In 2 Chronicles 14:13, “We’re told that the Cushites were ‘crushed before the Lord and His forces,’ as though heavenly warriors threw themselves against the enemy on Israel’s behalf. God’s forces so overwhelmed the vast forces of the enemy that they fled. Then all Israel had to do was follow up and gather the plunder. Our God is the ‘Lord of Hosts’ (Is. 10:16 KJV) who can summon unexpected reinforcements at any moment to help His people. Believe that He is between you and your difficulty, and what troubles you will flee before Him as clouds in the wind.” FB Meyer
Plunder! What a great concept. What satan means for evil, God intends for good. God brings such good for His people and glory for Himself from every situation. We praise Him for all the good that He is accomplishing in our lives and in yours day by day.
Kristen is resting, eating a great diet with specific supplements, staying very hydrated and is praising God for increased strength to take daily walks. Each day she’s been able to walk further still! We see God’s healing hand at work already. Of course, the Healer is the Lord Himself. He continues to encourage, fill and heal from the inside out. His Word is powerful, doing a supernatural work as we soak on Truth and live by faith and not sight!
Medical perspective update: we should know more by Monday in terms of opened and closed doors for treatment options. Cancer Treatment Centers of America in Seattle, WA has become the overwhelming top choice due to the conventional methods they use alongside the innovative practices that help strengthen the entire body during the process. There are two possibilities: 1) we leave soon and carry out an entire treatment plan there, or 2) we begin radiation here and follow up with further treatment there in a couple of weeks. If, and there is still this possibility, CTCA does not accept us as patients, TX may still be an option for the second phase of treatments after beginning here. Asking the Lord to continue to confirm and open and close doors. He is leading step by step. We are trusting Him and even asking Him to fully heal even before treatments begin.
Thanks to your intercession, Kristen has enjoyed deeper sleep. Last night she slept 6 1/2 hours – a record right now! We’ve heard from many of you who are being awakened in the night to pray for us. Amazing. We are so grateful for every one of you as you stand with us in this.
Wow! Great news! We continue to pray at every opportunity. The last couple of nights I woke up several times and couldn’t get back to sleep. I used some of that time to pray for Kristen and all of the Sauders. I wonder if our Lord is waking a lot of us in more ways than one, to pray for Kristen and to grow closer to him in the process. For his glory!
Thanking the Lord for His faithfulness to you, and through you! I know that many are being impacted for the Lord and His Kingdom as they travel along this path in prayer, faith and trust with you and your family. To God be the Glory for all He is doing, and has yet to do. Grace and Peace to you as you daily surrender to Him, and may this “trial of praise” bring forth fruit abundant and lasting, to the Glory of God forever. His Love never fails~
Continuing to pray for you my friend! “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 Love you girl!
Each day we are remembering Kristen in our prayers. We asked God to watch over her. The good Lord will watch over Kristen and help her and her family make the right decisions for her well being. “Thus says the Lord….I have heard your prayer and seen your tears. I will heal you.” Isaiah 38:5
Watching and Praying and sending Kristen heavenly hugs and mine too. It is good news to hear she is resting better. We love you all dearly!
Praises!!! We know God will be doing an amazing miracle of healing on in you Kristen. We will be in constant prayer for you and your family during this time. So happy to hear you contacted Cancer Treatment Centers of America. When I spoke to them asking different questions, they confirmed much of what I had been researching and we had not received any of this type info from other doctors. Continue to seek, listen and obey. He is an amazing God.
Wanted to share this from a friend’s Caring Bridge site. I know it’s past Christmas but may the “irrational season” continue. This is from Madeline L’Engle’s Advent book, “The Irrational Season”:
“I understand Christmas as I understand Bach’s Sleepers Awake or Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring; as I understand Braque’s clowns, Blake’s poetry. And I understand it when I am able to pray with the mind in the heart… I am joyfully able to affirm the irrationality of Christmas….I live by the impossible… How dull the world would be if we limited ourselves to the possible….And how grateful we ought to be, that such an accepting spirit pervaded in Mary’s heart and mind as well…”
“This is the irrational season
When love blooms bright and wild.
Had Mary been filled with reason
There’d had been no room for the child.
But now is the hour
When I remember
An infant’s power
On a cold December.
Midnight is dawning
And the birth of wonder.”
— L’Engle, The Irrational Season
Kristen, glad to see you seeking alternative ways to rebuilding your body. Daniel was quite the roll model for this type of diet;). Can we agree on the power of God in fasting and prayer. Gerson therapy is a technique that may compliment the plan you are following. Just sharing. May God continue to speak to you as he shows you His mighty power.
I write this on Sunday morning, January 6. I woke up much earlier than usual this morning and was not able to go back to sleep which is unusual for me. With some thoughts and prayer, your family came to mind. The 400 or so men who attend Saturday morning men’s Bible study prayed for you yesterday, and many will pray and fast throughout this week. I do not know your family well, but I know your are a family with tremendous faith in God. Kurt’s DC course came to me at a time when I was seeking the discipline to learn about God’s word. My wife Lori has been inspired by you, and we appreciate the impact God has made through you and your family. We pray God will strengthen and encourage you and that He provides wisdom and timeliness for all of the people involved in your care as you are going through this. We pray for your healing and that His Glory will shine throughout this process.
What great news that you have been sleeping better and having enough energy to go for walks. God is good. Praying for continued strength and energy. Also praying for the place God wants you to be for healing. Love you and your family. Hugs being sent!!
While attending Kristen’s Bible study at SECC, “Praying For Your Prodigal”, I was uplifted and blessed each week! God working through her helped me to continue to pray for my son who had turned his back on his faith. Through Bible study and lots of prayers from many, he met his mate for life, and both are now members of a Bible-believing church. Thank you, Kristen, for your guidance and words of biblical wisdom! I will pray that God guides and comforts you and your family in the coming days.
Hi Kristen-
It’s Kelli McMahon from Immanuel (Christy & Kelly’s friends). My heart feels very near to you and I’m praying for you often. I am currently being treated for Lyme Disease and other Co-Infections and I have great balanced doctors that treat with drugs and also nutrition/supplements. This seems to be the approach you prefer too, so I wanted to send you the following supplement list. I am taking all these supplements (I saw you are already taking Curcumin) and they really seem to be helping support my body while it needs to get rid of the junk in it. I have more energy because of these things and I believe they are making a difference in supporting my organs through this process.
* Coconut Oil- I get this at Wal-Mart. Good for stress relief, increasing immunity, diabetes, cancer and heart disease. Take 1 T daily. Good in tea or on toast. You can also put this on your skin.
* Extra Virgin Olive Oil- an antioxidant, decreases inflammation, protects inner lining of blood vessels, is clot fighting and bone-sparing, helps improve blood sugar control. Take 1 T daily. (I dip bread in this with some seasoning)
* Vitamin D3 – Great for immune system, promotes tissue health – I take 5000 iu in the morning
* Vitamin C- Immune Support – I take 500 mg 2 X day
* Super Ginko- Good for memory, mind
* Curcumin- Antioxidant Protection, Detoxification- Follow Bottle’s instructions
* N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine- Antioxidant Protection, Detoxification- Follow Bottle’s instructions
* L-Glutathione 250 mg- Antioxidant Protection, Detoxification- Follow Bottle’s instructions
* R-Alpha Lipoic Acid- Antioxidant Protection, Detoxification- Follow Bottle’s instructions
I wholeheartedly believe God can heal you today Kristen and that is what I am praying for! I believe He can heal me today too. I liked Kurt’s post about farming. In my healing story, these supplements have helped me “prepare for the rain” and they have brought me comfort in knowing it’s something I can be doing that’s good for my body when it’s fighting so hard to get rid of the bad.
Praying healing for you sweetie.