Just recently I started reading the amazing story90 Minutes in Heaven. In the third chapter, “Heavenly music,” the author Don Piper, attempts to describe the glories of Heaven. He says,”I get frustrated describing what heaven was like, because I can’t begin to put into words what it looked like, sounded like, and felt like. It was perfect, and I knew I had no needs and never would again. I didn’t even think of earth or of those I left behind…”
After reading this I felt so much peace. Knowing that my mom is in this indescribable, wonderfully fantastic place is so exciting. I get so pumped thinking about all she is doing and the infinite joy she is experiencing. Having my own glimpse of heaven, through this book, wiped away all my fear of what life ahead has for me.
And then I thought, ‘fear’- from the beginning of her battle, mom believed she would be predominantly fighting fear. So I turned to 1 John 4:18, “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear…” I was overjoyed to think that right now, this very second, mom is in perfect love and has zilch fear 🙂 Just being able to think that her fight is over and her fear is completely wiped away was so encouraging.
Denise Smith says
And your mom’s legacy lives on thru you and your siblings. Each time I read a post that your family writes, I am encouraged. I only met your mom one time and only briefly — in fact, I barely remember her. BUT, her legacy, the faith that she had, lives on in you and your siblings. . .and your dad!! God Bless you all!!
Martha Hamilton says
So good to hear your voice Ivy through Further Still. Thank you for reminding me of the book 90 Minutes In Heaven. Such a good book! I too am pumped up to think about what all God has in store there in heaven for us! As he lives in us now, building up that eternal heritage, I am thankful he continues to reveal glimpses of what eternity means. It makes life worth living and telling that Good News to whomever will hear. Love you sweet Ivy and all your family.
Pat McIntyre says
I feel the same way, Ivy…I think of your Mom every day enjoying the beauty of Heavenly peace. Some day we will all be with her for eternity! Love to you all…Mrs. Mc.
Chris Benson says
Dear Ivy,
God orchestrated a series of events that allowed me to hear Pastor Don Piper preach numerous times. I’ve given hundreds of his books away to cancer patients, in hopes they would see Heaven in a fresh and new perspective. His story, moved my knowledge of heaven from my head to my heart and God used Don’s story to help me with my story and how God continues to work out the details. As I watched Don after one of his sermons in a small country church, he was genuine and listened intently to each person that wanted to speak to him. For those that lost loved ones, I heard him say, “I’m sorry for your temporary separation from your loved one.” Wow, that has stuck and offers such truth and hope and I share it every time the opportunity arises. Yes, your mom touched so many and continues to do so through each of you and the ministry God gave them. Continually praying for peace and strength for each of you.
Debbie Robbins says
Sweet Ivy & Family,
You are in my prayers precious girl. Just keep holding onto Jesus as you are doing. I am reminded of a powerful Andre Crouch Song. Google him singing it. So powerful! I pray the lyrics will encourage you:
You may ask me why I serve the Lord,
Is it just for heaven’s gain.
Or to walk those mighty streets of gold,
And to hear the angels sing.
Is it just to drink from the fountain,
That never shall run dry.
Or just to live forever, ever, and ever,
In that sweet, sweet bye and bye.
But if heaven never was promised to me,
Neither God’s promise to live eternally.
It’s been worth just having the Lord in my life.
Living in a world of darkness,
You came along and brought me the light.
If there were never any streets of gold,
Neither a land where we’ll never grow old,
It’s been worth just having the Lord in my life.
You’ve been my closest friend down through the years,
And every time I cry You dry my tears.
It’s been worth just having the Lord in my life.
Living in a world of darkness,
living in a world of darkness,
You came along and brought me the light.
Page says
I love this Ivy. You are so right…it is so encouraging to keep imagining her joy there with no pain and no fear. And to know she KNOWS that perfect love more than ever! I love your beautiful self and your light-up-a-room smile 🙂 Thanks for sharing your heart with us!
Daniela says
I love heaven stories they are sooo encouraging, my kids and I talk about it all the time. I watch a lot of YouTube videos of people that died and went to heaven and came back. They fill me with joy and happiness because they remind me of where we belong and where we don’t belong. Your mom’s ministry was to prepare us all for heavenly lives. We were all so encouraged by her and her anointing, all through and through. Her legacy continues in all of you because of our sweet, caring and committed heavenly Father. Know we are prraying for all of you.♡♡
Deborah Neilan says
Dearest Ivy, so glad I finally got to meet you up close and get that HUG! You write beautifully and definitely stirred my soul as I read your entry. THANK YOU for the reminder that Heaven resides in our hearts…it’s where we were meant to be…a blink of an eye away. I started that book once…I think God is saying…finish it…don’t be afraid. You are so wise to understand that and embrace HIS perfect love! Here’s ANOTHER hug, Mrs. Neilan 🙂