A couple of blogs back, we talked about the significance of seemingly insignificant verses in God’s Word. Two days ago I experienced this again first hand.
Sometimes when I begin my morning time with the Lord I’ll feel prompted to just ask, “Lord, where do you want me to read today? What do you have for me?” On this particular morning, the Spirit directed me to 2 Samuel, then to chapter 5 and finally to verse 16. With great anticipation I flipped open to the exact verse. Here’s what it says,
“Elishma, Eliada and Eliphlet.”
Two thoughts ran through my mind almost simultaneously: 1) Well that’s disappointing and 2) Did God really direct me here?
Why is doubt so often my first reaction? Do you ever do that, convince yourself that it really wasn’t God’s voice after all. That maybe it’s just you making stuff up in your head?
That old whisperer, the father of lies (I refuse to even capitalize his name) is quick on the draw. He crouches ready to sow seeds of doubt. It should be so obvious. Why do we listen to him? Why do we trust and believe him more readily, more quickly than the Holy Spirit of God who lives within us? From the very first attempt at derailing mankind, he employed disappointment and distrust to strike his blow. With Eve it was disappointment that she couldn’t eat what appeared to be a delicious, desirable fruit accompanied with distrust brought on by questioning whether God really said what God really said.
Let’s say the Spirit nudges you to pray with a co-worker and you argue that he’ll just think you’re nuts. So, you decide to pray for him but not with him. Or the Spirit presses in to send you on a divine errand to visit, serve, call or bless a neighbor but consumed by the business of life you rationalize that it wasn’t really God’s personal invitation for you to join Him at work. Possibly, the Spirit convicts you of a wrong you need to make right, but it seems so insignificant to you. Maybe it happened a long time ago and you reason that it’s better off left buried. Could be there’s someone you need to forgive but logic reminds you that that person does not want to hear from you. It would just stir up a hornet’s nest, so you let the voice of God go unheeded. There are a million ways as Spirit-filled Christ-followers that we silence God’s voice and then wonder why He doesn’t speak more audibly and clearly.
Thankfully, this time I took those wicked thoughts captive and chose to believe that the Lord had indeed answered my prayer for direction. After all, He promises to do that, right? Asking for devotional guidance was not the only prayer I’d prayed that morning either. Specifically I came before the throne that morning dealing with some serious pain. I cried out for relief, begging God to hear my prayer. I remember saying, “Lord Jesus, I know that you know what it feels like to be in pain. You alone know what I’m going through right now. Please be my Deliverer today.”
Choosing to believe that it truly was the Spirit leading me to 2 Samuel 5:16, I opened up www.blueletterbible.org and looked for some insight into these three sons of King David. By searching each name in Hebrew I discovered that Elishma means “My God has Heard,” Eliada, ” God Knows,” and Eliphlet, “God is Deliverance.”
What I would have missed (as I have too often done before) if I would have rationalized that the Spirit had not really spoken. The One called along side used a three-word verse, three Hebrew names at that, to speak a very personal word of encouragement to my soul: I have heard you, Kristen; I know and I Am your Deliverer.
Bless the Lord, Oh my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name!
What if today, brothers and sisters, we ask? And when we ask we expect. And when He speaks we believe. And then in faith, we act. What He says we will do. Where He sends we will go. What if?
I know exactly what you talked about today. One thing that finally helped me was to remember, the evil one would probably not point me towards scripture, so any scripture pointed out would be from God.
Thank you
Kristen, what an encouragement to seek God’s face, to yearn for His voice and to know that He will guide us. Thank you for documenting how He led you this week and give us all a challenge to seek the Lord with our whole heart, not giving up. Praying for you and your family!
Wow!!!! Kristen, this is one of the most powerful blogs I have ever read! You are definitely hearing from the Spirit of the Living God! You are a great encouragement to all of us, as you walk through this difficult time. We will continue to press into prayer for your total healing! You are greatly loved!
What if! What a challenge you present to me. I am being reminded in this moment of the whispers of His Spirit to me to be obedient in a phone call and the sharing of His word. I’ve tried to do all the “doesn’t make sense” thing. Please pray.
Kristen you continue to bless us with your anointed teachings and encouragements! Thank you! We continue to pray for you and your precious family. We love you all!
Thank you for sharing. This was a timely post for me as I had just yesterday morning been directed to a verse of names and did not write it down or research. I doubted. Next time I will look for God’s truth in those names. My husband and I are lifting you in prayer everyday as we pray together.
Beautiful, Kristin <3
Thank you Kristen, God is so faithful! Jesus is sooo personal! Keep drawing near to God and resisting the devil. He MUST flee! God’s covenant, in Jesus’ precious incorruptible blood, with you is sure. God watches over His covenant one and fights for you Kristen. You are His beloved. (Mark 11:22-24) Keep speaking to that mountain. It MUST move because His Word is fixed for eternity! You value His Word above all that you see, hear, or feel. By His stripes you were healed, so I come in agreement to command your body to manifest the healing of the cross! Cancer, pain, weakness you must go from Kristen’s body because our Lord Jesus already carried you on the cross. Jesus, your resurrection power lives in Kristen’s spirit and we release it, by faith, to flow throughout her mortal body!!! Standing for 100/100/100 on the Rock with you!
The best blog EVER! (I also realized that Mary Ann is exactly right!) I just read that portion the other day and totally skipped over 3 names that would have been great blessings. Thank you, Kristen. Praying that our Lord, in His mercy, will take this pain away.
My sweet little three-year-old just saw your picture as I was reading this post and excitedly said, “That is who we pray for.” We pray for you often and will continue to do so!
You are an amazing example of faith and a life lived for Christ.
Kristin – Once again your post encourages me. We are actually doing the Beth Moore study of David right now and the night before this post, was the day on 2 Samuel 5. I got up and did the next day’s study and prayed that God would give me wisdom to understand His Word in a deeper way. Did the lesson and then opened your blog. Never thought to look up the names before. So I had to go back to the day before and enter those names and their meanings. God just wasn’t speaking to you. God was using you to give me an example of how to grow deeper with Him. Then I just had to pause and see what God is doing in your life and in mine right now!!!! WOW!!! Know that I am praying for you and your sweet family.
I thank God for your obedience to His Word.
Printed this and put in my tent! Thank you for the reminder and for being you….trusting God with you daily and so thankful for your wisdom AND especially how He speaks to me through you. Bless the Lord O my soul indeed!
Kristen, this is such a timely word and I’m so grateful for your faithfulness, even when God’s direction didn’t make sense, and for sharing with us. Praying for you continually and particularly for relief from pain.