For Christ also died for sins, once for all, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God . . . 1 Peter 3:18
It’s Triple Crown Race time in Louisville. In the city that uses Derby as an excuse to party right up to the first weekend in May, the Louisville Triple Crown Races provide a series of opportunities for two-legged runners to get some action before all the focus turns to the four-legged legends. Our family decided to take our place at the starting gate and run, jog, skip and/or walk our way to the finish line.
So a week after the initial race our oldest daughter Olivia happened to be (home from college on spring break) volunteering in the nursery with a man who evidently keeps up with the Triple Crown races. Our local paper posts individual times. He commented to Olivia on her dad running well, but went on to rave about my time.
Now, not to brag or anything . . . but my time was far better than Kurt’s. I mean it just was. And this guy saw it and he said something. He asked Liv, “So, your mom, she’s a runner?”
At this point, Olivia began to laugh. “Actually . . . no. Mom doesn’t run. She’s never run.”
Truth is, I was registered to run that race but something came up with Ivy and I selflessly volunteered to skip out and take her to her appointment. So . . . I didn’t actually run. Another man ran in my place.
I’m telling you, I’ve got this thing figured out! This is the way to go. At the finish line, he was the one sweaty and smelly. He dealt with the muscle aches and leg cramps. Listen to me on this: don’t just get any man, get a good man to take your place!
Let me be perfectly honest, this isn’t the first time something like this has happened to me. Think about it: For Christ also died for sins, once for all, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God . . . 1 Peter 3:18
You see, not just any man, not even a good man, but the perfect God-man stepped in to take my place. He sweat drops of blood in the garden. He was pierced through for my sins and cried out, “It is finished.”
Jesus Christ died in my place.
One day I will stand before the King of Kings, before the Almighty Judge of all the Universe, and I will not be embarrassed. I will not be ashamed; I will not even be afraid. And, I will not be condemned. Do you know why? Because He won’t be looking at my track record! He will be looking at His perfect Son who is standing in for me.
Thank you, Jesus! Thank, YOU, for taking my place.
For Christ also died for sins, once for all, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God . . . 1 Peter 3:18
Beautiful application Kristin.
That’s great, Kristen. I always enjoy hearing about the unique and ridiculous ways God reveals glimpses of himself in your life. It’s a good thing He gifted you to write and teach or the rest of us might miss out on these priceless (and often humorous) reminders of His love and grace.