After a phenomenal Friday including a first day back live on Excellent Things and a real date night with my hubby at a local restaurant that serves fresh fish, I may have pushed it a bit! Saturday and Sunday ended up being long nap days. Sunday evening we had plans to attend a “private” Super Bowl party that amazingly sweet friends set up for us at their house – they stocked the fridge and table with yummy food and turned on their large, flat screen TV . . . and left to attend another party! Since it was just going to be our family, I went thinking I would just nap on their couch while the family enjoyed the game. BUT, at about 5:30 I had a surge of strength that I can only explain as supernatural. My weakness left, I ate a bit and was able to fully engage with the family for the entire game.
Later that evening Olivia got a text from some college friends in Chicago. It simply said that they had a powerful time of prayer for me and really felt the Spirit moving. When she texted back, they informed her that they were praying at 5:30 and felt as if a spirit of weakness/tiredness lifted from me. They had no knowledge of the weekend I had or of my exact need in the moment. Olivia was able to share with them the power of their prayers first hand!
So, it bears repeating: the prayers of a righteous man/woman/child of God are powerful and effective – they accomplish much. (James 5:16)
Just heard a cool teaching by Jill Briscoe on that word righteous. In case you’re thinking you’re not righteous enough to pray powerfully, the word righteous in this verse literally means “forgiven.” How exciting! If you belong to Jesus, you are forgiven. If you are forgiven, you are righteous. If you are righteous, your prayers are powerful and effective. AMEN.
Keep praying church. Keep praying friends. God is moving in small and large ways as you come before His throne. You are asking and the Father is listening. May He continue to show us who He is and how He works as we pray. Enlarge that prayer circle and expect great things of God! Just think of all the things He has in mind to do in every area of our lives as we pray.
Let us never forget that, “Elijah was man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain; and it did not rain on the earth for three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the sky POURED RAIN . . .” James 5:17-18 NASB
Thank you for continuing to pray for rain!
This is wonderful encouragement. We may be praying for you, but you lift our spirits every time you write. Everyone has times they feel their prayers are going ‘nowhere’…we stumble and feel our words are not making any sense…but God knows our hearts. Very few moments during my days, or during my awake times in the night, are without thoughts of you, Ben, and Scott. May God’s healing power pour down like rain on all of you.
Please give my love to Kurt, Olivia, Drew, Ivy, and Ellie. All of you are on my mind and in my continuing prayers.
Praising God, from whom all blessings flow,
Dear Kristen: What a powerful spirit that moved with you Sunday. I truly believe that prayer really works. Today as well as other days this past week I prayed not only for you but the little boy in Alabama who was held hostage in a bunker that the truck driver held him hostage that he would be safe and home with his parents. I also prayed on the internet that he would be home soon and wham it happened today and I just gave praise not only for the little boy in Alabama but also for you and your healing. I truly believe that you will beat this horrible cancer of which I hate the word and you will grow even closer to Jesus and GOD. May GOD be with you and bless you and your family always. Hope to hear more good news soon. Love Patty
What a beautiful and encouraging testimony! Praising God for the work of His Spirit in and through your lives right now. Thank you for sharing…..God bless you as you continue to count it all joy, trusting Him with all your heart, giving Him all glory, honor and praise! Only time and eternity will tell of the great things He is doing, and will yet do, as His people seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness each and every day of this brief life…..the righteous live BY FAITH! Blessings dear ones~
We love you, Sauder Family! And we pray for you often. Thanks for keeping those of us far away updated so we can keep lifting you all up!
Love the whole Search Family!
Every answered prayer reminds me that my prayers are too small and the big ones are not big enough. The answers come in amazing ways at just the right times….His answers remind me that Our Great God is able, He does immeasurably more than we ask or imagine, His power is at work within us (that’s incredible), the answers glorify Him, not just for a time but through all generations…and just in case we don’t catch the “all generations”, He adds in ‘and forever’. (Ephesians 3:20-21) So we know our righteous prayers interrupt Heaven and He hears.
Often we hear someone’s testimony after their trial is over; thank you for the encouragement, inspiration, courage and comfort you are sharing with us as you receive it and the deep, living, steadfast faith as you, Kurt and children follow His lead through this journey He has set before you. We pray. Susan
Thank you for this beautiful post. How wonderful to receive confirmation that prayer works in amazing ways. May He continue to work and confirm His presence each and every day.
During a time of severe testing by affliction, their abundance of joy and their deep poverty overflowed into the wealth of their generosity (2 Cor 8) comes to mind! KEEP GIVING! KEEP GOING! KEEP BELIEVING! He does not disappoint! Lasting love to all the sacred Sauders!
Hi Kristen!
I check my e-mail each morning for an update from Further Still , and todays’ was spot on! You are so right, sweet sister. The truth bears repeating. I’m still praying for rain for you and your family, because I’m forgiven, and I’m righteous in the eyes of the One that matters most!
Be blessed this day!
Kristen – Isn’t that just like our Amazing God – using college students’ prayers to bring you strength & energy. I’ve often said if i was sick your children are the ones i want praying for me. Thanks for continuing to bless me & others thru your blog. Once again Almighty God has chosen this blog on how He is using you to minister @ this time in youir life. The enemy cannot stop your ministry. Bless you sweet sister in the Lord! Linda
Kristin, I lived in Louisville from 1999-2004 and heard you speak many times at women’s Bible studies and other events. I was always touched by how transparent you were. You never pretended to have perfect children or to be the perfect parent. I was a young mom then who needed to hear that:) Thank you! Your reliance on God for everyday situations was encouraging to me. When I heard about your battle from my wonderful friend, Sherry Stumph, I began praying for you. This morning I read in Exodus 17 about the battle between the Israelites and the Amalekites. Joshua had to prop Moses’s arms up while God pushed them to victory. Afterward, Moses built and altar and called it The Lord is My Banner. I love all the names of our Creator, but I have to say this one never really hit home with me. I assumed banner just meant our sign, our mark of victory, or something along those lines. This morning I was looking at different translations to see just what this title means. I found in The Complete Jewish Bible and the Orthodox Jewish Bible that banner can also be translated at miracle or rallying point! This beautiful name of God now has a whole new meaning to me now and I felt I should share it with you. In your battle, I will be praying in the name of your miracle, your rallying point. I pray that many people will hold your arms up when you are tired and that God will push you to victory! And we will give Him all the glory!