Just the other day I was having some personal time with Jesus when Ellie walked in. She asked me to repay her $13 that I owed her from shopping together a couple of weeks ago. We then got into a heated argument over whether I really owed her that much or not. Angrily I told her to go get the money I owed her; but it was not from a heart of generosity or love. I continued having my personal time and went on to read Experiencing God, a study I have been going through for school. I opened up to read this passage:
“Here is an illustration of the way God may use His Word to speak to you. Suppose you are reading your daily Bible reading from Psalm 37. You have read this Psalm many times before. You come to verse 21 and read: ‘the wicked borrow and do not repay.’ You are drawn back to that verse. You read it again and again. Then you remember a debt you have failed to repay. You realize that this scripture applies to you.”
Once I read this I just had to laugh out loud! God and all the Angels were probably up there laughing at me too! God knew that I would have that argument with Ellie and He knew that I would, just minutes later, read that example. I was amazed to find that even in this funny and yet humbling circumstance God was already ahead of me. During this whole journey we have found and continue to find that our Amazing God is always ahead of us in every circumstance. A sign in my aunt’s house sums this up perfectly, “Don’t worry about tomorrow, God is already there.”
Once again, God is already there. Mom received a preliminary CT report saying that everything has shrunk and is shrinking!!! We’ll be able to report even more clearly after next Monday’s Dr. appointment. Praise the Lord, the Amazing One who goes before!
Our biggest prayer request is for weight gain. Mom is down to 83 lbs. Please join us in praying for a healed tummy and nutrients to absorb. Thank you!
Good morning Ivy! Thanks for this “good news” all the way around. I love God’s personal touch in and on our lives. Praying that Momma’s tummy will tolerate some “soul” food perfect for weight gain and satisfaction. Love you and your precious family!!
Your family and your walk in faith is such an inspiration to all of us who follow your blog. The Lord impressed upon me to pray the Balm of Gilead for Kristen’s tummy for soothing and healing so that she can eat and absorb the nutrients she needs. God bless you all.