I know I’ve mentioned it before but Streams in the Desert is a classic devotional and one of my favorites. It’s so very encouraging every morning I open it and no matter how long I’ve been gleaning from it (years), it’s fresh and applicable in a brand new way.
This morning it directed me to Isaiah chapter 30. Listen to verse 18.
“Therefore the LORD longs to be gracious to you, And therefore He waits on high to have compassion on you. For the LORD is a God of justice; How blessed are all those who long for Him.”
This is a hurry up and wait journey. I’m reminded that our God never asks us to do something that He’s not willing to do Himself. How amazing to find that all the while I’m waiting on Him, He’s also waiting on me. If I think it’s hard to be in a holding pattern, waiting for our God of perfect timing to move, just think how vast His patience is to wait on me! So grateful that He is a longsuffering God.
Up to 89 pounds as of this AM! S-l-o-w-l-y moving up. Please pray that I will be content in my circumstances, willing to go at God’s perfect pace, peacefully waiting on Him. Kurt and I also always appreciate your prayers for clear direction as we take one step at a time on this journey and with ministry as well. We need to hear His voice!
Hi Kristen,
Rebecca called me early this morning with two bible verses for you. She read them to me and then told me to pray and go back to sleep. God wanted you to be encouraged and I was happy to be a part of the delivery team:)
I didn’t sit back down again until 8pm to re-read my devotional for the day. Funny how the Lord works…..one of them was the same one she gave me for you today. I knew that meant something so I read it again.
The Holy Spirit gave me a simple equation for you after I read the scripture below.
2 Corinthians 3:18
And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory,which comes from the Lord, who is the spirit.
Weight = ever-increasing glory
That’s it, plain and simple. I know that you will know exactly what He is saying to you my friend.
Living for Christ,
Kristen, you are quite an inspiration. Thank you for sharing yourself so openly throughout this journey. I pray for you daily.
My dear Kristen–You have always been both the Gift and the Given–as was Samuel. CS Lewis, in the Problem of Pain, states: “If He who in Himself can lack nothing chooses to need us, it is because we need to be needed.” And He loves us so completely that if we need Him to need us, then He will supply our need, and “whether we like it or not, God intends to give us what we need, not what we now think we want.” Praying for the healing of my child is a fearful experience as I must approach His throne with a pure heart, and that involves a moment-by-moment total cleanse and filling with the Holy Spirit, lest I be the one bringing condemation by asking unworthily. His perfect love toward us provides the Way. Love you so much, Kristen.
Kristen –
I was up late doing the dishes and started humming Chris Tomlin’s song “Whom Shall I Fear?” and I immediately thought of you and was reminded of one of your early blog posts about our God of Angel Armies! God put it on my heart to reach out to you. My prayers are with you tonight and so often.
Maria Heady
Very shortly after your diagnosis, I felt compelled (led) to tell you of my unusual awakening to pray for you…that has continued through these last 7 months, but today is the first time in several months that I have felt the Spirit leading me to let you know again. Last night was a night of long wrestling in prayer…I can only believe that you, through the Father, know why. It’s amazing to think that the God of the Universe works in such spectacular ways on behalf of His children. You, as you surely know, are so deeply loved. Prayers continue for you and your family!