“Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:4
Throughout this journey we have seen and been so encouraged by the stories of childlike faith.
We have heard of families where the littlest kids in the home are the ones who continually remind the parents to “pray for Mrs. Kristen”
One Mom shared that her daughter prayed that God “would get all that bad stuff out of Mrs. Kristen!” – How simple and how true!
One family has four children under the age of 13 who each picked a day to pray and fast. When it was Julia’s day to fast they forgot at first and her Dad had made blueberry pancakes – her favorite. She sat down to eat when the Lord reminded her Mom that it was her day to fast. Not knowing how she would respond, she said, “Oh no, Julia….today is your fast!”Julia jumped up from the table with the biggest smile and said, “Oh YAY!” She grabbed a sheet of paper that she had written verses and prayers on and went up to her room. She kept her smile all day and in the Lord’s strength she, just a 10-year-old little girl, kept her fast and spent most of the day on her knees asking God to heal Mom.
Another text we received recently told of a family who had been memorizing Psalm 23 with their littlest children. As they were practicing it out loud, Maria the 5-year-old got to the part “I will fear no evil, for You are with me,” she stopped and looked up to her Mommy and said, “Mom you know we have been praying for Ivy and her family and really hard for her Mommy to heal all the way? Well I think God wants her to fear no evil because He is with her.” It is incredible that God uses even little children to speak life into and encourage Mom.
Update on Mom: Yesterday Mom got her hair! This picture is with a lady named Debbie who works for While You Heal (check out whileyouheal.com). This is an organization that is beginning a nationwide initiative for cancer patients. We will tell you more about it later as they will soon be guests on Excellent Things! There will even be a special offer for any listeners who are battling cancer, so keep your ears open!

Can you believe this isn't her real hair?! Wow!
Please keep praying for rain! We are grateful for each of your prayers! Thank you, thank you!
God bless, Olivia
Rebecca Lynne is getting ready to cut off 8-10 inches of her beautiful blond hair. She would like to donate it in honor of Kristen. Is there someone at While You Heal that we should contact?
How precious. You can go on the website at http://www.whileyouheal.com and ask. I’m not sure if they use local hair, but I bet they could direct you to the right place. So proud of Rebecca Lynne for her sacrifice on behalf of others. Christ’s love is shining through her! Give her a big ‘ole hug for me!
Hi Kristen
We love you so much. We have been praying for you and your family
everyday. I ask about your condition from your mother from time to time. Your mother said you have been facing the situation well, and your family has been encouraging you by praying and helping.
We with you at all the time, and we are sure God will heel you.
May God Bless you all.
Priyankara, Ashani, Oleena, and Andrew.
You are still so beautiful…inside and out! Your family is such an encouragement to others. Prayers are with you. I love hearing the song “The God of Angel Armies”…every time I hear it, I think of you and say a prayer. Sending love…
When I saw you last night, I had NO IDEA that was not your real hair. You look amazing! God is on your side. He is good and our HOPE remains fixed on Him.
Love you Sauder Family,
Kristin, your hair looks great. Lana and continue to pray for you, as does our church here in Fl.. I thought of you as I was reading in Isaiah today. In chapter 41, 9 and 10 God encourages the Isrealites by saying; “You are my servant, I have chosen you and have not rejected you. So do not fear, for I am with you, do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand”. God is GOOD Jack
Great encouragement! Thank you so much for your prayers and please thank your church in FL. Can’t tell you how much we appreciate and stand on those prayers.
Thanks for the update, Olivia! Kristen looks just beautiful and I continue in prayer for her and your family daily. You are all very much loved and it’s remarkable to see the way God is working!