I ran across these steps from George Muller this morning in one of my favorite devotionals Springs in the Valley. Simple and straightforward, they serve as a faithful reminder to help us follow the will of our Master. I’m including a paraphrased, condensed version below.
To Know and Obey the Will of God-
1) Get your heart to the place where you have no will of your own.
2) Don’t rely on feelings and impressions.
3) Seek the Holy Spirit’s direction through study of the Word.
4) Pay attention to providential circumstances.
5) Pray and ask for clear direction.
6) Continue to pray until you experience peace.
7) Proceed as directed.
Notice that seeking out God’s will requires time in His presence, silence for listening, solitude for focus and meditation as well as prioritizing the study of God’s Word. George Muller was a mighty man of faith, filled with the Spirit and greatly used by God. His life is a model for modern-day followers of Christ as we seek to trust and obey. Muller reminds us that in both ordinary, commonplace decisions as well as in much larger matters, this process of seeking God’s will is effective.
Where do you need to know and understand the will of God in your own life just now? Will you carve out time to sit with Him – to seek, knock, ask and listen?
Hi Mom!! Just read todays blog and was really hit by how much I miss you and our talks about the Lord. He has truly blessed you with the gift of teaching, and just when I needed to hear a bit about trusting in the will of God and seeking Him through every decision, I come across this! Thanks so much for how you have helped “raise” me in my faith these past couple of years without your wonderful family my faith wouldn’t be the same. I love you so much!
Such a sweet surprise to find your thoughts here. I miss you too. We’re planning to crash your Thanksgiving day activities or at least meet up with you sometime over your break. Madi, your tender heart for the Lord encourages and excites me. Know how proud I am of you and know that I am lifting you up to the Father. He will direct your every step. See you soon. Love, Momma 2
Hi Kristen… does your blog have a “follow” or “subscribe” (either via RSS or email) button? Would like to have your posts delivered to my email, if possible, but can’t seem to locate that option on your site.
Thanks!! Tara 🙂
I’m checking for you. That’s a terrific idea and I’d love to pass it along to others. I hope we can set it up to work. I’ll let you know what we find out.
Thanks, K