I am over-the-top excited to be traveling back to Alaska to speak at Kenai Christian Church’s Women’s Conference. It’s been 10 whole years since I was there last. One entire decade! Won’t it be fun to hear the God stories and learn about all the things He has been up to in the lives of these sweet sisters?
Kenai Christian Church hosts this conference once a year where women from different churches all over the state gather to inhale deeply a fresh breath from Almighty God. And don’t we all need that!
One of the many reasons I love to teach the Word to women is that before the teaching comes the studying. I get to dig down and sit tight and as your kindergarten teacher may have admonished, “put my listening ears on.” I’m always amazed at how living God’s Word truly is, how accurate and applicable. The Bible is so right-on that it hurts (conviction) and it helps (encouragement) all in the same instant.
Our four sessions at the conference will be spent seeking God: specifically, Seeking God’s Face, Seeking God’s Glory, Seeking God’s Call and Seeking God’s Promise. Having time to spend on these topics would be exciting no matter the setting, but . . . allowing the Father to teach His daughters to seek Him in Kenai, Alaska is absolutely going to be something else!
Kenai Peninsula
Taking the Truth to the ends of the earth, right? That’s what He told us to do. I’m just being obedient!
And, this is one of those times I’m happy to obey. Smile.
Leslie Daniels is the Women’s Ministry Director at Kenai Christian. She is requesting prayer for safe travels for all the ladies as they journey in from around the state. Retreat dates are September 29 – October 2. So, here’s your invitation: join us in bearing fruit by interceding for the women, the leaders, for Valerie Harned at our book table and for me as I open God’s Word.
- Pray for God’s Kingdom to come in our lives and for His glory to be evident.
- Ask for an out-pouring of His Spirit that will shake us to the core, bring conviction and change us forever!
Looking forward to blogging God stories when I return!
I will be praying! What an awesome opportunity for those ladies and for you. I can’t wait to read the updates!
Thank you so much, Barbara!