Well, Kurt and Drew are on their way to Washington state to drop Drew at Moody Bible Institute’s Spokane campus. Jeff Heisler and his son Brice who will also be attending Moody are driving out with them. The dads will leave the car with the young men and fly home. Quite a transition!
I’m sitting here this morning with tears streaming down my face, but not exactly for the reason you may be assuming. Yes, I will miss my son tremendously. We all will. He’s a fine young man. A God seeker who loves people. What more could any momma ask? He has a heart for justice and empathy is one of his greatest strengths. Plus, he’s cute (almost as handsome as his daddy) and funny – he makes me laugh. His absence creates a tangibly-felt void and inspires anticipation for a extra special Christmas reunion.
The reason for tears this morning, however, is that Kurt just texted me that they are taking the Badlands, South Dakota exit in five minutes. I used Google images to take a peak at the Badlands. I’d strongly encourage you to do the same – breathtaking! Worship immediately welled up from the very depths of my soul to the Creator God who carved all of this with His Word, His breath! Listening to Magnificent by Darlene Zschech, marveling at God’s greatness through Badland beauty, lifting holy hands, praising Him who alone is worthy to be praised!
OK, so while I have been blogging, Kurt and Drew have been sending me arial shots! Looks like there was a surprise helicopter ride involved in this rite-of-passage trip to college!
Thinking of the guys there, right now, seeing it all first hand, experiencing it for themselves, lost in the vastness of it all . . . reminded me of an even greater land, the Goodlands, that some are already beholding first-hand . . . they are there today . . . witnessing and enjoying all its glory. A land also fashioned by the Creator with the express purpose of preparing a place for us to join Him. A magnificent, heavenly land where we’ll not only relish the beauty and majesty of things never before imagined but where we’ll see Jesus face to face.
Some are there now, ahead of us. Like Kurt and Drew and the Heisler men, they have gone on while we remain, anticipating the day our faith will become sight! Hallelujah! Maranatha!
Joining you in worship, Kristen! Been through those amazing Badlands when driving cross country years ago. Another great truth is the Badlands are temporary. And THE GOODLANDS ARE ETERNAL! Love you, my precious girl! Praying prayers of peace…love those men of yours!
So good to read your thoughts this morning Kristen and happy to know that Drew is on this western adventure with his daddy. Thinking of what fun it will be when Jesus comes and shows us around the “Goodlands” of heaven. Praying and praising Him for those pounds you gained this week and sending y’all love and hugs from the Hamiltons.
Martha, just wanted to thank you for the herb garden you brought earlier this spring. We have enjoyed them immensely! So fun to go right out and pick our own fresh! That was such a creative, encouraging gift. So cheerful too, in the brightly colored pots. Just reminds us of you! I miss you dear friend and our prayer times together at the OC. Hope all is well with you and yours.
I can’t imagine the emotions that you have but understand your faith that God has gone before them and will bless them abundantly!
We’ve been praying for Drew as he takes this step! Also for Olivia and all of “our kids” as they head back to college. We so enjoyed seeing all of you at the Sauder reunion last Saturday! We love and appreciate our family so much and feel very blessed! Love you guys 🙂
Love you all too. Wasn’t that a terrific reunion? Great to all be together. We are truly blessed! Thanks so much for your prayers.
Kristen, I just now saw this blog post. For some reason I missed it in my email. If you have a few minutes I would love to talk to you about Moody. Alex is actually with a friend this weekend who is encouraging him to apply there and when I saw your post it made my heart skip a beat. He has already been accepted to Liberty and had never considered Moody until just a few weeks ago. If you are feeling up to it would you be willing to talk with me one day soon?
Lynne, I’ve been out of town. Sorry to be just getting this. I’d be happy to talk with you anytime. What’s the best way? Can you give me your cell and I’ll call you?
Blessings, Kristen
Kristen, thanks for being willing to talk! My number is 502-641-7653.