One lament I hear on a fairly regular basis is that there aren’t enough mentors in the church today. So many women especially seem to be looking for someone to build into them spiritually. It’s powerful to have a relationship with an individual who is rock-solid in their faith. Possibly they are a little further down life’s journey than you are and by following their example they can help light your way. These folks aren’t perfect; as a matter of fact, some of the best lessons we learn from them involve having the humility to admit when we’re wrong.
So where can we find jewels like these? When flesh-and-blood mentors are scarce, I turn to missionary biographies and autobiographies. True stories of the lives of these heroes convict, encourage and spur me on in my faith walk.
I just finished reading the life of William Carey. A missionary to India in the early 1800’s, Carey endured unimaginable suffering and sacrifice to spread the gospel around the globe.
He buried two wives, two young children and one adult child along with a daughter-in-law and grandchild on foreign soil. He battled severe bouts of crippling fevers, disappointing set-backs, a fire that destroyed more than a year’s worth of translation work, isolation from extended family and friends back home in England, seasons of discouragement and misunderstanding by church leaders and supporters in his home land. Carey labored tirelessly for years before seeing even one convert.
Considered the Father of Modern Missions primarily for the way he influenced fellow Christians to obey the great commission, he also contributed greatly by translating the Bible into numerous languages and dialects.
Consider the quote by William Carey: “Brothers, expect great things from God. Attempt great things for God.”
William Carey is one among many. Do you know much about Amy Carmichael, Hudson Taylor, Mary Slessor, Brother Andrew, Jim Elliot . . . ? This spring break, I challenge you to lay the Good Housekeeping down and set the Christian romance aside for a time. Instead, schedule an appointment with a spiritual mentor. You’ll be amazed at how the Almighty worked in these ordinary lives.
Before you know it, you’ll be expecting great things from God and attempting great things for Him too!
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