Said ever so simply by Abraham Lincoln, “Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.”
This journey continues to remind me that my thoughts are important – critically so. Is my mind racing or at rest? Vain imaginations or trusting God for more than I can imagine? Pondering God’s grace and goodness, entering His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise or crumpling under a load of lies and ludicrous suggestions courtesy of the father of lies (intentionally NOT capitalized so as not to give him even a hint of respect!)?
Last Thursday night, through the night and into Friday morning, was a colossal fail in the take-every-thought-captive department. Weak and weary, I entertained the enemy’s assessment of all that’s been going on and the endless possibilities of what the future may or may not hold. Pity had her party, oh yes she did. Tears and tantrum all balled up in one. Thankfully, after some ugly hours during which the wicked one enjoyed my full cooperation, the Spirit of the Living God in me, that very same Spirit that raised Christ Jesus from the dead, empowered my wounded heart to rise up and cry out to the Lord. And, as He does so faithfully, He heard my cry for help.
But You, O LORD, are a shield about me, my glory, and the One who lifts my head.” Psalm 3:3
With my head up, I saw Truth again. Truth in all His beauty, all His patience, full of love for me. As quickly as I turned, He forgave. The accuser had to flee. James says if we submit to God and resist the devil, fleeing is his only option.
Whew! That was brutal and I brought it on myself by letting my thoughts wander further and further down a darkened trail. Instead, when I remember the days of old, all my God is to me and has done for me in the past; when I meditate on all His doings and I muse on the work of His hands, I am free to believe, to trust and to rest in Him. (See Psalm 143:5)
Remember . . . meditate . . . muse on Truth. Turn my eyes upon Jesus. Look full in His wonderful face and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.
So, what’s on your mind? An old wound? A recent injustice? Doubts, fears, uncertainties, insecurities, seemingly unbearable circumstances, unfulfilled dreams? Turn to Him. Remember Him. Meditate on all He has done. Muse on His mighty works, and let Him turn your pain into praise! I’m so glad He can and He does.
Appreciate your prayers for both Kurt and myself as we testify to His goodness at the North American Christian Convention next week here in Louisville. Thursday is workshop day for both of us but Kurt and some of the kids will be serving at the Further Still booth Tuesday through Thursday. Stop by if you can.
Thank you, Kristen! I needed to hear this today, and thank you for the scripture. I pray for you daily.
Turning! Remembering! Meditating! No wonder He loves you so much!!! You are a pretty awesome example of what following Him should look like, Kristen! Love that satan lost another round! REJOICING LOUDER to the One greater in you! See you at NACC! Prayers for astounding strength in body and spirit! You will be AMAZING!!! (Because you are!!!) Love you!!!
Awesome words. Thank you for sharing your journey and for allowing others to share in the Lord’s work in your life. The loving Vine Dresser’s pruning process is never easy and often painful, but ultimately necessary to produce the maximum amount of quality fruit in those whom He has chosen to graft into His Branch. As one who is being pruned myself, the Lord is showing me to appreciate the pruning as an indicator of the Father’s awesome work and presence. The Lord is using you and your family in awesome ways to bring hope, truth and healing to those in need. Thank you again, keep fighting the good fight.
I needed this too so much today my friend. Transparency amoung us – oh how The God of the universe can use it-and how satan hates it. I love you Kristen. Did u just feel that hug?
Amen, and again, Amen!! We serve such a mighty and forgiving God. He held you during your (richly deserved, so don’t beat yourself up!) pity party and then rejoiced with you on the other side. Listening for His Voice of Truth is wonderful, yes? God’s blessings on you and Kurt as you prepare for NACC, and your whole family.
Your words are refreshment to my soul. I too can easily believe lies and yet the Lord knows that and is not surprised. His work goes on, rebuilding my heart, replacing lies with His truth, transforming my mind and teaching me to turn to Him and not to the culture. Thanks for your honest confession and encouragement to pursue the One who never stopped pursuing us. To Him be the glory! Praying for you and your family!
I love, love your heart as always. Thank you for reminding and encouraging us as The Lord has encouraged you. A much needed message for me today! We continue to pray loud and hard for the angel armies to be working in your life and for the Almighty to heal. Praying he gives you strength and joy today. He is such a good Dad. Love you so much! 🙂