In the beginning of this journey I hadn’t grasped the importance of having strong faith. I of course believed that God could heal, I had heard stories of miraculous healings around the world but I had also known people who truly believed that God would heal their family or friends and for some reason God chose not to. Because of this I battled a lot of doubt and fear.
The Lord led me one morning through a study of the word “faith”. I was amazed at what I found. Several times in the New Testament, it says that Jesus could not do miracles in a certain town because of the peoples’ lack of faith (Matthew 13:58, Mark 6:6). Furthermore, the disciples could not cast out demons because of their lack of faith (Matthew 17:20). Again and again, when Jesus healed someone, He said that it was their faith that healed them. It was like the Lord was saying to me, “Olivia, pray in faith, believing that I will heal and then whatever the outcome, trust me.” I can’t tell you the peace that I have experienced because I have started praying in faith.
Even though I thought I now understood fully what it meant to pray in faith, the enemy has come back over and over with doubts and lies about God’s willingness and ability to heal. During one of those seasons of doubting the Lord reminded me of when I was a little girl. When I was young I wanted so badly to have a twin sister. Every birthday when I would blow out my candles on the birthday cake, I would wish that God would make me a twin sister. I remember telling my Mom and she chuckled and said “Livie, you can’t become a twin – you are already born!” And I remember saying back, “God can make me into a twin if He wants to! I believe He can!” I sincerely believed that God could make me into a twin. Then it was as if the Lord whispered to me, “Olivia, you used to believe that I could make you into a twin but now you sometimes have trouble believing I can heal someone of cancer.” Wow! It wasn’t a condemning or scolding whisper but a gentle invitation to pray and believe in childlike faith. He used a silly memory of when I was a little girl to prompt childlike faith in me once again.
Since that reminder, I have been praying for myself, my family and all of you, that we would have faith like a child. “[Jesus] called a little child to Him, and placed the child among them. And He said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 18:2-3)
Will you pray with me in faith? No matter what the results of the MRI are on Thursday, we will continue in the faith of a child. Like Mom says, it is never too late for God’s suddenly!
Your faith has strengthened our faith. Thank you!
Olivia, You astound me with your words and faith. It is a testament to the parents who raised you and the God we serve that you are such a strong young woman of faith. Your mom is a shining light to so many and I truly believe with all the faith I have that God will use her to perform a mightly miracle for all to see ! Your mom’s teaching is the reason I continue to pray, day after day, year after year, for the prodigals I love.
We are all praying for her, your father and the rest of your family. It CAN happen, God is SO MIGHTY !
Dearest Olivia,
That is one of the most precious stories I have ever heard! Thank you for sharing! Adding to that…did you know there are only TWO times in all of Scripture where Jesus was AMAZED? Both have to do with having faith! You wanna amaze Jesus? Exercise faith! Let it grow! Let it double! Let it triple! Remove obstacles as they arise! Destroy hindrances! Resist evil! Let peace abound in you, precious sister (although we are not twins!). God is fighting for you…that your faith might be proved genuine! Oh the plans He has for those who trust Him!!! Eyes fixed… With love and daily healing prayers!
Livie, this really blessed me. I have been struggling with the exact feelings. At 10:30 this morning, God spoke to me clearly. He acknowledged my faith but impressed upon me that I lacked real confidence. My fear and reverence of His power should not surpass confidently coming to Him from a motive of pure love and expectation. I have spent a lifetime learning from children who have taught me joy and confidence. 1 John 5:14 “And this is the confidence that we have in Him; He hears us.”
Dear sweet Olivia, your post made me cry today. I so enjoyed being able to “hold up the corner ” as your mom put it and join in prayer with your family Sunday. But as I looked around the room I saw your face and in that moment knew the Holy Spirit wanted me to pray for you.
Your story reminded me of a story I recently read about a chess teacher that was invited to a pastors house for dinner. Above the table was a picture of a chess game in action between a demon and a mortal. At first glance of the picture it looked like the demon had won and the mortal would loose not only the game but also his soul. But as the chess master stared at the painting he realized something wasnt right. He began to set the game up just like he saw it in the painting. Suddenly he realized the game was not over!! In actuality the King still had one more move that would win the game. Because you see the king, our KING always has the last move!!!! Never fear Olivia because the King is here. Let Faith arise !!!
Love you guys so much, Kyla Beck
Kristen and Family!! Ron and I waited on results much like you and sometimes the LORD showed His mighty hand and sommetimes HE was quietly working on the greater miracle in Ron’s life and in our families life. (Almost 13 years cancer free) So we are continuing in faith still like children with you and your family! Even in silence HIS mighty power is hard at work on your behalf!!
Believing Miracles for you today and everyday!!
Ron and Marilyn Colyer and our family!!
Bless you Olivia! I am joining you in praying in faith. As I was reading in Revelation 6 today about how one day God will scroll back the sky & it will be no more, the stars will fall from heaven, the sun will turn dark & the moon will be as blood & all the earth will quake; I then turned to Isaiah 40:12-18 & read some of my favorite scriptures when God measured the heaven & waters in the hollow of His hand…,& lifts up the isles as a very little thing,… & it asks “To whom will you liken God? Or what likeness will you compare to Him?” As all these verses show God’s greatness, sovereignty & omnipotence, I too was reminded by God “If i can do all this can I not heal Kristen of cancer”! Yes we are told to pray & believe in faith, & then leave the results to Him.
Just know Bob and I are praying several times a day for all your family.
Olivia, you are an amazing young women. I know that your mom and dad are so very proud of you. God is so faithful to us. If we believe in him and trust him completely, there is nothing that the Devil can do to us. I know the journey that you and your family are on. This is not an easy thing to face. Cancer, what an ugly word. What got me through my journey was that I didn’t look at it as cancer, rather I looked at it as an opportunity to have a great outlook and hoped that it would open doors to share my faith. When I went to Chemo with that huge smile on my face people would say, “Why are you so happy, you have cancer.” My reply, “Yes I do have cancer, but I have Jesus as my Savior and God is so much bigger than my cancer.” Needless to say that would either open up a great conversation, or I’d just have a nice 4 to 5 hour quiet time. Hang in there. God is in control. No matter what the outcome of the MRI on Thursday, God is in control. God is doing a mighty work in your Mom and your entire family and extended family. Tell your mom to keep fighting and we’ll keep praying and fasting for her. Remember GOD ROCKS! He is always in control even when we find it hard to believe.
Know I’m praying for you daily. I love you dear friend.
This is so beautifully said and written Olivia…oh how I love your heart and all that God is doing in and through you! I am praying with as bold of faith as I ever have for your mom, believing alongside you in our amazing Father in heaven. Praying also that he continues to give your hearts strength, and fill you with great hope, joy, and peace as we wait on and trust in Him! Love you Olivia!!!
Olivia and family ,
Steve and I have been talking about this very thing for quite a while . Wow … We have been praying in faith more than ever before in our life even over the smallest things.. God can move mountains . God can heal .We are standing in the gap and expecting a miracle for your mom. I loved Nancy’s comment along with so many others …my life changes going through this with you .yay! thank you Precious Lord for the marvelous ways you are working . We love you all. Kathie Hodge
So grateful for you Olivia – for you all as you FAITHFULLY and honestly share this journey you are on – depending on God more than ever before. It’s through your journey right now that we are all reminded to live this life with greater urgency than our human minds and hearts tend to do each day. Believing and trusting in GOD, and pleading with HIM to heal your precious, precious mama, knowing FULL WELL – HE IS ABLE!! Praying today, for “transcendent moments of awe – that change forever how we experience life and this world” (Sarah Ban Breathnach) We love you so very much!!
I woke at 4:45 this morning thinking of your post and praying for your mom to have a good report. I was reminded of how the Lord has taught me about faith vs. fear through the story of the 12 spies in Numbers 13. All 12 observed the same thing with their physical eyes (it was good land; giants lived there, etc.) 10 of the spies responded in fear with their focus on the giants, believing their enemy greater than their God; 2 responded in faith, believing their God greater than the enemy. The 10 spread an evil report among the people. Sadly the people believed the bad report, responding in fear & the result was a whole generation died in the wilderness. But the 2, Joshua & Caleb, stood firm in faith for 40 more years and were among those that took the promised land. I want to be like Joshua & Caleb!!! We always have a choice between faith and fear. God’s Word commands us to “walk by faith and not by sight” throughout scripture. I realized after years of being a Christian, I knew how to “receive Christ” by faith, but I didn’t know how to “LIVE by faith”. I’m still seeking to learn & obey every day. It’s not easy, especially around others who have submitted to fear. But you Olivia, are not like those who shrink back, but of those who believe (Heb. 10:38,39). God is so pleased with your faith and He promises to reward you as you earnestly seek him (Heb. 11:6). I will continue earnestly seeking Him on your family’s behalf. Much Love, Donna
What a moving testimony to the faith and hope that sustains us. Your family is in our prayers always and we trust your cares are lightened by the cushion of believers holding you in their hearts.
Olivia, your testimony here was so moving in that you clearly put words to so many of the same feelings I struggle with currently! I’m going to ask God to remind me of a memory of a time I trusted him with childlike faith, and pray in your example! So very proud of you and your perseverance and obedience! I just know that our heavenly Father is so pleased with you! Praying daily for your mom and family.
Just as when one part of the body hurts, the whole body hurts….today the whole body rejoices and celebrates with you! Love your posts….while we are trying to encourage you, we end up being encouraged BY you! Mom and Dad are truly amazing, but the Sauder kids rock!!
Hi Olivia
I can very much relate to your post. I’m not sure you can truly know your degree of faith until it is tested. I think your mom is amazing but you guys amaze me too! I love it and it gives me hope for our kids and their kids.
One of the key aspects of our family battling cancer has been our faith. We are dedicated faith filled Christians. We have found that through Jesus Christ we are able to have the strength to Cope with Cancer. Whether you are lucky and have a great support system of family and friends as I do, or there is an absence of these, you are never alone with God by your side.Being a Christian doesn’t automatically make your Cancer go away, exempt you from pain and sickness, or exclude you from any of the other unpleasant things that go with this disease. What it does do is cause you to have hope, security, and peace that can come only from knowing God and trusting in him. This allows you to be in Control of your Outlook because you know he is in control of your Outcome. Thus, your life does not become defined by Cancer where it totally occupies you physically and emotionally. It allows you to treat Cancer as an uninvited guest so that you do not allow it to take up permanent residence in your soul.
As a faith filled family, there are a number of promises we have found in God’s word that comfort us and help us to understand more about what we are dealing with. We would like to share those with each of you at this site. The first one from Philippians is our anchor verse and lets us know that regardless of our circumstance we can be content because God gives us strength. We hope these verses inspire and provide hope regardless of what your circumstances are.
God’s Word
I am not saying this because I am in need for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:11-15
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
James 1:2-4
But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do so with gentleness and respect.
1 Peter 3:15
you are always in my prayers.and i love you so much…may god bless you…take care of your self