No word yet on the x-ray results. So many of you are asking. Thank you for sticking with us and for those continued prayers. We will let you know as soon as we hear. We’ll know at the very latest by next Monday when Kristen sees the oncologist.
The nurse did slip us a copy of the blood work, however, and commented on how great it looks! Thank you, Lord.
As the nutritionists work to rebuild Kristen’s body, they continue to peel back layers finding new things needing attention along the way. It’s truly amazing how God designed all things to work together in harmony in the body. We are truly fearfully and wonderfully made. Praising Him for that as we rest tonight.
The facility team at the main campus have been keeping you in our prayers every morning for quite some time now. It has been very up lifting for me to watch you’re faithful walk during this storm in your life. It has truly been inspirational for me.