Today was a day of celebration! Mom came back from her appointment with tears of joy running down her face. She found out the results of her MRI of the brain. Dad had no tears, therefore I knew that the news was good because dad usually only cries when it is sad. Mom said, “There were originally nine spots on my head, but the doctor said that seven were gone and two are leaving!!!” We praised the Lord and thanked Him for healing inside even when we couldn’t see anything working. Mom told me, “You NEVER forget what our God can do and has done! He loves us and cares for us and we can’t ever doubt our Mighty savior!”
The Doctor was unable to X-ray her lung because the nurse who does X-ray was sick. He made some changes to the amount of the medication she takes every day. We are praying this lower dose will have a great effect on her tummy and allow her to gain some weight. She will have another brain MRI and a CT of the body on March 14th.
But, today just give glory to God for he has answered the prayers of His warriors!
Praise God!!! We love you guys 😀
Praising and Rejoicing!!! Praising and Rejoicing!!! And as we learned in our Picture Scripture book today, “In everything give THANKS”!!! We LOVE you all!!! :))
Such great news! Been thinking of you all day and waiting to hear! Praise The Lord!! Our God is Strong and Mighty Our God is Faithful Our Hope is in The Lord for He is Faithful!
May the God of Hope continue to fill you with all Joy and Peace as you continue to Trust in Him!
YES!!! We are praising the Lord with the Saunder family tonight. Thank you for sharing the good news.
Praising God with you all! Love you guys!
Awesome news…PRAISE GOD!!! Rejoicing with you all tonight and will be continuing to lift you up in prayer!!
“You gave me life and showed me kindness, and in your providence watched over my spirit.” ~Job 10:12
“Let their flesh be renewed like a child’s; let them be restored as in the days of their youth’— then that person can pray to God and find favor with him, they will see God’s face and shout for joy; he will restore them to full well-being.” ~Job 33:25-26
Amazing news! God be praised! Mia and I are rejoicing and crying out thanksgivings on your behalf
God is awesome! Continued prayers for you all! Praise God!
Praise the LORD for answered prayer! So grateful for this news!
Praise God!!!! So happy for the great news!! 🙂 God is faithful and God is good!
Oh, this is wonderful news to hear tonight!!! We are praising God (thru tears) and rejoicing with you!
Praise the Lord what great news! Rejoicing with you guys! Praising our might God who is a miracle worker! Love you guys! Praying and thinking about you alot!
Awesome news! Our Lord is so awesome!
I am so glad to hear the positive report! God is so good! And gracious and merciful. Our family prays for you often and are at the top of our list. Ive been through your journey too. I found strength resting in His arms. He is our provider. He gives us what we need each day. Thank you lord for this good report! We rejoice in you!
More praises and thankfulness! Jesus is “able to do immeasurably more than all you ask or imagine”
Thank you Ellie for this awesome news!
He is Jehovah Rapha! Hang onto the hem of His garment!
This news is AWESOME. GREAT & MIGHTY is the Lord.
“Let your faith be bigger than your fear”… elated to hear the news!! 🙂
Thank you thank you thank you Lord!!! Tears of joy and praise for the great and mighty God we serve. Keep up the good fight. He’s not finished with us yet. Love you all!!
I committed to forty days of praying for God to heal Kristen. The forty days ended on the 21st! Believe me, getting this news on day forty has inspired me to start another forty days:)
I was continuously praying over Mark 5:36 “Ignoring what they said, Jesus told the synogogue ruler, ‘Don’t be afraid; just believe.'”
Wow! Now that is cool. No coincidence there. Thank you for fasting and praying. May the Father continue to amaze us all as we seek Him!!
Praise God… From Streams in Desert today ..
Faith adds its “Amen ” to God’s “Yes” and then takes its hands off, leaving God to finish His work. The language of faith is” commit your way to the LORD; trust in Him and He will do this” Psalms 37:5
We celebrate along side you all …Thank you Jesus Steve and Kathie
Very thankful to hear this good news!
Cool. I am overjoyed. Has made my day.
I thank God for your faith and His Mighty Power!!!
So glad to hear such great news. I miss seeing your sweet smile in youth group Ellie, but so thankful I’m able to keep up with you and your family through the blog. Continually praying!
In His Faithfulness,
Miss Heather 🙂
WOW!! What a joy to read this news! What a gift from the Author and Perfecter of our faith, who gives us the strength and encouragement we need for each journey! So thankful. 🙂
We are sharing in your JOY, Pastor & Kristen!!!
The Lord does go before us; He did in the past, present and in our futures. He is our constant and comfort; He is our forever Faithful!
We continue to Hold all of you in our Prayers!
So happy for the report and thanking God for His healing touch.
We are celebrating you good news from the doctor! Our prayers continue for your complete healing and freedom from the complications of the chemo. Love to you and your family. Corky and Karen Klingenfus
I’m doing a Pentecostal Two Step right now…in the middle of the kitchen! Yes, I am! God is good! All the time!!!!
Praise and glory to our Lord!! What a picture Ellie . Continued love and prayer to you all. Charlie and Sherry
The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song.Ps.28:7
Praise God…from whom all blessings flow!!
Now I am crying! Yeah!!! Thank you for the update! Praising our great God!!
Thank you Jesus!
God is so so amazing! Praise and rejoice today!! My God continue his blessings on you and you family!!
Jumping for JOY with answers in prayer. Continuing prayer daily. Expecting miracles!
Praise God!
Praise God!! Great news! So, happy for you and your family for this time of rejoicing! Continued prayers for continued healing and blessings!
We sooooooooooooooo love it when it “RAINS”!! Looking forward to more great news in the days ahead! I told you, you are just as
“stong willed” as I am!!!! You go girl!!
Hugs to all the Sauders…we love you and continuing to pray daily.
Hugs, Cassie and George
Whoo hoo:) Praise God!!!! I will continue to pray for your strength as God prepares to expand your ministry:) Looking forward to seeing what He will do through you and your family!
Kristen, I have been praying for you and am so thrilled for you. God is so good. I was on a cancer journey myself and God has made me such a stronger person with a stronger faith. My brother, Tim, has kept me posted on your progress. Praying for continued good news!
We are so thanking our mighty God for giving you the answer you wanted to hear today!
As Clark would say Whoo Hoo!..
Our prayers continue for you everyday, we can’t stop thinking about you and send our love lifted in prayers each day.
Kristen you and your family are truly special to our ours. We are thankful for you and Kurt being an example of Christ to so many. (“His plans are of many for the both of you”).
Continue to be so strong as you have been and God will carry you!
Love & Hugs sent your way
Praise God for his healing. We continue to pray for you and your family.