This life without my mom has been terribly hard- knowing she won’t be there for my next birthday or to celebrate Mother’s day or to go on a walk on the beach with me. She won’t be there to help me with my papers or give me advice or to celebrate her favorite holiday- Thanksgiving. The list could go on forever. And many people try to comfort me and say different things, but the best comfort I have received is that my Heavenly Father will NEVER leave me. He will always be here for me.
Do you ever feel like you need to talk to someone but you don’t really want them to say anything, you just want them to listen? Well, my mom was the best at that, she knew when I needed her to just listen and when I needed advice. But now I’ve lost her-she’s in heaven. So Jesus is in her spot like always but even more real to me than ever before, and let me tell you- He is good at it! I can tell Him anything on my mind and He only speaks when He knows I need His advice. And I dont know what is going on in your life, but I do know that Jesus Christ is there for you. If you need someone to talk to- He is the best. He won’t interrupt you or make you feel uncomfortable like us humans sometimes do. He will give you relief and peace.
The pain from my mother’s going hasn’t left, in fact I feel part of me is gone, but knowing that I have the King of Kings to be here for me is so comforting. As I was reading all my old notes Mom had given me- one of the cards said the very same thing. It was just a note of encouragement she had given me when I was in fourth grade and part of it reads,”Remember Ellie to keep whispering prayers all day long and remember that Jesus loves you and is right there with you. He will never leave you. Do your best for His glory. We love you, Mom and Daddy” The people of this world and the things of this world will never truly satisfy and give comfort, but God always will!
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Hi Ellie, God has laid you on my heart on so many different occasions. I am not sure if you remember me but I had the privaledge of praying for you at the Iron Bell. I want you to know that you are on God’s radar:) He is constantly reminding me to pray for you specifically!! You are beloved by the Father and His eyes are
always on you!! Hope to see you soon at the Iron Bell!!
Thank you for the reminder that God is a good listener!!
No wonder I love you SO MUCH, Ellie!
Mrs. Wes’
Thanks, Ellie. My only son is going through a tough time, so this is just what I needed to be reminded of today! I think of your wonderful mom and pray for your family all the time. You are all great inspirations for the Lord.
Precious daughter of the King!
How central to His heart you are, Ellie!! I love that you recognize the truth of His being your constant, trustworthy companion! Such a mature faith! He will always be enough for our every need and loves to fill our empty places!!! Love you so much, sweet little lamb! Praying continued prayers of comfort in your loss…
Oh Ellie,
You are wise beyond your years. Your faith is inspirational! I will keep you in my prayers. I have not experienced the pain of losing my parents yet but I hope that when I do I will be as strong in my faith as you.
Love to you all,
Lynne Christian
My Precious Granddaughter– I have done nothing to deserve you; yet in His goodness, God gave you to me through your mom & dad. If Mom had left me with a vacuum in my heart instead of just a tremendous ole hole–well, I just don’t know how I would even get up in the mornings. But God gave me YOU!!!
Mom & I had the “whisper-to-Jesus” conversation when she was 3. Sometimes I would pass by her room & she would be whispering to her dolls about Jesus. In first grade she fell on a wet floor, hit her head, and lost her vision for several hours. She was whispering all the way to Dr. Singer’s office, “If You want me to to tell blind people about Jesus, I will! I could be like Helen Keller for You!”
That same first grade year, she led her friend Pam to Jesus. She jumped off the school bus yelling, “Mommie, Mommie, I told Pam about Jesus and she put her head down on her desk and received Him into her heart!”
Yes, she was exceptional–and so are you. Just keep on whispering without stopping, and He will show you who is hurting, who is waiting to hear, who needs Him most.
With love, prayers, & pride for Christ in you–Eleanor Grace–the hope of glory. Grammie <3
This is a sweet reminder. Thank you so much for ministering to us by sharing your heart. Continued prayers for you all.
Ellie — As a mom my heart goes out to you. Also, as a mom, I am so very proud of you!! Jesus, the King of Kings, IS the only one you can count on ALL THE TIME!! Blessings!! Your mom & dad have taught you well!
Ellie, your blog about listening is the 3rd time today that I’ve read the importance of listening. Guess God is trying to tell me something. Anyway, I know that He is listening to you and your family during this time of grief. May your heart be filled with thanksgiving.
Oh… how my heart breaks for you, but you are wise beyond your years! Your mother touched so many people and pointed them to Jesus, the only one who can truly give HOPE and unconditionally love!
I continue to pray for you and your family! Trust in the only one who will ever satisfy ALL your needs! Prayers, hugs and love coming your way!
Dear precious Ellie….we love you and your heart so very much. Thank you for these inspired, encouraging words. You reflect your momma’s heart, which means your light for Jesus shines bright. Thank you for sharing her sweet encouraging words to you with us. I am praying for you sweet girl…that the King would continue to comfort you beyond what you thought possible…that he would reign a continual stream of relief and peace over you. We are lifting you up all throughout the day, each and every one. You are loved!!!
Beautiful said Ellie!!!! Thank You for the reminder that He will never leave me:) Love you!!!
Awesome Ellie! So proud of you!!!! God is going to use you for His glory! Your Momma would be so proud of you! Its so hard when the people we love graduate to Heaven before we do. Thank goodness that its not goodbye ,but see you later. One day you will be with your Momma for eternity !! The harder this life becomes, the more excited I get! Sending hugs, love ,and prayers your way!!! Love your sister in Christ, Gretchen 😉
Love “reading” Jesus through you, Ellie!!! WRITE ON!!!! Mrs Wig
Sweet Post Ellie, so glad you all are continuing your Mom’s Important Messages ! Well Said, And Very important. Praying for your Family, CMR
God used you today to speak directly to me. Thank You!
Much Love!
Thank you so much for posting this. Your mom was an incredible woman and such a blessing in my family’s lives. But honestly, I truly needed to hear this today. It is amazing how God uses random people to speak to you in a time of need. Thank you for giving me something to think about and a sign as to my next step in getting through my own current struggles.
Hello Ellie,
My husband and I and our three girls are members at Southeast. Three years ago I lost both of my parents in one year, tough times, but, in all honesty, I have never felt like an orphan! I’m amazed every day how that is! He promised to take that place and care for me and He has. Of course, I want my Mom’s voice and Dad’s strength but I was given so much in having them for parents, I thank Him!! Your blog was an amazing testimony to the Love of God and His faithfulness. Praying for you and your wonderful family.
Anne H Jones
Absolutely true….amazing and awesome how He is there to help fill the void. Praying. Love you guys.
This is an amazing song and I hope it touches your family!
OMG! I could almost hear your mom’s reassuring voice and see her sweet smile when you said, “Let me tell you, He is good at it!”
Jesus is definitely working right through you, and I know your mom is smiling down at you and is proud as a peacock!
Thanks for the reminder to whisper prayers to Jesus all day long and to do your best for His Glory!
It is so good to read your words Ellie. I love you sweet precious daughter of the King of Kings. Thank you for reminding me that he is our listening ear, our strong shoulder that invites us to place all our troubles on him because he cares for us. You are in my daily prayers and I hope we get to be together soon to catch up. I want to hear all about how you and Ivy are doing in “Chemistry!” Ms. Martha could sure use some help. Love and hugs
Hi Ellie, I am out of town on a business trip, so I just watched Kyle’s sermon on suffering over the internet. When he said, “A storm reveals the foundation our life is built on and where our hope comes from” I thought of your beautiful post, and how it spoke to that very thing! Thank you so much for continuing the blog – we love to hear the stories about your Mom, and we love your encouragement as we all deal with the loss. The very depth of the loss reveals just how special your Mom was (is).
Reading the comments on this page is a Blessing in itself!
With much love,
Your words pierce my heart. I was forty years old when my mom went to be with Jesus. Even though I was a mom myself, I dreaded Mother’s Day more than anything that year, so I know a little of what you are feeling as your future stretches out before you without the comfort of having your mom there. You are putting your hope in the right place. As many have pointed out, you are wise beyond your years, and you are right, we cannot offer anything to comfort you. You need the balm that only Jesus can give.
Hi Ellie,
I have been following your Mom’s blog for a couple years after doing her “God Seeker” study. There have been many days that she wrote something that spoke right to me, or a verse she pointed right at me, and today you did the very same thing. You are a blessing just as she was.
Keep the faith. Much love to you and your family.