During our “be fruitful and multiply” years, Aunt Margie and Uncle Harold were a life-line to sanity for Kurt and myself. One day a week we dropped our little people off at their place for some extra TLC including (but not limited to) outdoor playtime, Barney on the tube, stories, songs, naps, Harold’s amazing grilled burgers and Margie’s chocolate covered rice krispie treats. While the kids partied with Harold and Margie, Kurt and I frequented our favorite whole-in-the-wall breakfast nook and then got our grocery shopping done.
One day we returned from our respite to pick up our small blessings and Margie shared with us that one of those sweet babes, whom I shall leave unnamed, had a difficult morning. When Margie asked her to do something that she didn’t particularly want to do, she responded with, “You’re not the boss of me!” Well, how about that for a preacher’s daughter! (The sins of the father being passed down to the third and fourth generations!)
Taking orders or dolling them out, let’s be honest, most of us prefer being boss to being bossed!
Recently Kurt and I, in preparation for full-time Further Still, have been getting some mentoring from an entrepreneur who considers his business his ministry. His org chart fleshes out his belief that as CEO he is servant of all. His name is listed at the very bottom of the page. His board of directors can be found just above his name, followed by each employee layered all the way up to where the individual with the seemingly smallest contribution to the organization is listed on top. This business owner describes his role as one of servant-leadership that exists to make everyone above him wildly successful. This guy, and his team, are not just all talk either. In very tangible ways, small and large, he serves those he employs. He’s the boss of them, but he’s far from bossy.
In Philippians 2:6-8 we learn that even though Jesus possessed equality with God the Father, He didn’t regard that equality as something to be clung to tightly. He humbled Himself, emptied Himself, took the form of a man and became obedient . . . to death . . . on a cross.
The BOSS became a baby on our behalf – a baby who grew up to become a suffering servant. “Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give His life a ransom for many (Matthew 20:28).”
Every morning and all throughout the day and night, I call upon the Lord and He serves me. He strengthens, He comforts, He soothes, He reminds, He listens, He teaches, He guides, He encourages, He intercedes, He heals, He forgives, He fights for me . . . When I cry, “Who will help me today, Lord? There’s so much that I need help with. Who will help?” His Spirit responds, “I Am your Helper. I Am the One called along side.”
Almighty God, I’m often as stubborn as my own child. Today I acknowledge and declare that You are indeed the Boss of me. Help me surrender and submit joyfully. Thank You, Jesus, for coming to serve and continuing to serve and thank You for sending Your Spirit to do the same.
So many of you continue to serve our family as well. We thank you!
There is one other who for the last 23 years has been the best model of servant-leadership to me: my sweet Kurt. When I think of being a servant, next to Jesus, he comes to mind first. I joked about the sins of the father earlier, but in this case (you can check with the kids and they’ll tell you it’s true), Kurt has modeled what it means to lead by serving. He is an example both for myself and for our children. Daily I thank Jesus for this man. He is my favorite person on the face of the earth and I am so blessed to be his wife. Tomorrow, October 11th, Kurt celebrates a big birthday – not 30 . . . not 40 . . . but 50! I know, I can’t believe it either. Don’t he look good! Happy Birthday, sweetheart. I love you!
Kristen…This is a wonderful tribute to one of the sweetest, kindest, most loving men I have been blessed to know. Your family is a testimony to his love for all of you…and his love of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. As I have told you before, some of my most cherished memories are from the years God chose Jeff and me to love and care for you and your children. I will always be grateful to Him and to you and Kurt for entrusting your little ones to our care. I pray this day will be filled with happiness and joy as you celebrate Kurt’s special birthday. Give him a HUGE birthday hug from the McIntyres!
And, this is for you…”For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
I love you…
Good morning Sauder’s~
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Kurt thank you for all you do modeling Jesus for us all. Kristen, what an example you are as well. May He continue to bless you and your family.
Happy Birthday to Kurt!! Kristen you are so inspiring! I love reading your blog. Prayers for strength and wellness.
Yes he looks awesome Kristen! Love you both tons and a big Happy Birthday to Kurt! We’ve walked down life’s road with you for decades, praising God with you through the lessons He has given us both. Roller coaster? YES, wouldn’t want any other ride though 🙂 I know you feel the same.
Thought about and prayed for you today, Kurt! Happy belated 50th birthday! We are thankful for you!
I hope you had a Happy Birthday Kurt. I hope you all had a great day!