Tonight the women of the house had a little prayer time. During mom’s prayer she said that sometimes we can feel very distant from the Lord through these times and she asked for His connection. I thanked Him in my heart, because now through mom’s prayer I knew I was not the only one feeling this disconnection. While she prayed the Lord revealed to me all the connections I had with Him today, but hadn’t noticed. Being in His creation, reading His word, singing praises through song to Him and loving on someone else. He is in all of those things but I was too discouraged to see them.
Mom’s x-ray showed no new growth but not any shrinking either. Her blood work looked good. They did find some fluid on the right lung that caused her oncologist to put her back on Tarceva. She gets to take the lowest dose every other day. We all battled the temptation to be discouraged since our family and all of you were asking for a I-can’t-see-anything report, but tonight she, Drew, Dad and Ivy played a game and filled the room with laughter! Please pray for mom’s strength and energy to come back even with the Tarceva and continue asking for 100/100/100! We may have another 24 hours of prayer in the near future. If the Spirit leads you to sign up for a time slot to join a team praying and fasting around the clock, you’ll be able to do that soon. We all sought God this way in the beginning and we really saw Him work. Next x-ray scheduled for 8 weeks out in August.
Thank you, Ellie
God is still at work, Stay focused and trust Him no matter what. He faithful and He is God. We don’t understand but we know He is working all things out. Still praying!
Precious Ellie! God understands disappointment. He radiates His presence, love and care from deep within your soul! I love your honesty, openness and ability to write this difficult post! We are all disappointed, I am sure! But as we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, we find renewal and hope in His ongoing work! Praying for peace to overrule doubt, despair, and disconnectedness! Oh He’s good at what He does!!! Remembering we will have troubles in this world, but we are to be of good cheer because HE HAS OVERCOME THE WORLD!!!! With love and prayers to you and yours!
Sweet Ellie and family,
In our community group last night we were reminded that Jesus told his disciples that some things (in this case driving out a demon Mk 9:29) can only be accomplished by prayer. I was reminded to not take for granted the power of prayer and to pray, pray, pray for your mom and your whole family. Sometimes we all experience that disconnected feeling… but guess who moved? God is Sovereign and never changes. Even though we don’t understand the mysteries of God, we know He can be trusted and He is good ALL the time. Thanks for keeping us informed. I’m sure that isn’t an easy task, especially when it isn’t the news you were hoping to send. We’ll keep on keeping on asking for that 100/100/100 result.
Well said sweet Ellie. We love you all so dearly and will only be spurred on by this news to continue praying as boldly as ever, knowing we are talking to a good Dad who loves us so much. I pray that you would all be reminded and wrapped in the truth and peace that God is for you. This is definitely one of those times I feel desperate to “trust in The Lord with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding.” Praying The Lord continues to reveal himself in mighty ways. And we’ll be praying specifically for strength through the medication, and 100/100/100 on the next report!!! We are here for you and holding you up in prayer when you feel too weary to continue yourself. Love you!
Precious Ellie–You are not alone in that disconnected feeling–you are just more honest than most of us! It is exactly how I felt as well. So, every day, as many times a day as I am able, I am praying Psalm 118. My dear friend, Betty, is doing this with me. Maybe God will speak to you through David’s prayer, as well. Around verse 3, I am inserting, “the house of Sauder” and “the McInerney house.” What a blessing you are to your Grammie & Grandpa. What a shining light you are to the world! Here is a great big hug: O…only bigger than that.
We will just keep praying, Ellie! Our Lord is not surprised or dismayed in any way, but is in control.
Boy do I understand your feeling of being disconnected and that is the time we need to connect the most. Trust in the lord with all your heart and know that he is there to help us endure it all. Sometimes I know I want to say, please quit throwing so much at me but I always have to step back and say God has this and trust that he will deliver me from evil.
I will continue to pray for you and your family and ask for 100/100/100.
Peace And Blessings,