Excellent Things, 3-4 PM weekdays on 94.7 FM and 900 AM. Live-streaming and podcasts of previous shows also available at www.wfiafm.com. Invite your friends to listen!
Monday: From Bardstown High School to the University of Louisville to three trips to the Super Bowl as a Minnesota Vikings’ linebacker, Amos Martin has tasted his share of success. Yet, Amos credits faith, not football, with satisfying the deepest desires of his heart. God is now moving this former professional-athlete-turned-business man toward a ministry of helping others develop spiritual muscle in a ministry called Time Out for God.
Tuesday: What does it mean to go on living, breathing, praying and hoping after loosing a child? For a number of years now, God has been using Michael and Jill Kast to comfort and encourage parents experiencing agonizing loss. After all, they understand. Hear their story and catch a glimpse of the sustaining love of God.
Wednesday: Three years ago Tammy Morgan started a Bible study for three U of L coaches’ wives. Now about 15 coaches’ wives meet weekly to share Truth and Life! Hear about the excellent things God is doing through one woman reaching out to others in her sphere of influence!
Thursday: What is God up to behind the scenes at Churchill Downs? Find out first-hand from Chaplin Ken Boehm about ministry on the backside!
Friday: Today we’ll talk about the power of our great God breaking strong-holds and setting us forever-free! Hillary Holdaway shares her personal battle with an eating disorder and the victory she is finding in the unconditional love of Christ.
I would like to listen to todays broadcast again. How do I do that? It is the August 31 interview with Hilary Holdaway. It was excellent!
Diane, you can access the show by podcast on http://www.wfiafm.com. It usually posts the week after it airs. Just go to the website, click on Excellent Things podcasts under Station Events in the center box to the right. Then select by air date.
So thankful that you appreciated today’s show. Hillary is an amazing young lady and I know God is using her story to encourage many!