Dad read this email to us kids recently and it was so encouraging because the writer was spot on with her description of Mom. Please read below.
“Kurt, I’m currently teaching a Bible study to a group of single women at the Oldham campus (Southeast Christian). The majority of the women are either brand new Christians or not yet Christians. A couple of weeks ago, in our homework, I had to make a list of words that described the beautiful woman that I long to be. I wrote down Kristen Sauder as the beautiful woman that I longed to become like. Totally surrendered, cute as a button, sweet, fierce for God, giggly, encouraging, joyful, concerned, compassionate, loving, helpful, intentional. These are the words I wrote describing her. I explained to these girls that Kristen was the one that encouraged me to start leading studies a couple of years ago. I was never confident I could do it until Kristen told me I could do it!!”
Mom was such an encourager and reading this email doesn’t surprise me at all. She truly knew how to build others up and to see their potential. I too want to be like Mom in encouraging others. Will you join me in looking for ways to encourage others and to see the potential in them? Who could you encourage today so that they will take the next step spiritually? Mom used to quote Truett Cathy saying, “How do you know if someone needs encouragement? Check to see if they are breathing!” Just like Mom spoke words of life and strength into this woman so that she would be willing to follow the Lord and start leading a Bible study, I want to do the same.
Blessings, Olivia
Olivia — your sister, Elly, has been an encourager to my daughter. They go to classes together on Fridays. She checked on her to see how an event went one weekend. My daughter was surprised & encouraged by her concern!!
I never got to know your mom, but she sounds like one incredible mom, wife & friend!!
Blessings, Denise S.
Thanks for the encouragement to encourage others and thanks to your mom for raising up such beautiful children that love The Lord! I really needed to read this post this week as I have been praying about mentoring someone. 1 Thessalonians 5:11
Dear Precious, Wise, Child of the King, Olivia, I have no doubt that you, too, are an encouraged just like your Mamma! As I read your wonderful post, I find myself blubbering in tears. Remembering your Mom & reflecting on each of the characteristics that described her to a “T”. Such an incredible joy & blessing to have experienced her teaching AND example. I’m filled-up w/peace & joy just thinking about my loved ones already in Heaven who are experiencing the joy of knowing your Mom. Makes me sooo excited to think of what God has promised us in Heaven. Much thankfulness to you & your family for continuing to take us “Further Still”. As I pray, I ask God to use me, this work in progress, to be the encourager that your Mom IS. May you feel HIS Love in every aspect of your sweet life, Pat
I thank the Lord every day for knowing Kristen. She truly knew what her purpose was here on earth. She encouraged me but also spoke the truth whether I wanted to hear it or not. I will always love her for that. Her legacy will always live through her family. God has big things planned Olivia. He loves you so. Thank you and your family for continuing to bless us.
You already have! Love all you “Sauders”!
Olivia: We all wanted to be like your dear sweet mom Kristen. Not to lift her up as an idol but because she was the closest person I knew who truly loooked like Jesus! May she be an example to all of us.
This may seem silly, but I have a Godseeker t-shirt and one of picture scripture books Kristen wrote and I wondered if any of the children might want them? I remember when I lost my father, things that were his became priceless to me.
Thank you so much Melissa! 🙂 You are very thoughtful. We actually have a whole basement filled with FSM merchandise and material. We each have her Bible studies and t-shirts and they have become priceless. Thank you for your generosity and thoughtfulness. Blessings, Olivia
Dear Sauder family,
I have put off sending this email and tonight the Holy Spirit is pressing down hard on me to speak out and let you know how much of an impact your mom’s life HAS (present tense…not past!) on me.
God had called me to write several years ago and I followed through by having a handful of articles published in Christian magazines. But then our family went through a horrible time with our older son. We were in survival mode for about 3 years and any type of ministering to others was put on the back burner. In the past year alone, God has called me out of my comfort zone and is putting me in places of service to other women through leadership. One of my tasks was to write an encouraging email to our leaders each week. I soaked this up as God gave me much to write about, encouraging these women each week. Many people kept telling me I needed to write a devotional book. And many kept asking me if I had a blog. I felt a yes in my spirit but kept putting it off.
The days leading up to Kristin’s going home to Heaven drew me more and more to her blog. I felt such encouragement and strength as I read her words of wisdom from over the years.
I felt God was whispering to me “I want you to do what Kristin has done….I want you to reach out and encourage others by starting a blog. I will lead you through this and show you one step at a time.
The day of Kristin’s funeral I was inspired even more through the other people who spoke about her godly influence. I walked out of there knowing that I needed to make the most of every opportunity with my own children and with other women God had put in my path.
I finally started my blog and I honestly don’t think I ever would have taken this step for a long time. Her going home to Heaven drove me to finally be obedient to God.
I’ve also taken steps to attend a Christian writers conference later this summer. Instead of being nervous and anxious about it, God has given me peace in my heart that if I will only be obedient, He will use me to be a vessel for Him. Kristin always challenged us to be encouragers and “bloom where God has planted you.”
Her “Praying for Your Prodigal” study has drastically changed the way I pray for my prodigal son. God used Kristin in a great and mighty way when she wrote that study. God has showed me that the words we write will still be available to people even after we leave this earth. Her God-given words have touched my life in so many ways and now I too want to be used by God to write in a way that will bring glory to Him.
Your family is in our prayers. We have a dry erase board we use to keep track of our prayer requests. The Sauder family is listed in bold letters and we don’t plan to erase it ever!
In Christ,
Lisa Preuett