Being greatly encouraged by a new CD a friend gave me: Revealing Jesus by Darlene Zschech. My delight is found in knowing that He wears the Victor’s Crown! How about you?
Years ago Kurt and I were mentored by a saint who is now in the direct presence of the Victor, Dean Hochstetler. Dean was a firm believer in the truth that with the Victor’s crown comes ALL authority. “. . . All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth” Matthew 28:18. Dean used to ask us, “How much authority is all? All authority means ALL authority.” His follow-up question then was, “And Who lives in you?”
Dean signed every letter: “Christ is Victor, Dean.”
My oncologist was very pleased with this past Thursday’s x-ray and exam. Stuff is still shrinking and strength is on the rise. One day at a time, one step at a time and all the while King Jesus wears the Victor’s Crown.
Below find partial lyrics and a link. Praise Him now, brothers and sisters. Then one day we’ll join a mighty chorus and sing it with one voice!
“Victor’s Crown”
You are always fighting for us
Heaven’s angels all around
My delight is found in knowing
That You wear the Victor’s crown
You’re my help and my defender
You’re my Saviour and my friend
By Your grace I live and breathe
To worship You
At the mention of Your greatness
In Your Name I will bow down
In Your presence fear is silent
For You wear the Victor’s crown
Let Your glory fill this temple
Let Your power overflow
By Your grace I live and breathe
To worship You
Every high thing must come down
Every stronghold shall be broken
You wear the Victor’s crown
You overcome
You overcome
At the cross the work was finished
You were buried in the ground
But the grave could not contain You
For You wear the Victor’s crown
Tom and I continue to pray for you our sweet sister…we also lift Kurt and your precious children before the throne DAILY. Love and hugs in Jesus….don’t you just know Jesus was a hugger? 🙂
Smiling and praising!
Hallelujah!! “ the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, power, and authority before all time, now and forever. Amen.” Jude 25. Thank you, Kristen, for sharing.
Mom would never tell you this (even though she posted yesterday). Yesterday was her birthday!! We are so thrilled that she is our Mom! We couldn’t ask for a better role model and encourager. Thank you Mom! We love you!
Love, Olivia, Drew, Ivy and Ellie 🙂
Haven’t heard this song in a while. Thank you for sharing. Darlene Zschech has such a powerful testimony and ministry. Thank you for your continuing testimony and example. God is so amazing and He loves you so very much. The lives that will be touched with your ministry in years to come (not to mention those already impacted by you) will be able to see God the Healer!!!
Love you.