Weary has been the word in our home recently. We’ve been tired, at times discouraged and just plain old worn out! But isn’t it just like the Lord to turn our mourning into dancing (Psalm 30:11)? That is just what He’s done!
Mom and I were at the Wings of Refuge tonight and were both experiencing a “blockage” from praise, worship and the presence of God. Getting frustrated and discouraged, I know I thought of everything that could be the cause of not feeling His presence. And just when I least expected it, when we were not able to go to Him, He drew us to Him. Within a matter of minutes we went from feeling empty to getting on our feet and dancing! One of the ladies leading worship said, “There is nothing more dangerous than a happy, joyful Christian…in the Name of Jesus.” Isn’t that true! When everything says weary, God says JOY, He says LAUGHTER, He says HAPPY. It doesn’t make sense to the world but in Him we can have JOY.
Because of Jesus we should be laughing, we should be having gut-wrenching laughs of joy! Yes, it is OK to cry out to God. It is OK to be discouraged and weary, there is no condemnation and He understands our hurts. But He loves to give joy. Have you ever thought of God as fun? I hadn’t much until tonight. God is fun! How cool that we serve a FUN God who wants us to experience happiness.
So, let’s make Satan furious by our joy! I know we aren’t the only ones feeling weary, there are so many others going through difficult situations. And sometimes it isn’t even a “big” circumstance that brings weariness but simply the daily living that wears us out.
Check out this verse from The Message: “We continue to shout our praise even when we are hemmed in with troubles, because we know how troubles can develop passionate patience in us, and how that patience in turn forges the tempered steel of virtue, keeping us alert for whatever God will do next. In alert expectancy such as this, we’re never left feeling short changed. Quite the contrary- we can’t round up enough containers to hold everything God generously pours into our lives through the Holy Spirit.” (Paul the Apostle- Romans 5:3-5)
So, has weary also been your word? Ask Jesus for His joy, He is so happy to give it. Misty Edwards sings, “He’s going to turn it all around, just wait and see. He’s going to make everything beautiful just in time.” Yes, it may be just in time- but He will turn it all around. We believe it!
May He bless each of you with joy! Love, Olivia
Hey all you sweet Sauders,
We are “dancing” and singing w/JOY….with you!!!
You are loved and being prayed over.
Love and a zillion hugs,
Cassie and George
STAY HAPPY! Think it runs in your family!
Oh Liv, this brought tears of joy from a blocked up river that refused to cry for fear of offending Him. My soul needed to hear your words. Even the Sauders get weary; it’s OK. But then God brings showers of joy. Thanks Liv for reminding me that He laughs with me and dances with me. You are right He is FUN! Love & prayers, G & J
Thank you for encouraging me today, Olivia. Love your family.
Amen Olivia!!! We need that reminder of JOY & LAUGHTER being ours in Jesus! He was always full of JOY!!! Bethel Church in Redding, CA has a Healing Room where their prayer intercessors just start laughing in the Spirit. They don’t start out “feeling” joy but they intentionally choose joy through PRAISE AND WORSHIP AND LAUGHTER…and the feelings follow. They fill up on JESUS, then, they go and pray for their members to be physically healed. So we cast off weariness like a garment and put on that garment of praise. Your family is such an example to us all. I want to live in the awareness of the Lord’s Presence 24/7!!! In his PRESENCE is fullness of JOY!!! KEEP DANCING on the devil’s head!
AMEN! I love when the Spirit shows me a joke and I get to laugh with the Lord!