Quick update. I just wrote you a long one but for some reason, it’s never done this before, when I hit publish, it disappeared.
Easter has been especially meaningful this year. I’ve spent extra time reading and meditating on the Passion Week passages. One old, favorite hymn continues to be my internal melody: Because He Lives by Bill Gaither. Here’s the chorus –
Because He lives, I can face tomorrow
Because He lives, all fear if gone
Because I know He holds the future
And life is worth the living just because He lives!
I have enjoyed a fabulous two-week break from Tarceva. My tummy has appreciated the reprieve. Not much weight gain yet, but better appetite. Monday I add Tarceva back but at a much reduced dose. I appreciate your continued intercession for FAT!
Secondly, we all appreciate your continued prayers for us as individuals. Each of us process this journey differently and the Lord is using this opportunity to put His finger on individual weaknesses, encouraging us personally to grow up in Him and trust Him more fully. Now that sounds very noble, but it lives messy sometimes! Many of you have asked how we’re doing. Overall we’re walking in victory, but then there are those other times . . . I’m sure you have no idea what I’m talking about! For those of you who do, thanks for keeping on keeping on with us!
You have blessed us beyond measure. Hear us all shout, “Thank you!” with all we’ve got!
I am continuing to pray for you and your family. You are victorious! Remain strong and steadfast. He has a great plan!
It is particularly striking to hear the term “keep on keeping on” after just watching the Easter movies and hearing about Christ’s life. Isn’t that exactly what he did! He just “kept on keeping on” being obedient in spite of all his foreknowledge and vision. He is the only one who kept the perfect Covenant with God his Father, surpassing the sin stained Adamic, the Noahic, the Abrahamic, the Davidic, and even the Israelic. Wow! That is the wonderful miracle working God we serve. Keep on keeping on, Kristen. We love you, Sandy and Tom
That word “FAT”, is a positive plus for you right now,
Kristen. So while I’m about to offer some very practical
advice, know that you are in our daily thoughts and
I just had an epiphany I have to share in the fervent
hope that it could help you put on those much needed
pounds. My hubby, Tom and your hubby, Kurt went
to Poland as part of a mission team effort probably
15 or so yrs ago. Tom came home with a few x-tra
pounds he attributed to the Poland diet of lard sandwiches.
Now wait a minute…may sound yucky but when yu add
sugar like the Polish do, guess yu could say it tastes a lot
like our Kroger cake icing!
Hopefully yu can give it a try. I thank God your med dose
is being reduced. Prayerfully hoping it will make a difference to your tummy. God keep yu in His care!
Debbie & Tom Volz
I hear you sister & I know what you are talking about! Thank goodness he has it all in his hands and we can trust him with every single part of our experience. Praying and then praying some more, he is so sweet to meet our every need.
May God bless you & yours as you journey through this. Love & hugs, Gwen
Hey Kristen, We’re still “in” and still praying, still coming in agreement with God’s Word for you and your family. I understand the “mess”. When we yield to God’s higher thoughts and the Holy Spirit “rearranges” our thinking, the spirits of doubt, confusion and negativity try to hinder the process, but when these spirits are exposed we have the authority in the NAME of Jesus by the BLOOD of Jesus to command them to go. Also, the spirit of human reasoning is a deceiving spirit that affects our spiritual hearing. I’ve had to continually repent of human reasoning, stand on the WORD BY FAITH given to me through the Holy Spirit. Keep fixing your eyes on Jesus, listening to His VOICE. Let all your reasoning be in the Spirit and the Word and don’t lean on your own understanding. Keep acknowledging His NAME. HIS WILL IS HIS NAME. Our God is trustworthy. Our God is Faithful. Jesus, give us Kingdom eyes of faith to see the VICTORY in You today!
Love you Sauder family, You are continually in our thoughts!
Donna & Jim Jury
My husband, Phil, just ran into you and Kurt recently at church and remarked at the joy that exudes from you both, and what an inspiration you are to all of us during this difficult time. Each time I think about my small problems, I look at you and am given strength. I made a fasting sacrifice over the Lenten season which has always been next to impossible but this year due to your strength in Christ, the sacrifice was much easier.
While I hate the suffering that you and your family have endured, I just wanted to add one more bit of encouragement for how you have touched the lives of many; mine for sure.
Thanks for being such a bright shining example of Christ for all the world to see in suffering. God is using you mightily in this world for his glory.
Thank you for the hymn…I hadn’t heard it so I’ve attached it here so others can hear it.
I know Kurt from DC and various other occasions. I heard you speak at the Saturday Men’s bible study several years ago as well as the “Louisville Success” event at the Palace Theatre. I just want you to know that my family and I are praying for you.
I’m also good friends with Steven Pollock and I’m helping him with his website. You have been such an inspiration to him and it’s truly amazing what impact the actions of others play on people’s lives. We posted your interview with Steven on his website for everyone to hear. This time with you was an amazing inspiration to him.(http://ccstevep.com/steve-pollock-interview-on-wfia-excellent-things/)
Thank you for your courage and strong faith but most importantly for sharing it with others, because you never realize how many lives you can touch simply by sharing publicly.
In any event, I hate that good people making a such a positive difference in this world are going through such trials. Your family is an inspiration and you will continue to be in our prayers.