Well, some might say life just got a little easier. In recent years when folks would ask Kurt or myself if we had children and we’d reply, “Yes, we have four teenagers,” their response usually included some reference to our prayer life! The implication was obvious: life with a teen is challenging; with four teens . . . I’ll have to say that our four have taken it easy on us. What we’re realizing now is just how fast those years speed by.
Earlier this week Olivia left her teenage years behind. So hard to truly believe that it’s been twenty years since her birth. What a learning curve – bringing home your first newborn! Unchartered territory. Miraculous, mysterious and sometimes, awfully messy!
Certainly the events of the last few months have introduced another huge learning curve rife with lessons unique to a path we’d never before experienced as well as the discovery of new skills necessary for survival. Much as we did in the early days of little Livie, we press on amidst the support of friends and family, lots of encouragement, meals, gifts and notes, many long nights and many prayers uttered from a desperation for God Himself to move and direct. It continues to be miraculous, mysterious and, as we’ve blogged before, sometimes awfully messy!
So how did Olivia celebrate turning 20? Do keep in mind that in this way she is not her mother’s daughter . . . three good friends from Moody surprised her and took her sky diving. You read that right. 14,000 feet and she jumped – almost fearlessly! She admitted to shaking a bit.
We didn’t know anything about this until the deed was done, and that’s probably a good thing. A little crazy, maybe. Her uncle quipped, “I’d never advise anyone to jump out of a fully functioning airplane.” Still, in some warped way, I admire her courage. She took a risk and in so doing, saw the world from a whole new perspective. She trusted her tandem partner and enjoyed the ride of her life!
The Spirit whispered: Kristen, trust and enjoy the ride. “And the Lord is the one who goes ahead of you; He will be with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear, or be dismayed.” Deuteronomy 31:8
Appreciate your prayers for a fresh filling of the Spirit for Kurt and myself. Kurt will be speaking at Man Challenge at the Southern Indiana Southeast Campus tomorrow morning and I will be at Hats Off for Women in Ministry over lunch at the Olmsted. I especially need physical strength. Remembering that I can do all things through Christ who gives me all the strength I need. Thank you for your most important role: prayer!
That is SO awesome! She is a girl after my own heart! Sky-diving was on my “bucket list” until I had the knee replacement and now, . . . I’m just happy to sit in the porch swing and watch the clouds float by.
What a great analogy you ake of the LORD as your “tandem partner”.
I am so inspired and amazed each time I read the updates from the “Sauder” family.
I will hold you in my prayers especially tomorrow as you speak at the “Hats Off” event.
My very best regards to all of you,
Mrs. Wes’
I read the quote below earlier today and then just read your blog and wanted to share it with you. I pray for you and think of you daily.
“I am the daughter of a King who is not moved
by this world. For my God is with me and goes
before me. I do not fear because I am His.”
Praying for strength and 100-100-100!
Kristen, Will continue to pray for You & Kurt ! Olivia needs to talk to Chad, he did the same Thing, told us AFTER !! 😉 Always remembering your Family in My Prayers ! Know U Both will be Great in Your Speaking Engagements ! ;-)!
Been praying God’s strength over you all week – especially for tomorrow.
I can’t be there, but will sure be praying through the hour. Praying it will be sweet medicine for your soul as you pour out your heart in a way only Kristen Sauder can. We love you!!
Praying for you as you prepare to speak tomorow. May the Power of the Holy Spirit strengthen you, encourage you and prepare both your heart and the attendees heart for the message God has given you.
Praying that the God who never grows tired or weary will energize you in a supernatural way. May He renew your strength as you hope in Him.
But the Lord stood with me and gave me strength
~ 2 Timothy 4:17a, I read this scripture right after I prayed for your physical strength for speaking at the Hats off event. Praying for you and Kurt this morning Kristen!
Sky diving what a little dare devil!!! 🙂 good thing she told you after!! LOL!
I’ve always wanted to go sky diving–maybe I will do it one day–after I get my back fixed. Then again, Jesus said, “LO I am with you always…” Maybe I’ll wait for heaven and just look down from there. Proud of you, Liv! Can’t believe you’re older–I’m not!
Sweet Olivia……….had I known you “jumped” when I hugged you tonight at church……….well, I would’ve checked to see if “your brain was still inside your head”! Can’t wait to see what you do “when you turn 30!!”
Great to see the whole family 2 times this wk. Give Ivy a hug for us too.
Sure do love all of you and continue to pray for the “steady rain”.
God is good all the time.
You are loved.
Hugs, Cassie and George