It’s Ellie and I am finally writing my first blog! Today, mom kept a few things down- we experimented with almond milk to make some popsicles; very refreshing. She was prayed over, through Skype, by the Bethel church in California, this afternoon. Tonight she would like everyone to join her in prayer as she and dad go to a prayer healing ministry in Madisonville, Kentucky.
We believe in Christ, knowing he has the best plan for all things and can make good out of satin’s nasty ideas! Pray against headaches, sick tummy, ear aches, fatigue and of course for complete healing. Thank you so much for all your prayers already.
Dear Ellie, You did a great job on your first blog! I am so proud of you!! Thank you for the updates. We will be praying tonight. The almond milk popsicles sound so yummy. Did Liv think of that idea? It was either you or Liv, I know! One thing is for sure, Mom couldn’t have a better nurse than YOU! Thank you for taking care of my baby. Love you so much, Grammie
Oh Ellie, thank you for updating!!!!! Daily prayers are our privilege for your family!!! May AMAZING encouragement and healing come…as He allows and mandates! He was and is in control of all things…even in difficult days! Faith amazes Him…you are all doing an incredible job of seeking, seeing, and savoring Him in these days!!! May God abundantly bless each of you with His powerful presence and peace! Love to all!!!
Awesome Job, Miss Ellie ! 😉 Praying !
Dear sweet Kristen: I am checking on your progress and so far it has been great news. I have been praying alot for your speedy recovery and healing and that you will be back to your new self. I pray that the head aches ear aches & sick tummy will subside and that you will have complete peace and rest and that you also will have complete and total healing throughout your entire body. I know with all my heart that GOD will heal you in his will and in his time so I pray that you will have patience with GOD and know that he is in control and working for you. May God Bless you and your family and especially you and Kurt. Keep up the faith and the good work. In Christ Jesus I Give Him Praise and Glory Love Patty
Hey Sweet Ellie,
You did great w/ your update on your precious Mom! Keep up the good work.
I assure you, we are all praying all the time for all your specific requests.
Your entire family is so special to us.
Hugs and hugs to all of you.
Cassie and George
THANK YOU, Dear Ellie for beautifully keeping us up-to-date on your Mom/Family so we can pray specifically! Prayers will be going up as soon as I finish this for Total Healing, safe travels, comfort in all areas, good rest, & Peace in the hearts & minds of ALL of you!! Just might have to try the almond milk Popsicles–sounds pretty yummy:) We’re doing lots of talking to our Great Big God about defeating the Evil One. ALL of you are loved desperately as we pray Truth for you…Mike & Pat
Sweet Ellie – you did great writing your 1st on the blog. Your faith has always amazed me. Keith & I prayed for all your specific requests tonite & continue to pray for your mom & family many times each day. Know also your mom is always on God’s mind. “How precious it is that You are thinking about me (Kristen) constantly.” (Psalms 139:17 (TLB). Love you & all your family SO much! Excited to see what all God is going to do thru your mom’s battle.
Way to go Ellie for posting your first blog! You did an awesome job! I so appreciate knowing how your Mom and Dad are doing! My family and I attend the Oldham Campus and will continue to pray! God Bless you and your family! Praying for healing in the name of JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Praying these things today for your momma sweet Ellie. Also praying that all the dear Sauder family will be strengthened and encouraged by His grace and mercy. Today I read in my mom’s Streams of the Desert devotion January 18th. I claim this for your family Ellie. I am praising God because He is leading all of you in triumphal procession in Christ! Please give a mighty hug from me to you mom. God is ever present and victorious overthrowing and upsetting all of Satan’s nasty ideas. I love you all dearly and most importantly He loves you much more! Don’t know how but he tells Ms. Martha so. I thank Him for that truth! 😉
Thanks Ellie for the update!
..Isaiah 58:8
Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the LORD will be your rear guard. (NIV)
We will continue to pray for healing for your mom….love you all 🙂
Hi, Sauder family,
We don’t know one another, but I learned of Kristen’s health issues in bible study this morning–in the greater context of your collective courage and faith of, course. Then, when I found your post, Ellie, I saw that your mom happened to be in my hometown last night. I hope she did find healing there, and that her travel there was peaceful.
I pray and expect that God will bless all of you mightily as He heals Kristen! Great job blogging, Ellie!
Love and prayers,
Leigh Moore
Great Job Miss Ellie!! Our family prays daily for all of you. I am so glad to hear about the New York results. Love you guys…Kristin, Jeff, and Lukas
Great job Ellie! Mimi and I are praying your specific requests, even though we are far apart right now. We are claiming victory in the precious name of Jesus! Love and Blessings to all the Sauders.
Ellie, nice job with the update on the blog. I continue to pray for Mom’s renewed energy, complete healing, and strength for all your family. Don’t hesitate to call on me for anything. Praise to God for your Mom’s healing!
Hey Kristen! Denise Manias here. Below is an email I sent to well, pretty much everyone I know because I am so excited to share what God is doing. As you read it, I hope you will be encouraged – especially since you have met Wilson. Our God IS a God Who Heals! Praying for your miracle and thanking god for ours. Blessings, Denise
*** For any of you who do not know Wilson’s story, go to the January 2nd podcast on Excellent Things***
I am so excited to share with you today. God is so good! Wow!
So yesterday when I told Wilson that Dr Foley had called back and we were going to have the procedure today to unblock his intestines, he took it pretty well. He said, “Tomorrow isn’t my favorite day.” How cute is that. Then, he went on to play and just be a kid. He is amazing. Thank you for praying for peace.
So this morning I got him up and off we went to the hospital. Some back story: Wilson has not had a significant bowel movement is over 7 days. On Wednesday, we went to the hospital and they verified with x-rays that he was completely full of poo. The normal means of evacuating for Wilson are through the irrigation and dilation of his system. This was 100% not working. In fact, usually Wilson has a continual smell of stool because the stool continually leaks from his body. Since Monday, he has not had any of this leakage as well. NONE.
Back to today… We get to the hospital, Dr Foley and I talk; Wilson is in the zone he enters to deal with all the medical stuff. He heads off for the procedure and within 45 minutes, Dr Foley is back to see me. Very Quick trip to the OR. Dr. Foley was totally perplexed. He said if he didn’t know better he would think this was as joke. He said that when he got in to disempact Wilson, there was nothing there. So he thought maybe it was just not low but was high in his colon. So he went further… and further… and further. Still NOTHING. He went 25cm in and… nothing. Then he scoped and looked with a camera all the way past the colostomy closure sight all the way to where the intestines traverse the abdomen. NOTHING.
As he was telling me this my jaw was just hanging and I kept saying, “What? How? Wow! But he was full. We had x-rays on Wednesday and nothing has passed since then. How can this be?” To which Dr Foley kept answering, ” I don’t know. (or as Wilson likes to say a-ro-no)”
We go to God and ask Him for miraculous and amazing things then stand perplexed when He delivers. Today, God wrote another very clear chapter into Wilson’s book/life. Today, we were witnesses to a miracle. There is no other way to explain it. On Wednesday, by modern technology we have “proof” that Wilson was full of stool. Today, by modern technology, we have “proof” that there is no stool clogged in his body. Where did it go? How did it exit? … a-ro-no. But it is gone and we are praising God and giving Him all the glory for the greatness of this reality. I told Dr Foley, ” I guess the only conclusion is that God gave us a miracle.” Dr Foley said that he could go with that explanation because he didn’t have any other explanation. WOW!!! (Can you tell I am TOTALLY pumped!)
We are home now and Wilson is recuperation – that translates: watching ELF in Spanish. He is doing great. The followup to today is to double his Miralax and keep everything else the same. If this problem reoccurs (if he continues to have pain or not pass stool), we will have to so some other tests. I am praying that the miracle God worked today for Wilson will just be ongoing and this little guy can have normal stools and be done with the pain and irregularity. I am so grateful to God for this turn-of-events! Just thanking Him seems so insufficient. Please join me in praising God and giving Him all the glory for this great day.
On a serious high! Denise 🙂
Sweet Ellie…. I was so happy to see you on here! You are a wonderful writer! Our church has been studying Ephesians on Sunday morning…and I have thought of you all so much in this book. Ephesians 3:14-21 is my prayer for you!!! May He strengthen you..may you know how high and deep and wide and long is His love for you….may you be filled up with Him…so that there’s room for nothing else. He is able to do so much more than we even think to ask. I love you, sweet girl!!