Dear friends,
Often, winter is a season of slowing down. To some extent that has been true, but Further Still launched a new ministry in the midst of the winter chill, and I am really excited to share with you how it has been going!
Before I get to that, here is a quick update on what the Sauder’s have been up to: Our Ellie just turned 17 and has a packed schedule between classes, the school play and her job at Chick-fil-A. Ivy is fully enjoying college life at Western Kentucky University and being in a community theatre production in Bowling Green. Drew, a sophomore at the University of Kentucky, became a resident advisor and is working his tail off responding to student issues on his floor! Olivia and Matt will celebrate their second anniversary in June, as she wraps up her undergrad in biblical counseling and he stays busy on the management track at Chick-fil-A and in ministry.
As for me, I’ve been seeing God working through Solid Steps, a weekly radio show I began hosting with my buddy Chad Russell. I’m having the time of my life! Solid Steps is a show by men for men, so any issue affecting men we address—from marriage and fatherhood to sexual addiction and taking care of our bodies, bringing in guests including Bob Russell and Dave Stone. Some of the topics we plan to cover this spring include:
- Leadership, with insights from Dr. Brad Shuck, assistant professor at the University of Louisville’s Department of Educational Leadership, Evaluation and Organizational Development
- Taking care of your family even after you’re gone—wills, trusts and life insurance
- Biblical stewardship
- And wisdom from older guests for younger guys
One listener shared, “I appreciate the depth, the richness and the authenticity” of the show. That’s great to hear because it’s our goal to be raw and transparent with the guys. While it’s a great thing to celebrate what God’s doing in men’s lives and be an encouragement to them, it’s also fun to have women stop us to say, “Hey, I’m listening, too!”
Solid Steps airs at 10 a.m. on Saturdays on 94.7 FM and at noon on Sundays on AM 900. You can also download podcasts from SoundCloud, iTunes, the Solid Steps Radio Facebook page and at You can help us out by praying for the Solid Steps ministry as well as telling a good friend or another man about the show—help spread the word!
I continue to lead Soul Transformation retreats and participate in Bob Russell’s retreats for pastors, and I’m planning to lead a trip to Israel in November—you can get more information on that on the Further Still website, or comment on this post and we will send you the information!
God never ceases to amaze me in how He moves in this ministry, and each of you plays and important role, too. Thank you so much for your financial support and prayer!
In Christ,
Awesome post! Sounds like the Lord is truly taking the Sauder family “further still” in His Great Heart! To Him be all the Glory as He continues to pour out His grace on each member of your family, leading and guiding into all Truth, and ordering steps along the way of destiny. I know Kristin must be joyfully cheering you on from the balcony of heaven, in the great cloud of witnesses. God bless you all~