Equipping the Christ Follower to Journey Further Still into the Presence of God
Encouraging and Leading People to Lives of Depth and Influence
The Word Diet
Fellow disciple of Jesus: Do you read the Bible regularly? Do you have a good sense of the Bible’s story? If not, let me help you with The Word Diet. An effective diet is a matter of eating more good things and fewer bad things. If God is loving and smart, then reading His Word, the Bible, is doing something that’s good for you. (Doing The Word Diet will mean devoting 1% of your time each week to reading the Bible in this format.) And for many people, “getting on” The Word Diet will also involve reducing your intake of things that aren’t so good for you—say, watching TV or fiddling on your phone.
Church leaders, what percentage of your people read the Bible daily or even weekly? If the Word of God is “living and active”, a powerful love letter, an explanation of God’s work and His promises, and so on– why don’t we do more to promote reading it. Either we don’t really believe in the Word’s power and value– or we don’t know how to encourage people to read it.
The Word Diet is a way to practically promote reading the Bible.
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