Psalm 91:14 “Because he loves me,” says the LORD, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges My name. The Lord brought this verse to me as I was praying for mom. It says that He will protect those who acknowledges His name. We acknowledge His name so we can trust in His protection from the evil one and from cancer!
Also, today Ivy, along with some good friends, decided that mom’s hair-head needed a face. They decided to paint the head, drawing on lipstick, eye liner, eye brows, and eye shadow! When the head had had its make over, they had to have a funny name for it. This is what they came up with: Hedwig, which means “a fighter.” (We’ll call her Heddie for short!) That is what the Lord is teaching us, to be fighters who use His weapons: the armor of God (Eph 6:13) and the fruit of the spirit (Gal 5:22-23). So keep your prayer and fasting coming, because the Lord uses every, willing fighter in His army.
Mom’s MRI of the brain is scheduled for 8:30 tomorrow AM, Monday, February 18. Also this week she has a chest X-ray and two Dr. appointments. We have asked the Lord to astound the entire medical community with His miraculous power. Thank you again for all your prayers! Ellie
Praying and fasting, sweet girl. Eager to hear good news tomorrow. He is good! He never fails! And oh, how He delights in you! I love you!
Hi Ellie!
Thanks for sharing Hedwig’s creation story! Mr. Lee and I smiled as we read this and want you to know we are fighting alongside you too praying and fasting. We will hold onto Psalms 91:14 and trust in His rain to shower blessings for today and always. Hugs to you and all your precious family. We hope to see you soon.
Standing in full faith and agreement today Ellie!!!! The battle is over!!!
Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. (Ephesians 6:10)
We are praying for you, dear Kristen!
Dear Heavenly Precious Father: You said that if one or more pray to your name than that prayer will be answered and I truly believe that it will be answered that Kristen Sauder will have a healthy brain scan and her entire body is free from cancer and that no cancer is in her chest area also. I thank you for answering this prayer and give thanks to Kristen, Kurt and the family for their sacrifice to you and giving theirselves to you. May GOD BLESS the entire family but especially Kristen Sauder. In Jesus name I give you ALL THE PRAISE “AMEN”
Love Patty
I love Hedwig!! What an awesome and inspiring name. You girls are so creative. We love you guys and continue to pray for you and your precious mom throughout our days. Thank you so much for your post.
You are such a light sweet Ellie!!! I love all the verses God has laid on your heart and opened your eyes to as you’ve been praying…thank you for encouraging us all with them as well. We are fighting alongside you in prayer and petition for your beautiful mom, and acknowledging the name of our almighty Lord! Love you!