One of things I love most as a daughter of the King is to recognize God doing something only He can do! He is so gracious to help us make those connections as we walk with Him.
As we’ve been praying for physical healing, I’ve also been submitting to a good inner-healing. Just plain ‘ole didn’t realize all the junk I’d been stuffing inside thinking I was “taking every thought captive” by not entertaining them. Much more on this in posts to come.
Since mid December, I’ve been receiving prayer at Wings of Refuge. Lisa Marie Bowlin, along with a team of trained intercessors, have been greatly used by the Father to help identify areas in my life that needed to be surrendered and yielded fully to the Spirit’s control. After our first time of prayer together, Lisa Marie looked me right in the eyes and said, “Kristen, He set you right.” That phrase really resonated with me and I keep returning to it. Yes, Lord, You have set me right.
Kind of an unusual statement. It brought a transformational peace to yield to God’s work in me. Letting Him, trusting Him, even believing not that He will set me right, but that He has done it. I’m a work in process, but ultimately that work is DONE because of Christ. It’s His work and He never fails. He gets the job done. (Philippians 1)
This past Monday night I headed to bed. On the bedside table sat a stack of old journals from years past. They’ve been there a while. I kept thinking I’d take them back up to my office shelves and just never got to it. That night I felt the Spirit prompting me to pick one up and read a bit. It was one of those prompts that comes with great expectation because I really believed the Lord wanted to tell me something specific. The journal on top was from the beginning of January 2011 – almost exactly two years ago. Opening to page one, my eyes fell on one specific sentence, a prayer request actually. In the middle of a dialogue with the Lord about His prophet Elijah, I cried out and said, “Lord, set me right.”
There it was, word for word. And the Father’s whisper came clearly, “I’m just answering your prayer, Kristen.”
Remember when the angel appeared to Zacharias, the father of John the Baptist? He says, “. . . Your petition has been heard.” I’m thinking that Zach was wondering just which petition exactly the angel referred to, never dreaming that it was the one asking God for a son! That request was years old and, in Zacharias’ mind, way outdated.
You know, I did not remember asking God two years ago to “set me right.” But, it’s no coincidence that the Lord spoke through that identical sentence to remind me to trust Him fully with all that’s going on because, after all, He is just answering my own prayer request.
Mary Englebreit says, “If you pray for rain, be prepared to deal with some mud.” God help me give thanks in all things, even when it feels muddy. Father God, thank You for Your personal work in each of our lives. Send the rain!!
MRI/CT tomorrow. Supposed to get the results on the 25th. Do you know what the 25th of this month is? Passover. Thank you, Jesus.
I do not know you personally, but I have been so touched by your story. For the past year, I have been on a journey to live life more purposefully – to seek God in all that I do. Your faith challenges me to do just that. My prayers are with you.
Wow! Although the mud is hard to trudge through, it sure is beautiful to see God’s hand through it all. We love you guys and are praying for you today. Thank you for this post.
Thank you for this wonderful post. It is a comfort that God does hear and He does answer.
Yes, Passover….and your doorpost will be covered wth the blood of the Lamb!
Will keep on praying.
This afternoon I came across an old Hymn and wanted to share the words with you…My prayer for you is that you will find “rest” in the Lord… He has your past, present and future covered…may you find peace in that promise.
“I’m rejoicing night and day,
As I walk the pilgrim’s way,
For the hand of God in all my life I see,
And the reason of my bliss,
Yes, the secret all is this: That the Comforter abides with me.
He abides, He abides, Hallelujah, He abides with me!
I’m rejoicing night and day,
As I walk the pilgrim way,
For the Comforter abides with me.”
Thank you for this. I’ve never heard this hymn!
I so badly wanted to come this weekend and am thrilled Kurt gets to. So glad that Trent can go with him to check out the place in Chicago too. Kurt greatly vaules his input.
After yesterday’s tests put my tummy in a whirl, today has been better. Am keeping the BRAT diet in and took a nap too.
Please give everyone my love and thank them for all their prayers. I miss you all!