Time is flying by way too fast and it’s starting to sink in – after this summer, I won’t live in Kentucky for quite a while. For those of you who don’t know I will be attending Moody Bible Institute in Spokane, Washington in the fall! With High School coming to an end and my last few months in Kentucky approaching, I know that the Lord wants me to have the most impactful summer I can possibly have. He is teaching me to slow down and relish time with family and friends.

Drew Sauder
Often from students, especially high-schoolers, I hear the phrase, “I just want this year to be over with.” Regretfully, I must admit that the first semester of my senior year I caught myself using this phrase often. The Lord began revealing to me that all the time I spent wishing away was time He had given me to make an impact. All the time I spent cruising through life thinking, “Just make it to the summer, then you’re home free,” the Lord wanted to use as life changing moments in the lives of my family, friends, coworkers and acquaintances and in my own life as well.
The Lord can still redeem these “moments” that the locusts have eaten but in order to experience that I have to be willing and obedient to His call in my life. Right now the Lord is calling me to take time to be still and know that He is God (Psalm 46:10) and to utilize every moment for his kingdom.
So if I could challenge anyone reading this post, I would urge you to make the most of every opportunity (Ephesians 5:16); please don’t wish away the precious moments the Lord has given you with your family and friends. This three-day weekend was so beneficial to rest in the Lord, relax with my family and remember that every day is a day that the Lord has made and I need to rejoice and be glad in it (Psalm 118:24). -Drew
Drew, You just don’t know how precious you and your family are to me. Your words are “Apples of Gold” as I’m counting down the days to my retirement!
Love you all so much,
Mrs. Wes’
Perfectly said!!! We are praying for your family! We have experienced a sudden family loss that also emphasizes your point. Let it also be said to make the most of sharing Christ at every opportunity because we never know when it will be our last!
Bless you for writing today, dear Drew! And may I offer an AMEN to your sentiments? The older I get, the more I realize the precious gift time really is…until time is no more! Just so inspired by a youth “getting it”…saw your graduation picture in SEast Outlook! So handsome! So mature! So HIS! May you enjoy TODAY! Know you and your family is solidly wrapped in our prayers…
Drew – the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree! I wish I was so well grounded when I was your age (as a matter of fact, I wish I was as well grounded now!) I can’t wait to see how God is going to use you! So glad you are going to Spokane.
Praying for you and your family. With much love.
Ah Drew your wisdom filled words surpass your youth! Congratulations on the acceptance into Moody Bible College in Spokane. I’m very excited for you and your family. Your words of truth bring back memories of those Hamilton kids leaving the nest to pursue their heartfelt dreams. It goes by in a flash yet in that flash you are so right…many wonderful moments of God revealing His beauty and love in timeless fashion. We just don’t want to miss it by being in a rush! Sending up prayers of thanksgiving for what God is doing in and through you and special hugs to all the Sauder family.
Drew, Your insightful words are inspiring and meaningful to all of any age. I wish you the very best with your new endeavors. I know God will continue to bless your family. You guys are truly a light in this world today. My prayers continue with you all. Ms. B
Drewsky, thanks for the timely devotion. Wow! Washington? You will be used mightily out west, I know it. Blessings on your new journey. I know mom & dad are proud.
For the past 4 years, you have been a pilgrim in a foreign land called high school. You have fought the good fight, but more importantly, you have kept the Faith on a daily basis, and at times it was exhausting. You have been a faithful witness to students, teachers, and parents who will never forget your stand for Christ. My prayers have supported your endurance. You have run with patience, so I believe our Lord can understand your current impatience to move to a new mission field. Remember, you WERE going to class, doing homework, and participating in sports while working 2 and sometimes, 3 jobs. This is not chaff, and I doubt that the locusts need to enroll in Weight Watchers as a result of your “youthful frittering away of the time.” God has great things for you, Andrew, now and for the rest of eternity. Go out into the highways and continue to multiply your treasure. Our prayers are with you. Love you so much! Grammie & Joe
What a powerful message – so well said. Your family is in our prayers.
Drewsky, Thanks for the great devotion. Wow! Washington, huh? I know you will be a blessing to the people of Washington. Also, I know your mom and dad are VERY, VERY proud of you. Yooza turned out reely nicely mee boy!
Thank you all so very much for your encouragement!! I’m so grateful for the impact each of you have had on my life-I thank God every time I remember each one of you!
Drew, glad to see you posting on here! Gonna miss see you around the OC in the fall. It’s been my pleasure to get to know you and your dad and your whole family. Your wisdom to slow down and enjoy live is beyond your years and you are spot on. I think you will have a blast living out west and experiencing life on your own. You are ready.