A couple of days ago I was feeling so down and distressed and the enemy kept whispering lies to me. These were old lies that mom had always worked on with me. But this year satan was telling me that these lies would become true because she is not here to help me get through them. And for a bit I believed him. I went on a walk and cried and prayed and I felt so weak. But I felt the Holy Spirit say, “Ellie, the Lord is pulling on the rope on one side and satan on the other, you need to decide who you are going to believe; the Lord or satan. The Lord will keep fighting for you until you have decided to join him.” So I cried and prayed until my flesh was ready to summit to the Lord and resist the devil (James 4:7). But before I did that, I was reminded of what mom would say to me when satan was telling me these lies. And one of the things she would often remind me of was to never forget is that I am a child of God. I am a child of the most high King and not even satan can get between that! 1 Peter 2:9 says,”But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness and into His wonderful light.” My mom would say, “God made you, Ellie Grace, just the way you are and you are a princess of the King.” After remembering these words and the way her blue eyes sparkled when she said them, I resisted the devil and pulled hard on that rope and satan fell flat on his face. And later God reminded me that He could have won that battle alone without me but He wanted me to see that I needed to choose for myself who was really speaking the truth. And satan needed to see that I can be tempted to believe his lies, but because I am a child of God I will not fall for it. And if it weren’t for my wonderful mom and dad I wouldn’t know how to fight satan back, so I praise God that I got almost 15 years with an incredible woman who taught me that.
Ellie… This is so good, The Lord is using you in big ways that you don’t even realize. Praying for you sweet girl!
Oh Ellie Grace!
I just LOVE battles won by God on behalf of His people!! Way to go, sister!!! I love that your folks pointed you in the right direction! Onward, Ellie! You are a true Sauder! A firm foundation has indeed been set before you! TRUST THE ROCK OF YOUR SALVATION! You may scrape a knee now and then, but it NEVER gives way!
I was deeply impressed recently to carve out time for us to hang out together! Now this makes complete sense! I will be in touch with your father to make arrangements! We WILL meet, shop, laugh, pray, and chat! You are an absolute beautiful soldier in an already-won battle! Stay close to your Commander! He loves you so, sweetheart! Thanks for this insightful, victorious post! May you bask in His lavish love today, Ellie!
What a priviledge and blessing it is to read your words sweet Ellie. Your momma was indeed light and strength to your family and the extended family of God. She never stopped spreading the “Good News!” Her voice continues to echo on in my heart and mind too and I thank God for her. I can just hear her voice saying you are His child Ellie all wrapped up in His unique image purposefully made to be His princess. He is for us and nothing fashioned against that will stand. We all need that reminder. So…take that you slippery slimy stupid serpent! I love you and your family to pieces Ellie…share my hugs!
Thank you for sharing your heart with us, Ellie! I’ve experienced those dark thoughts too because I’m battling breast cancer. You are so young to already know that the way to fight the devil is by planting God’s Word in your heart — the real truth that stomps out the lies!
Much love — Annie Yoho
You are a treasure and a gift….never loose your fight to stand in who you are in HIM!
Hi Ellie,
Thank you for sharing your struggles and blessings. Your Mom lectured at several women’s bible studies that I had attended through the years and I learned so much from her… and your Dad since she would occasionally invite him to come and speak to the women’s group to give us a man’s and husband’s perspective on biblical truths.
I found it amazing how close she was to the Lord and how insightful she was at such a young age. You see, I was in my forties and fifties when I took her classes.
Hold her words and actions in your heart forever. She was an amazing lady. Reading your words just now makes me feel like she is still with us all…she wanted to equip us all with the full armor of God to fight the battles and know the Joy of the Lord.
May the Joy of the Lord be always with you Miss Ellie.
God Bless you and your entire family.
This is so beautiful, thank you for being vulnerable and sharing that! I can only imagine how proud of you your momma is….yes, even from heaven! Remember, we are, at this very moment, surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses, and she is one of them. Cheering you on and looking forward to the day when all things will be restored, and you will be reunited again. God bless you and your family Ellie, and keep fighting the good fight of faith. When we are weak, His strength and power is perfected in and through our lives~
Dearest Ellie Grace–The enemy should know better by now, but he is really sly. Just think of the 40 days when he got right in Jesus’s face. And you did what He did–whipped out that sword and hit him with the “it is writtens.” Your mom hid His word in her heart for times like you were experiencing–for the occasions of the lies. I think I know what he was accusing you about, and you know what I have to say about that! You were in His mind before the world began; He gave you specific gifts & talents that are unique to you; He will show you specifically how to use them for His glory. I am praying for you. Sending a big ole hug–reach out & grab it. You are pure gold. Grammie
Ellie…so full of GRACE. Your momma and dad and God named you exactly !!!
Love you sweet one.
One time you wrote your mom told you to “whisper prayers to Jesus throughout your day”. It is abundantly clear and cause for rejoicing throughout the whole earth how one little girl has been so immersed in Gods love and His word to be so equipped for the journey of life before…..you sweet warrior Ellie!
Now your mom would need to correct my sentence structure but would share the enthusiasm of the joy of her young lady!!!
Sweet Ellie: This goes along with a scripture I read this morning that so reminded me of your mom & how she labored to instill these truths in all of her children: II Peter 1:15 (NLT) “SO I will work hard to make sure you always remember these things after I am gone.” Love you girl! Linda
Ellie, our wonderful God created a habit of waking me to pray for your mom during her illness. I wondered, after she left to be at home with God, whether I would still wake out of habit, because, you see, He almost always woke me during the same hour. I can tell you that God has continued to wake me, but just so you know, it’s not just a habit formed by waking at the same time…in fact, I’ve started sleeping like a rock again through what was your mom’s hour of prayer…Instead, now, I find him waking me at all different times–to pray for you, your sisters, your brother and your dad. God is so good–He loves you so and is ensuring His protection is with you. One night, He didn’t even wake me, but instead didn’t let me go to sleep while I prayed for your sister who is getting married. He wants you to know that, in addition to the heavenly army watching over you, you are not forgotten by the many people who have prayed for your mom. Reading your words is just like listening to her–you have a great gift of communication. God is using you mightily. Keep a firm hold on the strong side of the rope!
Oh Sweet Ellie….how proud your mom is of you and how you are picking up that sword of truth and battling to victory! PUTTING on that armor is one thing, but pulling out the sword of truth is another! That enemy doesn’t know who he is messing with Ellie Grace…warrior princess of the KING!!! Praying continuously for you dear one! Girls would love to see you….embroidery is waiting and ready! Love you!!!
Ellie: One other comment I forgot to add on mine to you previously re your “Words of Truth” – Praise God we get to CHOOSE what we think on – the devil’s lies or God’s Word!
Hi Ellie
I am so sorry
Ellie, You keep digging and fighting. I am so sorry you have to go through this. God is faithful! He is who He says He is. He is to be trusted and believed! It is a daily fight!!! Even those of us with years and years of loving, serving and believing in Jesus still fight daily those Jesus VS Satan battles. You keep fighting. Your Mom is so proud!!!!
Praying for you from the Brooks home!!
Ellie, you are truly an inspiration to so many people. I know both your mom and dad are so very proud of you. God has and will continue to bless you in so many ways because you have such a command of His word and deep faith. You and your family continue to minister to so many people sharing your true perspectives on life’s struggles and how to conquer through genuine and abiding faith. May God continue to use you in great and mighty ways and may you always feel His presence.
You are blessed to have had her for 15 years. Keep pulling hard on that rope. You are a remarkable young lady who has had to endure way too much. Hold on tightly to your faith during this roller coaster ride called life and always draw closer to God.