Do you make Him a part of your everything? Sometimes we get busy and leave Him only for church and our quiet time. We forget to add Him in everywhere else. Jesus wants to be a part of our everything and we really need Him in everything. Let God make the call in all you do and you will be blessed even in the tiniest situations. His decisions are the best of the bests and He always knows what is right even if it looks a bit iffy.
We are so grateful for your prayers. They are being answered and will be answered in everything! Mom now weighs 93 lbs.!!!!! She finally has some cushion to sit on in the bath tub! A very sweet friend has given her new, yummy recipes to try so she is eating good. And the treatments she is using are helping immensely ! Every day she walks 20 minutes or so on an elliptical and breathes in oxygen and then uses two other techniques that the Lord is using to bring her body to good health.
In four weeks Mom will have a CAT scan. Join us in praying for Jesus to be revealed in and through her; in and through all of us! We really need Him in everything!
Blessings, Ellie
love you all…..praying!
Praying every day, sweet Ellie…every day. Love to all…
Ellie, thank you so much for the wise counsel! And for the encouraging words about Mom! Praise God! How did you get so wise? (they say the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree – you are living proof of that!)
Love you guys and praying! (sorry for all the exclamation points! 🙂
Thanks for adding more Jesus to my day, Ellie! He is all we need, more of Him, and less of us! Winning combination! Great news on Mom’s weight gain! Love and prayers…God be praised!
Ellie, Thanks for the good news. We too are praying for your Mom. To God be the glory….great things He has done! Praying for you as well. You will never regret putting your life on hold to walk through this with your Mom. Great will be your reward.
Dear Kristen,
I pray that my children will one day “make Him a part of their everything” just like yours. Praying for total healing.
Liz Hackler
93 lbs!! Yeah GOD:)
I second all the above Comments !! Well said !! May God bless the Sauder Family !! May God Get All The Glory ! Love to All !
Love The Sauder Family!! Praying Always for All !