Prayer is one of the very best gifts we can give our kids. Praying for them, modeling a life of prayer, creating a culture of prayer in our homes and in general, as we’re told to do in 1 Thessalonians 5:17, praying constantly are habits that produce fruit as God answers and as our kids follow in our footsteps to develop intimate and personal conversation with the Lord for themselves.
What can we pray for our little ones and not-so-little-anymore ones? How about verse 4 from Daniel chapter 1. This description of the young Israelite royals taken as Babylonian captives points to the work of God in their lives
“Young men without any physical defect, handsome, showing aptitude for every kind of learning, well-informed, quick to understand, and qualified to serve in the king’s palace . . .”
Wouldn’t you agree that this verse provides a terrific list of qualities that would benefit any boy or girl, any young man or woman? The start of a new school year is the perfect time to make a fresh commitment to praying regularly for our children and here are some specifics:
No physical defect- Father, I boldly ask for life and health for my children. I pray they will discipline themselves to eat well, exercise, rest appropriately and yield the members of their body (Your temple) for righteousness.
Handsome- Father, help my children to see themselves (and others) as you see them and to remember that man looks on the outward appearance but You look at the heart (1 Sam. 16:7).
Aptitude for every kind of learning– Lord God, give my children a love of learning. Help them understand that all truth is Your truth and that as they study in all different disciplines they are gaining insight into who You are.
Well informed– Father, fill my children to overflowing with Your Holy Spirit so they can discern not only between right and wrong but between good, better and best.
Quick to understand– Lord, develop in my children eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart to obey quickly.
Qualified to serve in the king’s palace– Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego possessed all the qualities necessary for serving an earthly king. Lord, I ask that you raise up these children and equip them with the qualities necessary for serving you, the King of Kings!
We’re still getting used to being a family residing in three different states. With Drew in Washington state, Liv in Chicago and the rest of us here in Kentucky, there are limitations on what I can do for my kids. At least for the older two, I can’t hug them. I can’t physically wipe away tears. I can’t pack their lunch or make them dinner. But, there is one thing I can do, the most powerful thing, not hindered by time or space: I can pray!
Amen…thank you for the reminder.
IN JESUS’ NAME! Amen to that! Blessings to you and all of yours! Near and far! Protected by His Holy Presence! What JOY we have in Him, being all we need! Love you, my precious prayerful friend!
You never cease to inspire me! Thanks so much for your time! I truly appreciate you and we pray for you daily!