During the course of this journey, God keeps reintroducing Himself by another one after another one of His many, spectacular names. You may remember when I came to know Him better as God of Angel Armies or as the Ancient of Days. This past Thursday, I ended the blog with a song the Spirit brought to mind, one I hadn’t thought of in so long: What a Mighty God We Serve. On Friday morning as I sat with the Lord preparing my heart for the trip to the hospital and the CT scan, the Spirit was still impressing me with the name Mighty God. So, as I’ve learned not to ignore these prompts, I began to dig deeper looking up references to our Lord as the Mighty God. One verse stood out prominently to me that morning. Isiah 9:6 exclaims, “For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; And the government will rest on His shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace (emphasis mine).
On blueletterbible.org (a tremendous study tool, by the way), I found an old sermon by Spurgeon dissecting this exact verse and name. The word in Hebrew for God in the name Mighty God is “El” and indicates might that can only be possessed by Deity. Basically, when we call Him our Mighty God, we are really saying, Mighty, Mighty Deity. How’s that? He’s not just mighty, that would be phenomenal, but He’s even more. He’s our Mighty, Mighty God!
Spurgeon references a couple of other theologians who believe the word for God in Mighty God in Isiah 9:6 can also be translated as . . . get this . . . the Irradiator, He who gives light to man, or as the Illustrious, also a reference to God as bright, shining light. I’ve never before called God my Irradiator. Initially, I was struck by the similarity of this name to the term radiation and I thought to myself how cool it would have been to know Him by this name back in January and February when I was undergoing radiation therapy. Keep in mind that the Spirit is guiding me through this discovery on Friday morning before my CT scan.
The scan itself went great. Thank you for your prayers. I tolerated the contrast liquid and IV much better this time. We expected to find out results this coming Friday at my scheduled oncologist appointment. However, the phone rang test-day afternoon. It was my Doctor. I have to be honest with you, I got so excited. I raised my hand to heaven and thought in my heart that the report was so good he just couldn’t make me wait a week. He had to call and tell me.
Actually, the radiologist called my Doctor on his day off to let him know that they see something going on in the lower back. He, in turn, called me. What concerns them is the close proximity to the base of the spine. In order to prevent a possible fracture, they are moving quickly and have already lined up radiation on the back for first thing (7:30) Monday morning. As I write this, that’s tomorrow morning.
Now isn’t it interesting that the Lord would reveal to me that He is Mighty, Mighty God, the Illustrious, my Irradiator on the very day I would need to know, to really know and belive that truth! Yes, there were tears of disappointment that this time of trial is not yet past, but our Savior tells us honestly that in this life we will have trouble. He just keeps repeating from the very beginning of this journey until now, “Don’t be afraid and don’t be dismayed,” Deut. 31:8. And I am experiencing my Mighty, Mighty God at work supernaturally in my own heart, the seat of my former worry wort, fearful self. He is giving me peace . . . peace . . .peace . . . peace in the storm. Please let that encourage you, because if He can do it for me, He can do it for anyone! What is your storm?
So, as you continue to pray for me and for my family, we invite you to pray from a place of victory because He wears the Victor’s Crown! With thanksgiving, make your requests known unto God. Like Paul and Silas in prison after a severe flogging, sing hymns to Him because He is worthy to be praised. He is our Mighty, Mighty God. The doctors, as experienced, skilled and trained as they may be, see through eyes of flesh. They don’t know the mind of God. They, nor anyone else, have ever been His counselor. We are invited to see truth and reality as we look through eyes of faith and trust our Mighty, Mighty God!
Dearest Kristen….just love that post! So good to see His hand in this storm. So grateful for your peace – we love to see that answer to the prayer that has been prayed by so many! What is our storm? It’s your storm. Praying for His peace.
With much love, Mimi and Lolo
Thank you, Kristen, for leading us all to Him during this time of trial for you. We are lifting you in prayer here in central Indiana. He is mighty!
While we pray for total healing, our prayer for you and your family is to find peace through this storm. We continue to look for healing tomorrow, but today He offers peace.
I took one of your bible studies several years ago entitled “From Panic to Peace.” Of course, none of us knew at that time you would one day be going through this valley. I have been praying for your complete healing and peace ever since I heard the news. I didn’t get the privilege of knowing you personally, but you certainly made a lasting impression on me. You are a beautiful, Godly woman on the inside and out. It has been amazing to read your blog and see you rest in the peace you spoke about during our study. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this time. Toni
You continue to be an encouragement to me.
Praying for you and Kurt and Kids.
Love you so much
What a friend we have in Jesus!!!!!!!!
Praying for you Kristen as you begin radiation this morning. God is so good…praying for your continued faith in Him throughout this journey and for peace along the way.
Praying for you even now.
Kristen, I have prayed for you throughout the night and this morning. My prayers will continue…100/100/100. You have an amazing faith.
Amazing how God reveals Himself to us in amazing ways just when we need Him the most. You are in our prayers and we will trust Him with you that the latest round of radiation will be effective and serve its purpose in your total healing. His peace be with you and your family in the midst of trials and storms.
Mike, Anna, Julia, Kinsey, Seth and Gracie Russo
Kristen, just read your most recent post and I’m concerned but hopeful. I will pray for your rufua shelema, which is Hebrew for complete healing. I met you back in April at a Thunder over of Louisville party. I always ask Dave and Suann how you are. I’m glad to see they are quick to act on this. Good luck with your treatment.
Rick, great to hear from you and thanks for your prayers and well wishes. You know one of the natural therapies recommended for healing is 10 good belly laughs a day. I definitely got my 10 that night watching fireworks with you there! Thanks for the encouragement! Blessings, Kristen