I think). I just want you to know I am one of your prayer warriors. Scripture tells us He heals all our diseases and He works all things for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Thank you for sharing your journey with God through this time. You are building the faith of so many of us. He has sometimes worked in my life the way He assured you today that He is the God of the angel Armies. My faith is deepened by hearing how He is with you, strengthening and comforting you.
Greetings and peace, my dear sister, Kristen!
Not a day has gone by that I have not asked our Heavenly Father to “remember” you. I love that as God remembers, He not only thinks of us, BUT acts on our behalf…just as He remembered Noah, Hannah, Hezekiah…so many. Well…I remember YOU when you taught on Herod’s wife and Salome…the two step, side-step, stomp-stomp, on pointe…the dancing. I have never forgotten that imaging. And it makes me SMILE. I, too, am having prayers for my noggin. I am waiting to hear whether or not I will have brain surgery in the coming weeks…I’ll have to shave my head. My Dystonia has progressed and disabled me to some extent, but not disheartened me, nor discouraged me to the point that I cannot go “further still” with the author and finisher of our faith…and race in this life. I still dance as David danced before the Lord. It just looks a little different these days! A bit quirky! 🙂 I will continue to pray for you—unceasingly—that the God-of-Angel-Armies will fly you to the places you need to be and to the people you need to see…with Godspeed. I love you, Deborah
I live the Chris Tomlin song … Thank you for posting the link. On that link, on YouTube, the images, although only mans attempt at what angel armies may look like, I found the images so wonderful. Only I micro-mini peek into what God may have in the unseen realms. Dear friend I pray for God’s protection over you and your body. I love you beyond.
I love that song! It helped me get through my surgery. Now every time I hear it I pray for my doctor. Praying for you and your family so much every day!!! God is already using this trial for good!
I just heard of your illness yesterday and as I pray for you and you family today it reminded me of my journey and fear that came to me when I had no control of what is happening to me. Prayer and faith was my salvation and I remember reading, “through waves and clouds and storms he gently clears the way” and I knew I could make it through anything though him who strengthens me. You are blessed to have an incredible family and friends.We will continue to pray for your healing and if our family can do anything for you please let us know.
Kim Burger and Family
Dear Sauder family,
You have been in my thoughts and prayers often throughout my days and nights since I heard of this attack on Kristen’s health last week. I wake up at night and you are the first thing to come to my mind, Kristen. My heart is heavy, but I have peace in knowing our healing God has a transforming power to renew your body. Kristen, you are a source of uplifting strength for me as I listen to your radio broadcast and learn from your wisdom. I pray that we, as your friends and family, may be an uplifting strength to you during this season in your life. My family is praying for your specific requests and as you explore treatment in Texas. Lord, please go before this precious family and guide their path.
Peace and Grace,
Hey soulfriend :). I LOVE that you have claimed this song as yours!! Same song that God took me to India on…even as we looked into human trafficking and the evil of it all, that song and WHO OUR GOD IS would play through my mind and i had no fear. Dont forget 2 kings 6, where elisha asked for his servants eyes to be opened and he saw “the hills FULL of horses and chariots of fire all around elisha!” and elisha said “dont be afraid, those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”
And of course, 2 kings 20. God is not done yet dear friend.
Abba, we pray that you would bring clarity today. Bring unity in decisions and help kurt and kristen to both hear your clear voice saying, “this is the way, walk in it.” There are too many choices and doors closing. Please make it very simple and clear for them. Rain down your blessing on your faithful servants Lord God. We give you all the glory! Amen. Love you all!!!
Please know we continue to pray for all 5 in the Sauder family. We pray for healing, that God makes the path of treatment clear, and that He will continue to hold you so close.
We love you!
Praying for you, Kurt and your family. Know that our God is in control and He wants the best for you. He is all powerful and we can expect His best. Jeremiah 29:11.