Psalm 23: 6 “Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life . . .”
Can you see it? There you are, tooling along day in and day out; some days feel easy-breezy while others offer challenges you never imagined facing, and parading behind you, hot on your trail, are goodness and mercy. As a child of the King, a follower of Christ, God’s goodness and mercy follow you all the days of your life.
It’s entirely possible that with your eyes on the circumstances around and ahead of you, you forgot they were there – His goodness and His mercy following you. But they are. That’s His promise. Never leaving us, never failing us, theirs is an endless, inexhaustible supply.
This journey slowed our family down a bit. Our new pace keeps us constantly aware of . . . and constantly dependent upon . . . God’s goodness and daily mercies. They are there always, faithful and true. By His mercies we live and are not consumed. In His goodness we thrive against all odds.
God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good.
Much of His goodness is shown through His people. This week we’ve been in Illinois enjoying more of His goodness as we try out two new alternative treatments that have been shown to strengthen weak bodies by rebuilding healthy cells. A precious family here continues to bless us as we invade their space every day to use their equipment. They cheerfully encourage us by sharing their food, words, songs of praise, knowledge of the journey and most of all friendship – God’s instruments of mercy and goodness.
For those of you still praying 100/100/100 (Psalm 100/ 100 lbs/ 100% healed), my weight is slowly inching up and I have a much better appetite now. Not 100 yet, but headed in the right direction!
With Jesus my Good Shepherd leading the way, I follow. Glancing over my shoulder, I see them in line. Goodness and mercy follow close behind. It’s an every-day parade!
Kristen, your faith is your most precious treasure and we all are able to watch God surprise you, strengthen you, equip you for the road ahead. Your family’s faith is also part of the offering you all will give to our Lord and Savior on that day soon to come. 1 Peter 1:6-7 says we rejoice in our new birth into a living hope and into an inheritance that can never perish. It continues to highlight the road of suffering as integral to our faith-building by stating that “now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith-of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire-may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.” Faith is a precious gift to our Lord Jesus, because it is wrought in the heat of the furnace of suffering. Praying for you to know His great love and pleasure with you and your family in this daily trial.
Gives me chills!! Thanks.
I haven’t left a message on here before, but just wanted you to know that John and I pray every night for you! I KNOW you will get stronger and stronger and look forward to the day you ARE 100% healed.
Of course, Kristen! Many, many, many are still praying for 100, 100, 100% for you! We’ve not forgotten and we certainly have HOPE! We KNOW miracles happen every single day! God is with yu….and with your
Family. In this walk, on this path, HE is right there every step of the way!
Chin up, Girl. Your Beautiful face continues to shine strength in this battle….we love yu…and HE loves yu…now eat that great big bowl of ice cream!
With sincere thoughts, prayers and love,
Deborah & Tom Volz