Keep praying! God is at work showing us more of His glory. How are the testimonies and stories on Excellent Things growing your faith? How are they challenging you to trust our great God more fully? Who do you know that needs to tune in to one of the topics this week?
Excellent Things M-F; 3-4; WFIA FM 94.7 and 900 AM; or on line at to listen live and access podcasts of previous shows.
Monday: As a young couple Phil and Phyliss Masters answered God’s call to reach the unreached, becoming missionaries to stone-aged tribes in the jungles of Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Taking the Gospel to these primitive people required the ultimate sacrifice – Phil was martyred, his body cannibalized. With four young children and one on the way, Phyliss stayed on to live among these lost ones for whom Christ died. Hear the story in Phyliss’ own words and find out how God grew His church in Irian from the seeds of martyrs.
Tuesday: Don Gates, VP with Zondervan Publishing, talks business and family. Find out how God works on our behalf when we live for His purposes at home and at the office.
Wednesday: WFIA station manager Tim Hartlage leaves tomorrow for his fifth trip to Haiti. We’ll touch base with him before he travels and then again after he returns home. Hear amazing God at work stories as God’s people care for the needy in this impoverished country.
Thursday: How is God moving through Christian Education? Join Dr. Michael Carter president of Campbellsville University as we explore the benefits of being trained in a Christ-centered environment.
Friday: Today we’ll get an update from Executive Director Monica Henderson on a Woman’s Choice Resource Center. Find out what the family of God is doing to counter the atrocities of abortion and bring hope to a hurting world.
I love listening to your show everyday! Your show has been a great inspiration for me and I am sure for many others! Keep up the great work for the Kingdom! I am a Southeast member. I love the Lord and our church!
Steve, Thanks much for your encouragement! I, too, am enjoying all of the stories and testimonies on Excellent Things. God is so good and it’s just great to have this opportunity to talk about Him and what He is doing!
Thanks for loving Him and for listening! Kristen
I love your program, Excellent Things. It’s encouraging and motivating to hear stories of how God uses His people in amazing ways to accomplish Excellent Things for His Eternal Kingdom. The program continues to remind listeners of the faithfulness of God and His mighty work through the power of the Holy Spirit. Another bonus is learning more about the history of existing ministries and introducing me to additional ministry resources in Louisville KY and elsewhere. I appreciate that the programs are archived and are available when I miss a program or want to refer others to listen a specific program. Thank you for serving and for giving God all the Glory! Praying for you…
Sharon, thank you so much for your continued encouragement! I found the e-mails you sent a while back and we’re working on a way to link the podcasts to this blog or possibly to the Further Still web site so that we can title them and allow listeners to access shows older than just the previous week. I’ll keep you posted on how that’s going. Pray that the process will be simple and easy to implement quickly so that listeners can continue to use the shows for ministry!
Sending this with a prayer for you, Sharon, that the favor of the Lord will rest upon you and confirm the work of your hands.
Blessings, Kristen