Last weekend Ivy Caroline Sauder walked across the stage at Christian Academy of Louisville (CAL) and graduated from High School. It was a special evening with many friends and family present. Each year at graduation, CAL has a time during the ceremony where the graduates walk into the crowd, find their parents and give them a rose to symbolize their gratitude. Obviously, this is a very emotional time during the ceremony–something the parents never forget. This year at CAL there were six students who had lost parents over their school years and those six students together with the Principal came up with a plan to honor those who have already passed away.
Before sending the students into the crowd, the Principal read off the names of the six parents who had passed away and showed a picture of them on the screen. It was a special and very emotional time. Graduating from High School is a big deal, but graduating without a Mom or Dad is a really big deal and makes things just plain hard.
Before Mom passed away, when joyful times came along, I never thought of those who in the midst of the joy would also be sad because of loved ones lost. Now, my eyes have been opened to the pain that each holiday or special occasion brings when someone you love is missing.
Even this past Mother’s Day, I was realizing how hard this single day is for so many people- those who have lost Moms, those who are unable to have children, those who have lost children, those whose children are rebelling from godly counsel, and the list goes on.
Because of the pain we have experienced, we see these days in a new light. For those of you who only view the joy, maybe ask the Lord to remind you who you can pray for and reach out to on the celebratory days. We should celebrate and we should rejoice with those who rejoice, but we should also mourn with those who mourn (Rom 12:15). Thank you for your prayers for Ivy C–big changes without a Momma is hard and we can feel your prayers!
I just want to say “thank you” for continuing Kristen’s blog and your ministry. After meeting you at the 4th of July cookout, a friend told me about your website. She said Kristen’s videos are amazing, and after watching them, I completely agree. I was so touched by the one to your children. My life hasn’t turned out the way “I” had planned, but I continue to see God weave it all together for His glory. I used to look at my life as my “Plan B” (which is a GREAT Plan B!)… but Kristen’s words touched me deeply when she said, “This isn’t some glitch in the program. This is part of the plan…” Her words encouraged me that my Plan B is still my Plan A and not some second best to what I thought life would look like today! Thank you! I’ve enjoyed reading your blog, and especially appreciated this particular entry. I am so tender toward single parents, knowing all too well that holidays and special occasions can also mean sadness for some people. I also noticed that your “Soul Transformation” retreat is with Tim Reist! I love that family… God really used Tim and Christy during a painful season of my life. I’m so blessed! Praying for you and your family as you continue your ministries… Sincerely, Jill Hellrigel