We woke this morning with an eagerness to see how the day would unfold. Walking with the Lord step by step is a daily adventure, isn’t it?. We are expectantly waiting on God to move, God to lead and God to direct.
Proverbs 16:9 says, “In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.”
We believe tomorrow will be a critical day for determining next steps. We will be in touch with Doctors and hospitals and will keep you all posted. Olivia is also hoping to make a final decision tomorrow about staying home this next semester or returning to Moody.
Praises: I haven’t lost a pound on this special diet of lots of veggies, Alkaline water and supplements, and daily I grow stronger. Kurt and I walked two miles this afternoon! (Great prayer time.) My symptoms have not increased. If anything, I can see improvement in some things and I’m thanking God for every bit of healing . . . every victory. As well, the Lord continues to teach me and heal me from the inside out. His words are life and breath. His truth – freeing!
Remember when the disciples were told not to speak any more in the name of Jesus? They replied that they just couldn’t help themselves. They couldn’t stop talking about Christ. That’s exactly how we’re all feeling right now. His encouragement is so timely. He is walking ahead of us. There are amazing God at Work stories coming out of this journey. We just hold on tight, moment by moment, day by day. He is God alone. He is in control. And, bottom line – we trust him. So we sit on the edge of our seat, watching all of this unfold.
Thank you for your prayers for wisdom and clarity for tomorrow, for God’s hand to confirm a trip to Seattle, a trip to Houston, stay here in Louisville, other. It’s in His hands. Thank you also for your continuous prayers for complete healing. We serve a BIG God. To Him be the glory!
Kristen! Your faith radiates like the noonday sun on the dark, dreary day, my sister! Evidence of Christ in you!, The Hope of Glory! Love
seeing/hearing faith at this hour over fear! Chase those demons off…they are NOT welcome here! And now I have greater understanding of WHY I was unable to get to sleep until 4:30am…to help shoulder your burden so you could sleep! Praise be to our God! Love your physical report! Love your emotional report! Love your mental report! LOVE YOUR SPIRITUAL condition! Stronger is He within you… Praying along with the millions who are on your side! May all be clear as the crystal sea tomorrow! That you may proceed on a path He is ordainijhng! And that precious Olivia is able to make that right decision regarding her education! You KNOW I could not love you any more! (And that is not a fraction of how much He loves you!!!!!) Onward, Christian Soldier! We await the news…
We love you and are praying for a clear path today!
Thank you, Heather. That’s exactly what we need today. Trusting God to unfold it in supernatural ways! Love you guys much.
Constantly thinking of you and praying for you and your family. Praying for healing, wisdom and peace. We love you!
Bennett Family
Kurt & Kristen,
We are praying for healing today. May His Holy Spirit lead you…
I prayed again this morning again for wisdom, clarity for you and Kurt and the decisions that await you; Olivia-details about the trips and her decision, and the success of your treatment. I am so thankful for you and that you haven’t stopped talking about Christ. You cannot imagine the many people that God is influencing through you for His Glory; and helping to increase their faith and trust, including my own. My Bible verse this morning was Isaiah 40:31 – “Those who wait on the Lord will find new strength. They will fly high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.” Your positive expectant faith that waits for God is exactly what God wants from you, right now.
Praying for you all – that God’s wisdom and direction will be ever so clear and learning, always, from you as you trust Him completely. Praying for Olivia – that she’ll be at peace with her decision, knowing God works ALL things together for her good. Loving and praying over you all today.
Sending our love and prayers ….Our Lord Reigns..you are loved dear sister !
I too, sit on the edge of my seat expectantly excited to see what God is going to do in and through you this very day! What a privilge to be a small part of His army battling on the front lines on your behalf. Not only is He doing a mighty work in you, but there are thousands praying and fasting whose lives are being changed, mine included. Thank you for taking the time and energy to keep us informed. We love you!
Lifting you high and holding you close in prayer.
Continuing to have you in my thoughts & prayers! I’m expecting and trusting the Lord to clearly and completely reveal His the path for you today. It’s the 7th day of January and there is such significance in the number Seven. It expresses completeness & perfection all throughout Scripture. I am praying for complete healing for you as the Lord’s plan and timing is perfect!
These Scriptures spoke to me today…
“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes to that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you.” (John 15:1-3) …..The Lord is “pruning” you to be ready for the great things He has planned for you in this ministry. That you will have the good health, strength and energy to do all you can with all your best.
“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit – fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name.” (John 15:16)…He is faithful to His calling for you!
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him.” (Romans 8:28)
I am praising God for what He has already done and for what He is doing in your life! I am excited to see His plan be revealed for you through this journey. You have amazing faith and strength as you live your life in evidence of abiding in Him. You inspire me so much and I am so thankful for your encouraging & positive messages. God’s love and care for us is so amazing! I love watching Him at work and look forward to watch His story continue to be revealed! To God Be All the Glory!!!
We are lifting you and your family up in prayer from TX. I was reading through Psalm 103-104 this morning and praying for you specifically. Love that those verses show that He is Healer, has compassion on his children, and “causes the springs to gush into the valleys”! Praying for RAIN with you!
Dear Kristen,
As we pray for great healing……….may you be comforted by the love, encouragement and strength………. that you have provided me and so many others over the past decade. You have been far more helpful in providing “light”, and as a source of hope in a dark world, than you can ever imagine.
May God bless you and your sweet family. You will faithfully be in our prayers.
Much Love, Julie Schmidt
Kurt and Kristen-
On this journey with you in fasting/prayer today. (I tried to get my kids to go along with it-but Reagan just said “You guys are so much braver than me-I can’t skip a meal”-hee hee) Started the day with praying for your family and our devo was from Gen 28:15 “I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go.” Believing God for big miracles and even more for what He will do at SECC through this story! I was reminded of our dinner together and your prayers for Andrew’s back. I am confident that HE WHO BEGAN A GOOD WORK IN YOU WILL BE FAITHFUL TO COMPLETE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love, love, love you!!!!!!!!
Kristen and Kurt…. as we go….. I am over and over reminded that while we plan our course, the Lord determines our steps…. praising God for the firm foundations of His word and guidance.. I am continuing to pray for healing rain~
Praying for you each day. Would love to help out in anyway.
I am here anytime.
many blessings,
Michelle Merimee
Praying for you and knowing that you are in the hollow of His mighty hand. Curl up there and we will continue to pray for the unfolding of God’s perfect plan.
Hi friend – heard a song today…Be Still by the Fray. May the peace of God guard your mind and heart in Christ Jesus. Love ya!
Hi Kristen. My husband and I both attend Gospel Baptist Church in Greensboro North Carolina and Pastor Paul informed us last Wednesday night about your need for prayer. We are praying for God’s miraculous healing for you. Additionally our church is praying for another miraculous healing as my husband Darrell has recently been diagnosed with ALS or Lou Gehrig’s Disease. Months before the diagnosis God placed in my heart the verse Philippians 4:6-7 to be anxious for nothing but in all things through prayer and supplication with THANKSGiVING and the PEACE of God will surpass all human understanding. Praise be to God that we can rest in His amazing peace and that we find joy in thanking Him and praising Him always, in every circumstance. That we can trust He works ALL things out for good Forthose that love Him according to his plan Rom 8:28. I want you to know Darrell and are are diligently praying for you and your family and will continue to follow your blog to know specifically what to pray for. Love and comfort to you. Denya Haymore, Greensboro nc
Kristen and Kurt – the men of the DC group at Adventure Christian Church is in prayer for you to be healed. The body of Christ is here for you. Know that you are loved.
We are continuing to keep you, Kurt and the family in our prayers!! You are in our prayers throughout the day and night and we know God is keeping you in the palm of His hands. He loves you and your precious family!! Fight, Kristen, Fight!!!
Kristin, you and your family have been in my thoughts and prayers so much. And every time I remember you I also remember our journey with our daughter, Sarah’s cancer. I guess hers could be classified as “environmental” too since it was related to asbestos exposure. There are so many moments with God that I will never forget–moments that make these journeys feel like holy ground. One of those moments came doing my Bible Study homework when we were instructed to read in II Cor 1. I can’t remember what the study was (I wish I could) but I will never forget when I got to II Cor 1:10-11 it was one of those Spirit moments when it seemed the typing was all bold and raised print and He was saying “Don’t miss this”. It says, “He has delivered us from such a deadly peril and he will deliver us. On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us, as you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many.” That’s my hope and prayer for you. Can you believe it has been five years since Sarah was diagnosed? The first words out of her doctor’s mouth at that first visit were that her cancer would be fatal. I can’t really remember what he said next. Her treatment plan was aggressive and we sought God with all our hearts and found Him in so many ways. And today because of the prayers of many and the grace and mercy shown to us by our great God, Sarah is officially in remission–a term her doctor does not use lightly. And she and her husband are serving God in Mt Vernon, KY as the directors of a retreat center for pastors and missionaries. I think it’s safe to say that since her cancer she fears no evil–but she’s not crazy about flying :0). We never did get to have our double-date night, so I am eagerly anticipating the day when we get to celebrate God’s gracious favor for your healing in answer to the prayers of many. It will be Graeter’s–our treat!! Love you guys!!
Just wanted to encourage you and let you know your family is being prayed for every night at 3 am. Not that it is my choice but I feel Privilege to be awakened and to be called on by the Holy Spirit to pray on your behalf. Each night I’m reminded that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is within each believer. I believe that that’s the very same power That will restore your body. Jesus defeated the grave. Nothing is impossible for him. God is moving and working among so many believers who are praying for you at all hours of the day and night that I just can’t help but Believe he is doing a mighty work through you to reveal himself and to show that Jesus is still the miracle worker Of yesterday and today He is active and alive and Very real even in our modern day world.
Keep the faith, God is on your side.
Elizabeth Keenan
You continue to bless others as you face this challenge with God leading your path. I don’t know God’s plans, but know that something is going on at 3 a.m. daily…too many of us who haven’t seen that hour on the clock for a long time are being gently roused and called to prayer. Several nights ago, before sleeping, my most fervent prayers were for Kurt, but during the 3 o’clock hour, the Spirit lets me know it’s time to pray for you…It’s been such a blessing to have that time–you’re helping us to go Further Still, even if that wasn’t how you designed your plan…it’s like you’re leading us in a prayer class at 3 a.m. Thank you so much for teaching us how to live a Spirit-filled life by your witness. We also appreciate that you’re letting us know the best way to pray. We’re expectantly waiting (but patiently too–so that you keep your focus on your own family) to learn what God has revealed to you.
With special prayers for all of your children, but an additional dose for Olivia as she seeks God’s guidance for her decision…