Praise Him, praise Him all ye little children. God is love. God is love.
Praise Him, praise Him all ye little children. God is love. God is love.
Remembering this short hymn of praise from Children’s Church growing up. Thank you Westover Church in Greensboro, North Carolina. Seeds sown early are still reaping a harvest. Thinking just now that it may have felt like a mundane or even a frustrating experience week after week corralling rowdy crowds of little people and working hard to creatively communicate the gospel message all the while wondering how much life-change was really taking place amid the organized chaos!
The Holy Spirit brings back so many of those early songs and foundational faith-lessons as I walk with the Savior day by day. I’m so thankful for the teachers and workers who gave up their comfortable, controlled adult study group to get messy with me. Be aware of this as you serve others, especially the least among us: God is working through you! His love and power are making an eternal difference in the lives you touch. Don’t grow weary. You will reap a harvest if you don’t give up! (Galatians 6:9)
Praising Him today as well for some initial blood work results. The next lab will go over everything with a fine-tooth comb, but a few good things stood out already. First, my PH was flagged as high, which is exactly what we’ve asked for. I’m at an 8.0. Balanced is 7.0. That means my body is in an alkaline state as opposed to a disease-prone acidic one. Secondly, my white blood count was within the normal range.
Praise Him, praise Him all ye little children! This little child is praising Him. Praise Him with me!
Krissy, Remember how Erin sang, “All ye little childring” with all her heart? Praising Him this morning that your temple is getting renovated by God, the Chief Contractor. “He knows our frame.” He will protect the altar of your heart with his heavenly 2x4s. Praise Him, my child.
Yes, Praise Him indeed! We wouldn’t want the rocks to cry out for us now, would we? Isn’t it when we are most like children that He hears our prayers? Such good news. Thanks for sharing!
Praising God for what is what is to come . . .
This is music to my ears and heart!! Continuing to pray Kristen 😉 You’re so right about singing those tunes that blessed our souls in so many ways early on in life. Thanking the Lord for the saints that went before us and for bringing to mind those songs of encouragement and praise taught at such an early age. Hugs
Rejoicing with you and praise to God for His healing power in our lives!
Love you guys. Tell Kurt I said hello.. Chris
Kristen, even though I’ve never written on your blog before, I have prayed for you every night as I hit my knees before the Lord before bedtime. I rejoice with you and will continue to pray for your physical healing. I also rejoice in the fact that He loves you so very much. I know that same love… Enormous!!! Know that you, Kurt and the family will remain in my prayers and I love you all. George Fields